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1st Border Red Devil

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Everything posted by 1st Border Red Devil

  1. Ok.... found yet again something else that people may find interesting. In the second half of the eps. Day Dreamer/Daydream there is what looks to me like a human sized bartender that is in fact Roy's Skull One tending bar between what looks like Bowie at first (but isnt...he's playing the piano) and some unnamed peon SCer with a tan overtunic (i.e.- cannonfodder). Anyone else (Keith or others) see this or am I completely nuckin futs?
  2. Ok.... while doing a search for something else....I damn near shocked myself when I noticed what I had long assumed was a satellite at the beginning of eps. #39 Southern Cross of Robotech ( eps. #2 Make Up of Southern Cross). One of the goofy things about the dialogue in the first two episodes refers to Space Station Liberty in many cases...though this particular vessel cannot be Liberty in Robotech because it has obviously suffered catastrophic hull failure (the top half and bottom half are separated....and battle damaged). Anyway....to get back to the topic....is there anyone else that thinks this particular vessel (of they can watch the eps. in question) is on an order of kilometers in size? We see a number of the city-ships in the background near the station....but that doesnt give a good estimate of its size. I guessed it was about 12km in diameter at its widest point.....but I could revise this. Also...if someone could post a few screen caps...all I have access to is the sketch of said station from This is Animation Special #10 (THANK YOU ONCE AGAIN SEICHI!). Image courtesy of rtsurfer (for saving it) and Nathan Babcock of the Army of the Southern Cross Recruitment Manual for scanning and posting it!
  3. ....and I expected to have the dirty version....like Sailor Venus going down on.... Oops...
  4. I think you're wrong about the heat portion of it. I know that the only way to get a nuclear reaction now that is as hot as the sun is to detonate a hydrogen bomb. Not exactly the way to harness energy to power mecha. As for the pressure...that too is what was discussed IIRC. Basically the advanced technology in the SDF-1 (Overtechnology and even, dont snicker, Robotechnology) somehow gave the answer in some form to solving this problem. It allowed to literally harvest the same level of power as the Sun...just in very compact form. Thats how you can have the power requirements to allow ships to open a wormhole (essentially what space folding is IIRC) and do other nifty things.
  5. McNamara is a jackass btw.....
  6. And its also not exactly like the line art either. Hell...no toy or model can be EXACTLY like the line art. That is just the facts of life.
  7. Do a Google search for HG vs FASA and you will come up with numerous links where the case is used as precedent. Basically, someone at HG accidentally sent client-protected information (mostly strategy talks with lawyers and Tatsunoko IIRC) to FASA during the exploratory phase of the case. HG filed to have this information suppressed...and rightly so. That information is protected under the Attorney-Client Privelege. The case was settled out of court when it is apparent that HG would have won that case had not a serious goof happened when someone was packing up memos (remember people saying that no one was home at HG to watch their licensing?).
  8. Not to collide this with another series discussion (sorry...) but thats what several people came to the conclusion at "the other site" (Dont nuke me!). What someone ended up proposing (RevPrez IIRC) was basically super-hot fusion reactions (ala the Sun) as the answer. I will defer to the scientists cause I dont know crap about physics and chemistry. My main concern, however, is the environmental impact of said reaction when said mecha is blown to pieces. Is it possible that the plasma in such a reaction would burn itself out before causing massive amounts of damage if such an explosion would occur in an atmosphere?
  9. I know... but godd@mnit.....to have a blurb on the 2nd Robotech War...and talk mostly about The Macross Saga characters....that's beyond shitty. I already sent a rather caustic letter to the editor of Newtype letting them know my displeasure. Its no wonder people claim to have never heard and/or seen anything about Robotech Masters/Southern Cross when all the people fixate on Macross.
  10. I bought it and wanted to burn it and piss on the ashes. Southern Cross/Robotech Masters got all of 1 art piece (Dana aiming her sidearm at the camera from eps. #45 Metal Fire IIRC) and the VERY short blurb on the second chapter was mostly about Max and Miriya...and Rick Hunter. Dana and the Army of the Southern Cross get all of 1 sentence.
  11. Doesnt necessarily have to be black...as an extreme shade of dark blue would work just as well....sort of blue-black. That goes without saying I would imagine. However......I would think that Overtechnology would give man the answer to the super-conductor and that would significantly reduce the heat signature.
  12. Heh..... well...economic realities are necessary in some cases. As for other types....I see the VBs as totally pointless. Making a variable bomber is plain dumb. A fighter-bomber is stretching it some....but a purely bomber that transforms is a total waste of resources.
  13. Preach on brother Wrylac!
  14. Now that I'd like to see....I must admit. Did they every produce a dual role fighter...a VF/A?
  15. I realise that you arent poking at Southern Cross..... However....I will say that many people who gave SC a second look, sometimes years later, found that they liked the show. I dont see how Orguss would have fared any better as the middle chapter of Robotech. No offense, but many of the Macross fans who claim to be former Robotech fans cared only for The Macross Saga. Very few seemed to have liked all of Robotech. I find that a common theme among alot of so-called Robotech fans as well (who should then just make the leap to being Macross fans). The same idiotic reasonings Ive had to listen to over the years for why SC/TRM sucks....Rick, Lisa and the crew are gone, no SDF-1, no Valkyries, no cool mecha (that one annoys the crap out of me)..... blah fragging blah ad endless nauseum....would have plagued The Orguss Saga (or whatever the hell you wanted to call it) if it had been made into Robotech.
  16. Im like Cyc...a forum whore.....so I usually go hang out at Middle-Earth Online's forums, White-Wolf's forums or Pied Piper Publishing.....
  17. I liked Macross II....certainly alot better than Macross 7. Always felt that II could have been 40 odd episodes long and 7 could have been a whopping 6 eps. long. ::shrugs::
  18. Gotta go with Emerson's death in Southern Cross. All I have to say is: IT WAS ABOUT TIME. God...thought he would never shut up.
  19. That's cause its MGREXX. He's gotten his ass banned in a number of places....not the least of which is Robotech.com, repeatedly, and here at MacrossWorld if Im not mistaken. BTW someone can make ANYTHING sound stupid if they want to.....its easy. People do it with religion and politics all the time. <_<
  20. ROFL! OMFG......that was strange..but hilarious!
  21. Sorry about that...had to try and resize the pic. My apologies....
  22. Here's another pic of the Alpha in Battloid....courtesy of rtsurfer.... The Cyclone IS out of proportion (even in storage it should be about twice the size it is there). However, the pilot isnt really out of proportion.
  23. Ok.... I may be the only Kovalic fan on this website...not sure. However, this was too good to pass up without posting it for y'all.
  24. I would imagine that Yamato would have made an announcement if they had been cancelled....at least I would they would. I hope they aren't cause it will actually be the only Yamato toys I will buy. While I do think their Valkyries look nice....Im about as interested in them as a submarine is in need of a screen door . Its probably just taking longer than anticipated.
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