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1st Border Red Devil

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Everything posted by 1st Border Red Devil

  1. HoverTanker at RDF HQ Message Board corrected us as there is no such thing as a cockpit in a tank. Since he is a RL Army tanker, I took the time to correct my usage. So, it has a cover instead of a canopy.
  2. If the pilot was exposed in say Battloid mode, I would agree with this statement. The Walking Cannon/Gladiator mode is really for long distance assaults. As for the cover, well, they are shown in the series and the 15th is only put into the mix for the 2nd Offensive maybe 2 weeks (and thats stretching things ALOT, more like a few days) after the 1st Offensive. That indicates these were in stores and not simply crafted. Given that the 14th & 15th ATAC are attached to an urban garrison, not having a cover for their Spartas is not considered a flaw. Look at pictures of current US Army convoys in Iraq, and there will be gunners on the 12.7mm machinegun atop the Abrams. This is no different.
  3. Well.... actually, we never see the helicopter mode in Southern Cross. Its always shown in the Fighter and Battloid configurations. The Helicopter mode only exists in sketches as the series didnt last long enough for the Aurorans to be used in their Ground Attack (Helicopter) mode.
  4. I dont know if its that particular one or not. I know that there was more than one made...but Im willing to bet that its that particular one. I think the resin version looked different slightly.
  5. I dont know. I did a Google Japan search for Southern Cross using the kanji 超時空騎団サザンクロス All I know is that the two posts that had these were recent. I dont know if they represent recent models that someone collected or never produced models...though I dont believe that.
  6. I was not referring to Walking Cannon mode. I was specific about Sniping Clapper.
  7. Well....before its even mentioned....let me once again reiterate something for the terminally stupid. The Sniping Clapper (Transport) Mode of the Spartas is NOT designed for battlefield combat operations except in extreme situations. It is for reconaissance as well as serving as a battle taxi. The fact that there is no cover to protect the pilot that we see in Southern Cross is not a design flaw. People who don't even understand what the damned machine is designed to do need to get a clue.
  8. The last one is from My Anime 1984 insert. The 2nd and 3rd are from the old Robotech Style Guide.
  9. Final sketch set....its a biggie....hope this helped.
  10. As the resident Southern Cross nut on the boards....here we go..... Mods...please move to Other instead of locking/closing. Thanks
  11. Ugh....you're right. I actually loved Hunter: the Reckoning....until I met the White Wolf developers at DragonCon this year and found out they were a$$holes. Of course, they didnt like Hunter...so piss on 'em anyway. Maybe we'll be lucky and one of the Fallen will be a bad guy....but I have this dread feeling that the Apocalyptic Form will either look cheesy or the transformation will be cheesy.
  12. Im actually looking forward to the live-action Rifts movie by Jerry.....hopefully he wont screw that up. If the Coalition States have pink uniforms I'll scream.
  13. Nah....gotta be the GMP coat-of-arms. Nothing says badass like a skull, crossed swords and a snake!
  14. Hmmm.....the Auroran (Ajax) from Southern Cross and probably the RGZ-91 Re-GZ from Gundam: Char's Counterattack. Interesting, it would seem the Gundam Universe is on top so far as favs....
  15. I question why they simply could not visit the locales within Middle-Earth that are included in the license. Its not like there aren't lots of ruins they couldnt run around in to find things and such. Why have characters from the novel? I want to create an original character and let him play the in the grandeur that is Middle-Earth. All that can be done well within the canon that Tolkien established. I sure as heck don't wanna play Aragorn (at least not as he is portrayed in the movies). I question that their hands were tied. VUG is also working with Turbine to make Middle-Earth Online. Its not like they couldnt make an original RPG set in Middle-Earth. Essentially come up with an offline version of something similar to their MEO Project. It sounds more like VUG wanted to get something on the shelves and pushed it out without even considering things.
  16. Reason enough not for me to buy it. Ugh, buffing in Middle-Earth? No such thing. About the closest are items like miruvor and lembas that help with getting rid of de-buffs. Maybe the Star-glass Galadriel gave Frodo could be considered an item buff, but thats stretching it alot. You could probably also call upon the Valar (like Elbereth) and be enheartened to face creatures of the Shadow....but nothing like a buff in a CRPG or MMOG. The devs of Third Age should be taken out and shot.
  17. I'm waiting for Middle Earth Online myself. The Dev team has gotten better over the last year. They certainly suprised us when they revealed that they listened to our concerns over the fantasy-dork look (spikey armour and all that kind of dumb poo) and went with realistic (Dark Age) looking armour. So far, some of what they've shown us is good (like this pic here) while others need improvement (their Wargs SUCK!)
  18. I guess it kind of makes sense, but why is it 51? Just a the numbering order? Well...doesn't the current line of Sukhoi fighters go up into the 40s now?
  19. Wouldnt it be Sukhoi Variable?
  20. The Seige of Minas Tirith lasted a few days. If it had lasted any longer, there wouldn't have been a city left worth saving. One of the things that really pissed me off about the seige in the movie: the walls are impregnable....a secret of Numenorean technology (its made of the same adamantine rock substance as the Tower of Orthanc). Thats WHY the fragging Witch-King went after the doors to the city....mithril-steel alloy being easier (yea right!) to break than that rock.
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