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1st Border Red Devil

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Everything posted by 1st Border Red Devil

  1. Depending upon your level of tolerance, you may want to check out the old Lee Horsely movie: The Sword and the Sorcerer. Its actually better in many ways than that disaster called the Dungeons and Dragons movie.
  2. :: Well, I figured I would add something. jorawar_b (and any other interested parties), you are hereby formally invited to join Robotech's: 'The Dirty Dozen'. Its basically a Southern Cross Yahoo Group that I just started so there will be a place to discuss all things Southern Cross. That includes getting toys made. Please, consider coming over and joining. Robotech's: 'The Dirty Dozen'
  3. Umm, I could be mistaken, but was the SDF-1 ever shown destroying a capital vessel above the size of a Thuverl-Salan Destroyer? I don't buy into the idea that somehow the main gun on the SDF-1 was some 'uber' weapon as the show is hardly conclusive on the matter. Sure, its good for the Scout and Destroyer ships, but it didnt even vapourize the Monitor seen in Eps. #36. It gutted one Destroyer and blew up another by a near miss in Eps. #1. If it was truly as powerful as people state, wouldn't the shockwave have simply crushed the Monitor in eps. 36?
  4. *snicker* Tell us how you really feel A1.
  5. I like the design of the SRUCTOL. It would appear to be a capital ship of some type, most likely a spacecraft carrier of about 182m. The only thing that is wonky is that its variable in shape, which makes little sense.
  6. Did that....didn't work. I hear music fine on the rest of the site, but not on the Intro. I'll just have to take your word for it.
  7. If you mean the animation that shows the SDF-1 getting blown up (God, I love that!) I don't hear a thing...and this is not a joke. Either my Flash Player is hosed up, or he took the music down.
  8. Hmm... must have missed it because I dont hear one bar of Robotech music. Someone mind telling me where I missed it?
  9. If you liked The New Generation/Mospeada, I would reccomend Rhea Gall Force and Gall Force: Earth Chapter. I would also reccomend the original Bubblegum Crisis OAVs and AD Police Files OAVs. If you like hentai, End of Summer 1 & 2 were actually good (I never saw the 3rd one). Rei-Rei was also good, but more for the comedic value.
  10. Actually... JMS on The Real Ghostbusters gave us Cthulhu cultists as bad guys as well as Marduk and Tiamat duking it out. I hardly see how those episodes were terrible.
  11. Exactly, Opus. Mecha, especially humanoid form mecha, are going to be extremely subsceptible to being destroyed by a single soldier with a anti-tank rocket. Again, even with armour like chobham and glacis like that of an Abrams is only going to be able to protect certain areas. Those areas that are vulnerable will be easily exploited by soldiers who are not inside an armour plated behemoth. Look at a cost analysis: Mecha - Probably a hundred million to develop and outfit a single armoured brigade. Battalion of infantry outfitted with 'fire-and-forget' anti-tank rockets - Maybe 10 million at most.
  12. As Retracting Head Ter Ter said, yes. Big mecha will always be subsceptible to a single infantryman with a rocket-propelled grenade/anti-tank rocket launcher. That may not be on the front of the mecha because of the glacis though not all mecha have that feature. One of the easiest and most vulnerable targets will be the foot/heel/ankle area. Blow a chunk out of that and the mecha will topple over. You've just accomplished making a multi-ton paper weight.
  13. You know, we much have watched 2 entirely separate series for you to come up with the idea that the variable mecha from Southern Cross were forced. If you actually sit and watch the animation you will see how it works. As for The Micron Conspiracy, I'm surprised no one mentioned Hibiki's holo-camouflage as Sailor Moon .
  14. My guess is that they will use remastered still from the various series. The big determiner then is exactly what stills do they use? At least in my case, I'm hoping they actually put some thought into what cells they choose from Southern Cross. All three series suffered from bouts of bad animation thanks to less than inspired hired out help. I'd rather have a poke in the eye than to buy cards with Macross stuff on them....but even I would draw the line at using sh*tty animation stills. Determining which poses for mecha and so forth say 'Well, THATS what a Valkyrie or a Spartas (or whatever) should look like' should be among their top priorities. Card games are sold in part by the art they use. I loved the old Middle-Earth: The Wizards CCG by ICE because it had artwork from the top Tolkien artists like Alan Lee, John Howe, Angelo Montanini, Liz Danforth and others. If they hire out help or use shots from the various colour comics, I would rather they used Fred Perry's artwork from the old Antarctic Press series Rolling Thunder for Southern Cross equipment. I preferred his version of Dana as she looked closer to the original. My other main concern is that the mechanics will blow chunks. If they aim this game at the under 13 crowd then it will have low complexity. I would rather hope they actually made a high complexity card game that allows for victory conditions on more than one path.
  15. An American tourist in London decides to skip his tour group and explore the city on his own. He wanders around, seeing the sights, and occasionally stopping at a quaint pub to soak up the local culture, chat with the lads, and have a pint of Guinness. After a while, he finds himself in a very high class neighborhood.....big, stately residences... no pubs, no stores, no restaurants, and worst of all... NO PUBLIC RESTROOMS. He really, really has to go, after all those Guinness beers. He finds a narrow side street, with high walls surrounding the adjacent buildings and decides to use the wall to solve his problem. As he is unzipping, he is tapped on the shoulder by a London Bobbie, who says, "I say, sir, you simply cannot do that here, you know." "I'm very sorry, officer," replies the American, "but I really, really HAVE TO GO, and I just can't find a public restroom." "Ah, yes," said the Bobbie..."Just follow me". He leads him to a back delivery alley, then along a wall to a gate, which he opens. "In there," points the Bobbie. "Whiz away, anywhere you want." The fellow enters and finds himself in the most beautiful garden he has ever seen. It has manicured grass lawns, statuary, fountains, sculptured hedges, and huge beds of gorgeous flowers, all in perfect bloom. Since he has the cop's blessing, he unburdens himself and is greatly relieved. As he goes back through the gate, he says to the Bobbie "That was really decent of you... is that what you call "British hospitality?" "No" replied the Bobbie, with a satisfied smile on his face, "that is what we call the French Embassy."
  16. It could be used as a drinking game. Something along the lines of 'Take one everytime someone mentions Department 713' or whatever...
  17. Well..... my roommate and I saw Alone in the Dark this past Sunday. For the longest time, I though Starship Troopers was the worst movie ever made....not any more. To say it sucked goat testicles would be an insult to goats. To say it was a steaming pile of horse sh*t would be an insult to horses. At first, I thought, 'Ok, its basically like Call of Cthulhu '....only to realise a few minutes later 'Nope, its Delta Green'. After the first group of wanna-be ninjas from Department 713 get scragged, I decided Uwe Boll was remaking a piss-poor version of Aliens. All in all I think the IMBD.com review says it best:
  18. Does the name Kenji Terada ring a bell at all? There is the rumour that Aramaki is involved, though that can't be confirmed.
  19. I'm not certain it would bomb. However, if I had to guess their financial involvement....maybe $10-$20 million.
  20. There is also the cultural aspects to consider. Some things from the originals are simply non-Western...and Im not referring to ethnic animation gestures. Few of them survived into Robotech and I can only think of one offhand. Much of Robotech was NOT written by Macek. Alot came from Greg Snegoff (also Voice for Khyron, Col. Fredericks and Scott), Ardwight Chamberlain (voice of Zor Prime and later of B-5 Kosh fame), Greg Finley (Admiral Gloval and Supreme Commander Leonard) and Steve Kramer (voice of Angelo Dante as well as the Script Editor). Macek's job on Robotech was the Story Editor and Producer. He did NOT direct the series, despite what people think but likely had to be consulted for script approval. There are, of course, numerous instances where the original scripts bleed through in their entirety. Alot of the problems that later arose with Robotech making no sense are in fact items that are not part of the original series. Alot of it came from the abortion called Robotech II: The Sentinels with a healthy dose added by the novels and comics.
  21. So, what evidence is there that The Sentinels was likely destined to be Southern Cross Part Deux? 1.)The main enemy of The Sentinels was in fact NOT going to be the Mospeada Invid, but the Inorganics. If you take a look at the main Inorganic, the Odeon, it looks suspiciously like a desicated Bioroid in alot of ways. There is also the fact that the internal schematics bear a striking resemblance to those of the Bioroid. 2.)The majority of the ground vehicle designs were either Southern Cross vehicles (IFV, missile launcher vehicle, hovercycle) or preproduction designs from Southern Cross (the GMU/MTA-Titan). 3.)There were the Logan and Spartas variable mecha as well as the new VTOL that was essentially a variable retcon of the Sylphide. 4.) Then we have the Wolverine Assault Rifle and the Weasel pistol for small arms, both from Southern Cross. 5.) The uniforms! If those don't scream Southern Cross, I dont know what does.
  22. Actually...the company that did the new Voltron (Kickstart Entertainment) is not animating the new Robotech. Dr Movie is doing the CGI portion and its unknown at this time what animation studio is actually handling the cell animation.
  23. Reread my post. The BREN gun, semiautomatic reciever, is $2400...not the Sten.
  24. Well.... someone finally managed to make a massproduced semi-automatic .303 Bren Gun reciever! Of course, its still around $2400. But they did it. Also, someone posted, for those that want them, about a semi-automatic conversion kit for the Sten, to make them BATF legal. Bizarre thing is this company is like 4 miles from where I live. SemiautoSten.com
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