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1st Border Red Devil

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Everything posted by 1st Border Red Devil

  1. Has the 6Z head, but I do notice that its says "not the final artwork", so it will probably change before production (I would assume). I figured they would go with Tommy's VF-1R head.....
  2. Gee, they make a version of the VF-4 that they could legally use and people call it stupid. Can you people be any less predictable?
  3. Let's go with a few more Jón Hallur Haraldsson (also known as RealX) tracks from EVE Online. For those that like Ambient Trance....
  4. I mean, Hawk the Slayer is such a classic. Its got the original Jabba in it! One of those 'so godawful its great' things.
  5. From Continuum Season 2, Eps. 11 Second Guesses
  6. Hmmm....surprised no one has mentioned Woo-Jin Lee from Oldboy Woo-Jin Lee: You really are the very monster I created, aren't you? But you won't find out the "why" of this if you kill me. Fifteen years of being curious would go to waste.
  7. Nice Ikazcuchi variant. The cycles, I think showed up in the new RPG Genesis Pits book (not sure, though, its one of the few I don't own at the moment). Guess that is supposed to be a large gun (Synchroton Cannon?) mounted on the prow of the Ikazuchi?
  8. Yea, JT does really good podcasts. Give it a chance even if you don't like the novels (or even Robotech).
  9. You know, I really want to say something but I don't want to get banned on a second website because of your inane comments.
  10. Except, per Robotech.com:
  11. Always loved this song from New Order
  12. The neither the SDF-02 nor Khyron's ship are supposed to be the 3 Mounds. They are only ever referred to as The Ruins of the SDF-01/SX.83 in the Tv series. Reference Half Moon, Triumvirate and Catastrophe. Furthermore, the scale issue comes in and the 3 mounds are (on average) shown to be about 40 - 50m in height. I sure as hell know the difference in scales because I used to live near Stone Mountain, Georgia which has a height of 513m at its summit and you can clearly see it from miles away (6 or more). The three mounds have to be the Reflex Furnaces from inside the SDF-01 (reference To the Stars). Rick tries hailing the SDF-02. He later tries getting a hold of Lisa Hayes. Thing is that Lisa stated, just after the attack started, that she has to get back to the SDF-01, which is where her duty station was located. Khyron clearly states he is targeting the SDF-01 (I think Grell even mentions it by name as being in range for the cannon). The dialogue does not put the SDF-02 in the lake. If we have to go with the idea that the SDF-02 sunk (based on the unnamed pilot dialogue) its possible, however, unlikely, that it was nearby in the Industrial Sector (where in a previous episode they were delivering Reflex Furnace parts) and is in a subsurface berth like they have in The Masters War. Assuming the SDF-02 has ventral thrusters, they would likely have flooded the berth to facilitate lift-off. Since there were missile barrages being fired indiscriminately, its likely the SDF-02 was struck in multiple places along its hull and sunk.
  13. Sorry, but that is categorically untrue. It is never established ANYWHERE in the series that the SDF-02 was near the SDF-01 let alone behind it. During the entirety of The Masters War, the spot is ONLY referred to as The Ruins of the SDF-01/SX.83. Bowie specifically states in Triumvirate that it was the spot where the Earth's first battlefortress was destroyed. What you are talking about is the comics and the novels, not the Tv series.
  14. I'm sure I'll get crap for posting these, but they are still damned good songs...
  15. Looks like an old ad from an anime magazine insert. As for what its about, it appears to be whatever the official program designations for the Spartas and Aurorans were in Southern Cross.
  16. Always thought The Who were a far better band than The Rolling Stones... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ehc6GJ3R7M I can't even remember the number of times I popped a few quarters into the jukebox in The Rathskeller at The University of West Florida to listen to this song my first year in college...
  17. He did in a scene that was cut, IIRC.
  18. I hesitate to post this because of its infamous usage, but it is a beautiful song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-OzbUb30vg
  19. Damn, totally forgot about that song. That is an awesome tune and Hammer certainly did produce some great stuff.
  20. That's mostly from the novelizations. Whats funny is that its two other Robotech Research Group scientists that do a great deal more: Sampson Beckett and Miles Cochrane, but its Lang that gets the credit for everything. :shrugs:
  21. In another one of those great music that appeared in Miami Vice moments... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCLXEzKBsP4&list=LLGw0huu1qZ7Hd94q0V2Cvcw&index=2 Glam rock produced some great music, even if the artists looked goofier than Man-Faye. Worst part of this awesome tune by Russ Ballard was tracking it down.
  22. This is just an awesome song...
  23. How is it no one remembers Thundersub! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYIWV4m_Dk4
  24. Well, if the market decides no one wants Robotech, then you'll be correct. If, on the other hand, it does not, then you would be wrong.
  25. Ah, yes, Hatorade... Brought to you by Kingdom of Loathing...
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