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1st Border Red Devil

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Everything posted by 1st Border Red Devil

  1. Untrue. The UN failed to enforce its own decree.
  2. Actually...there is supposed to be a late production model that sported Strike-Foils.
  3. I thought it was a Z-95 myself. It would be a nice little homage to the late Brian Daley if they did it.
  4. Ain't that the truth. I hadn't realised that there hasn't been a new nuclear power plant in this country for more than 20 yrs.
  5. While it does 'look' cool.... the bit with the Mouth of Sauron bothers me somewhat. He was supposed to be a Dunadan of the Far South (one of the Black Numenoreans...no not as in skin colour, but in affiliation with the Shadow). They made him a mutant. This isn't Star Wars where your affiliation with the Shadow corrupts your body. Jackson is stretching the believability of Tolkien by doing this to the Mouth. I'm not too hot on Saruman chucking a fireball at Gandalf either. I hope they actually let Eowyn have her full speech....pissed me off they hacked it. Southpaw - I couldn't agree more. Of the three, I like FotR the best as its the closest in theme and feeling to Tolkien (though it has problems too...but ah well....what can ya do?)
  6. The technology gap would be too great. The UN Spacy is gonna mop the floor with any Anti-UN group that tries to face it in a pitched battle. The Anti-UN forces couldn't be that organized, or there would be a massive civil war. Guerrilla forces like those seen at the begining of Macross Plus ambushing an UN Spacy fighter squadron that was on patrol would be more the norm.
  7. Hey, just wondering if anyone knew if this was a pic of the prototype YF-19 or a production model VF-19A? I can't tell the difference....maybe some of you can.
  8. Ive loved the B-Wing as well since I first saw them in Return of the Jedi. The weapons outload is significantly higher than given in the games..... x1 heavy laser cannon (in the weapons cluster at the base of the primary airfoil) x3 medium ion cannons (1 on each Strike-foil, 1 in the weapons cluster) x2 proton torpedo launchers (1 just below the engine intake, 1 in weapons cluster) x4 auto-blasters (mounted in on the head/cockpit)
  9. I wouldn't expect you to understand a godd*mned thing about it.
  10. Only way I'll ever see a sequel to Southern Cross is through Robotech.....
  11. ::sighs:: You don't get it.
  12. Well f*ck you too
  13. Ya know... I actually talk to the people at HG.....
  14. Did it ever occur to you, brainiac, that Harmony Gold is planning on selling this in Japan as a sequel to Mospeada?
  15. Well....as much as I hated the novels....I do believe that Robotech can lay claim to 'thinking caps', considering the first novel was published in 1987.....
  16. Hey guys... y'all obviously need a refresher on just what the Tougu-gun symbol looks like. This is the UN Spacy Logo
  17. I think you're seeing what you want to see.
  18. At least we won't be the goat this time around, eh Ladic. No more CHADS for a-holes to rally around....
  19. Where in the f*ck do you see the Tougu-gun (sp?) symbol in that? Its the Mospeada Mars Division triangle thats the basis for this, not the UN Spacy logo. Really Keith, I realise you don't like HG and despise Robotech, but your argument is nonsense.
  20. Well... it was stated more than once by HG that if they ever revisited the period covered in The Sentinels, it would be reimagined almost from top to bottom. I guess some stuff would be saved.... ::shrugs:: I'm not hot about the whole holo-camouflage deal myself. Besides which, there is evidence in Robotech that the UEG built what we might call Androids. Louie makes reference to them in The Trap. I don't know if this is the same Janice as before....all I know is that this design bears little resemblance to the original.
  21. Few more pics courtesy of SaveRobotech at the RDF HQ Message Board (they're from the November Newtype USA issue). The new version of Janice Space Station Liberty Recon/Science version of the Garfish Here is another modified version of the Garfish (minus missile armaments it appears) courtesy of Cyc (from the November issue of Animation Magazine).
  22. I think they wanna make the Robotech fanbase happy...so no Robotech Zero. The lynch mob that would form would surprise you how many regular Robotech fans would be there with Macross fans.....
  23. Bleh... no reason to. I love Kevin Siembieda (he's a nice guy, Ive met him) but lets be honest....'the other universe's' RPG system is in need of serious reworking....at all levels. Nice file Nanashi. I must admit that this is a nice design, and Im not really a Macross fan. I'll have to let the folks at the uRRG that the translation came out to Mistral, not Mastiff.
  24. Well....given that Ford Riley co-wrote the script...maybe we'll see Louie with a bottle of wine in one hand and a crystal goblet in the other.
  25. Anyone see the episode that parodied Sailor Moon?
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