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1st Border Red Devil

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Everything posted by 1st Border Red Devil

  1. Another problem is Toys R Us wont special order items for customers. Of course, neither will Wal-Mart, but it simply drives customers elsewhere, like to online stores. Toys R Us had to learn the hard way that the world is populated by those that adapt. Sucks to be them, but I ain't gonna shed a tear. Their stores have been suck ass places for years now.
  2. Not to sidetrack this conversation but... Studio IronCat went bankrupt? When did this happen? I saw Steve Bennett back at Anime Festival Orlando in August. I must have been living under a rock (ok, so Im more of a follower of the RPG industry than the manga industry).
  3. Sorry Milk Man X....have you been under a rock for the last couple of years. I do believe that the Tokyo Courts ruled that in fact Tatsunoko controls SDF Macross outside of Japan...hence Harmony Gold does have the rights to the show, including the merchandise and music (both affirmed in the original case).
  4. I'm gonna suggest the Nijmegan-Arnheim-Osterbeek area...simply because I'm a military history buff. Maybe Flander's Fields over in Belgium? How about Berlin? Maybe a quick trip over to Poland?
  5. Downloading it as we speak over at StarDestroyer.net. Here is the link to the page. SDN Eps. III Trailer Thread
  6. That particular one is from Kevin Long. Its a colourized version of what appeared in the Robotech II: The Sentinels RPG. The real test of whether or not this mecha is viable may come out in Shadow Chronicles....or it may not. I don't know if this was among those item's from The Sentinels that was retained. I personally like the design, but I think it would be far better to have it as an enemy mecha than an allied human one. That, and reduce it from the 17m height to something a micronized alien could pilot.
  7. It was called 'Mazes and Monsters' and starred Tom Hanks as the troubled teen who takes the game too serious. Here is a link to the ONLY website dedicated to M&M. Mazes and Monsters
  8. A couple of years ago, a buddy of mine got to a Con and managed to talk with one of the people from the movie. According to the actor, there is about 45 minutes of missing footage....incidentally the portion with that little thing called a plot....and that fans should have demanded either a recut or a director's cut. It almost sounded like a Cannon Film...
  9. Hell, they would have been better to simply adapt one of the myriad of adventure modules from Classic D&D (or even AD&D 1st Edition) and build a story around that. At least something with a modicum of internal logic from the game. Anyway, even more wonderful news. Posted in the FRAGRPGA Yahoo Group: Ynet News: Army frowns on Dungeons and Dragons
  10. Well...this sure sounds like a winner of a plot. I wonder if the script writer has even read a D&D book. ::sigh::
  11. I'm gonna laugh my ass off if I see AgentONE enter with a midget on his shoulders.
  12. Geez...everyone is a critic. Fine...here is the cleaned up version done by Kevin Long. Anyway, speaking of this design and how far copyright goes, I know in the music industry (cause I used do music editing for a band on MP3.com before the bastards running the site sold out!), the scale is measured at about 20%. You can essentially 'sample' and get away with using another song if its at least 20% different from the original. Rearrange the notes and stuff and you can do it. I know this because their Musicology department claimed we had sampled a song (which we had not) because the notes sounded similar. Now, whether its like that in the entertainment industry or not, Im not sure. I imagine that the film industry is alot more liberal in this direction. What the law is for Japanese copyright in this direction is a complete mystery. To further confound matters, this design is officially 20 yrs old as of now. There is also the fact that Big West dealt with Palladium Books when the lattter acquired the Macross II RPG license (I asked Maryann Siembieda) and so the likelihood of Big West (or at least their lawyers) being totally ignorant of Robotech and its sequel is much in doubt. If the design was a complete violation of their rights, why didn't they go after Harmony Gold earlier?
  13. If thats what Tommy said, then he is a loon. The Garfish has always had to operate in an atmosphere. Its a Battalion and/or Brigade level troop-supply ship.
  14. Sorry, better get your book out. Thats NOT what it says. Robotech Art 3, p. 15
  15. Better get your eyes checked, Graham. I don't remember a Hikaru, Max Jenius or Britai in The Sentinels.
  16. Try again, buddy boy. Vince Grant was a character created in 1986. Edgar La Salle was a character created in 2001.
  17. At least do some research before saying that. Its not like its a difficult thing to find out. Not to be an ass, but what you are talking about is a Garfish with its Figher Hangars/Containers dropped. Has nothing to do with boosters/FAST Packs.
  18. I wonder if that included the Modified Zentraedi Battlepods from The Sentinels. Technically they are different and reminescent of the Battlepod. However, the Ishkick and many of the mecha from Orguss are reminescent of the Battlepod just as it is reminescent of the AT-ST.
  19. Heh, I hadn't noticed, but it does look reminescent of Rolf. Even the collar on the uniform is the Southern Cross style....just its the wrong colour. Perhaps its Rolf's brother?
  20. You realise, anime simply means cartoon, right?
  21. *snicker* Heh, its not the human hologram form of Janice that is worrisome. Its the Robot form that looks damned scary. Kinda like giving HAL 9000 a cyborg body.... Chase Masterson, who played Leeta on ST: DS 9 is supposed to voice Janice (likely the singing voice as well). The old cyborg body looked very reminescent, in its own way, to the Paranoid Androids from Gall Force. Also, it appears Shadow Chronicles will be an OVA series while there will be a separate series within SC called Mars Force. No word if it will be an OVA series like Shadow Chronicles or a Tv series. HG announced that their budget for this endeavour increased, as opposed to decreased.
  22. Something else to add, just to be fair. Harmony Gold is neither mentioned nor referenced to in the court cases. This has nothing to do with them. Whether or not BW and HG sue each other at a later date is irrelevant to this case, and is sheer speculation on the part of anyone.
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