Yep, started back in '01. A buddy of mine went with us to DragonCon that year and got the set when it premiered there. Funny game. Great 'Screw your buddy' game as well. A bunch of times Ive played the All Flesh must be Eaten RPG, the Zombie Master has used the zombie figs as minis.
I agree. McFarlane is reaping what he sowed as far as Im concerned. About 12 yrs ago he sued Palladium Books, Inc. for copyright infringement over the use of the RPG Nightspawn about shapeshifting 'critters' that do battle with Cthonic forces from an alternate reality. Palladium gave his lawyers the middle finger by changing the name on the 2nd Printing to Nightbane. McFarlane is a hack and a jackass of the first order.
The books are wrong. You can clearly see the galaxy quite a distance off...about where you would find a dwarf galaxy. (I apologize for the quality..had to resize it).
Actually...the novels get it wrong.
Rewatch the end of the Empire Strikes Back and you can clearly tell that the Alliance Fleet met somewhere in a dwarf galaxy near the main one as the Millenium Falcon is shown jetting out towards the galaxy proper. It was probably relativel close by, much like the Sagittarius Dwarf galaxy in our own universe. There are probably a myriad of small satellite galaxies near the big one.
In the EU, I always took The Outbound Project as trying to reach another large galaxy...say like someone going from The Milky Way to Andromeda.
Given how badly the sequence between Eowyn and the Witch-King of Angmar was in the theatrical release (among other things)....I'm not certain any of the extended scenes are going to do much more than reinforce my belief that Return of the King was the weakest of the movie trilogy because it had to play catchup due to PJ's stupid storyline decisions in The Two Towers.
I'm sorry...but give me a f*cking break. Comparing an engineering and artistic masterpiece like Michaelangelo's David to this is stupid. On top of that, saying that we find this disturbing and therefore would find the David disturbing is asinine in the extreme.
Anyone notice the variant Mospeada and Ride Armour on the cover of this book? Looks like Im gonna head over to AnimeNation after payday and pick this up.
I thought this was cool....2 fans' (Diego 'Karakas from Argentina and Ricardo 'Skull/001' from Paraguay) attempt to make a variable version of the Flashclapper Hovercycle from Southern Cross.
As well as our own resident Cyclone's attempt too....
Edit: Don't mind this....just something I did.....
Whats interesting about the Tri-Charger and several other designs from Zillion is that they were originally preproduction designs for Robotech II: The Sentinels. I believe the Tri-Charger, of course, was supposed to be the prototype Cyclone system.
Yea...has nothing to with the fact that the F-14 is outdated compared to the F/A-18 or the fact that the geopolitical makeup of the world is different from what it was 20 years ago. Having a fleet organized as it was in the '80s is outdated thinking.
Saban did a similar thing with Dungeons & Dragons when they rereleased it on Tv a while back. As cheesy as it was, an as unD&D as well, it was still a cool cartoon is some ways. Those hacks are as bad as what Turner has done to the Looney Tunes series.
Yui updated her page again and has a pic of the Spartas model using the booster pack! She said there are a few more pics she's gonna upload keep tuned to this channel.
That torques me off about the Shadow Fighter not being proper to the line art. I suppose I might still get one...but Im debating now whereas I wasn't before....
A couple more beauties I would love to have. Pics courtesy of Yui Yuasa who signed my Southern Cross merchandise petition. An interesting page, many thanks to Yui.
Yui's newspage
Edit: Ok....follow the link as it appears that the pics wont show up.
Yea, eps. #54 Mind Games in Robotech, eps. #17 BioPsycher in Super Dimensional Cavalry: Southern Cross.
I have caps from the Robotech eps, courtesy of rtsurfer at RDF HQ.
Plus a sketch courtesy of Rob Morgenstern....