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1st Border Red Devil

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Everything posted by 1st Border Red Devil

  1. I would like to add this from Rob Morgenstern's The Genesis Climber Mospeada Universe website (with his apologies): And its Broughsperior (or Blowsperior) not Blow Superior.
  2. Actually, I got the opposite impression. Its just people having a hobby. Some of them are dedicated survivalists who just like to ponder 'what if'. No different than if some of us on this board were to do so.....
  3. The forums are real enough, though its obvious its not a 'serious' site. I joined simply because I'm a nut who loves discussing Zombies....
  4. For those on this board that followed the disheartening news of a year ago that Decipher canned their entire RPG department, well, the wait is over. While not confirmation that the RPG line will continue past the clearing of the backlog, there at least appears to be around 7-9 sourcebooks to be released: List courtesy of Ineti Paths of the Wise: Guidebook to Loremasters and Magicians Fields of Battle: Guidebook to Warriors and Barbarians Helm's Deep Isengard Rohan: Realm of the Horse-Lords Play of Song and Shadow: Guidebook to Minstrels and Rogues There are a few others supposedly in the wings that some of the freelancer's remember play-testing/writing. No word on the Noble, Craftsman and Mariner sourcebook, which is disheartening, as the Noble is my favourite Order from the game. Kinda sad that this game has been through so much bad luck as it won the Best New RPG Award from Origins in 2003. Here is the Decipher Press Release as of January 7th
  5. Just remember: Save one bullet for yourself!
  6. Mary McDonnel is still somewhat pretty. I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I wouldn't mind a turn with a MiLF like her....but then again, she only 20 yrs older than me.
  7. Someone at the MEOSource Board posted this and I figured I would pass it on. Funny video. Truly a sign of the times. Internet Help Desk at Kontraband Enjoy!
  8. Oh God, what absolute wankery! This is the crap that Verhoven used to justify his version of things by claiming the society created in the novel was fascistic. The 14 Defining Characteristics Of Fascism by Dr. Lawrence Britt 1. Powerful and Continuing Nationalism 2. Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights 3. Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause 4. Supremacy of the Military 5. Rampant Sexism 6. Controlled Mass Media 7. Obsession with National Security 8. Religion and Government are Intertwined 9. Corporate Power is Protected 10. Labor Power is Suppressed 11. Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts 12. Obsession with Crime and Punishment 13. Rampant Cronyism and Corruption 14. Fraudulent Elections I fail to see how the society Heinlein wrote about was a fascist one. Certainly, it was a Meritocracy where the Right of Suffrage only belonged to those who had served the State, but that is NOT the same thing as being fascistic.
  9. Actually...Verhoven went out of his way to 'parody the book' and turn it into a Nazified caricature of itself. Nothing like some a$$hole Hollywood director to come along and take a big sh*t on your work cause he thinks he so much g*ddamned smarter than you. Yea, I love the elite media liberals so much I wanna vomit. Verhoven is an a$$clown.
  10. Hmm.... gonna be out around the time of NecronomiCon in Tampa.....and Im still stoked from playing the 2 games of All Flesh Must be Eaten from this year. Oh yeah, I'm definitely gonna see this movie!
  11. I second that Gui. Paul Verhoven should be buried up to his neck in an Amazonian ant pile and left to rot for ruining one of the greatest pieces of sci-fi of all time.
  12. Actually Graham, thats kinda flawed. You would definitely be able to tell the difference in design aesthetics between say 1942 and 1962. Thats partially what is happening in SW is the revolution in military technology after such a long stagnancy. Im assuming that Palpatine was talking about the last Great Sith War some 1000 yrs before Attack of the Clones. Thats why things changed so radically after the begining of The Clone Wars. In the last 20 yrs, we have not had another massive revolution in military technology. Most of our changes have been in informational technology and now medical technology. If we fight another massive World War that frags a good portion of the planet, you might very well see another massive shift in design though its unlikely.
  13. Bah, humbug! I gotta go to work....
  14. Why the hell would someone invest in a variable bomber? That makes absolutely no fragging sense.
  15. Heh..... thanks Gunbuster.
  16. My translation skills suck. Can anyone help me with this? It is the sidearm Seiffreit is shown firing in Eps. 12 Lost Memories. I believe the animation sheet here is from the Robotech II: The Sentinels preproduction materials
  17. So Roy may not have been the CAG?
  18. Yet another....notice the 2nd beam cannon mounted on the left arm....
  19. Geez....don't know why I didnt see this post. Here are some screen caps (courtesy of AlphaVT).
  20. You just said it yourself. Its a novelization. That means its NOT canon. Its NOT the movie and therefore is NOT what can be taken as truth. There is no way that this is simply a new starsystem that is developing as there are bits of stars seen within the spirals. You cannot have self-illuminating hunks of matter smaller than a planet unless its something like a neutron star.
  21. I could have sworn I saw something of a different opening in the movie theatre (Tampa Theatre to be exact) when I saw Macross II back in '93. Of course, I could be misremembering.
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