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1st Border Red Devil

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Everything posted by 1st Border Red Devil

  1. Hmmm....just the Sylphide from SDC: Southern Cross, AF-03 Bat from Mospeada, Pluto fighter from MegaZone 23. Or have you been living under a rock since you became an anime fan and forgotten that half a dozen animes can share designs that look surprisingly similar?
  2. WTF? Lefield do gay porn mag illos or something?
  3. *snicker* Come on Jem....you're supposed to be the cynic around here.
  4. Only confirmed mecha are an armored variant of the Beta and an improved version of the Shadow Alpha at the moment. There are variants of the Horizon-class Dropship, Garfish-class Scout Cruiser and Ikazuchi-class Troop Ship as well. We have only slight speculation on the new Ikaros-class Cruiser that is supposed to fill the battle line requirements of the older Tristar-class Cruiser Leaders. Possible reaction engine block of the new Ikaros-class Cruisers
  5. ::sighs:: Corvette is the ship type, being the smallest capital escort vessel. Blockade Runner is the class of Corvette. There are other Corvettes in the Star Wars universe.
  6. Actually...thats not a nickname, but a class-name. Its the Blockade Runner-class Corvette.
  7. Hmmm....2039 ft. Nice to see dynamite and balloon bombs are the answer.
  8. Yea...they both have a bit of wild hair that hangs down onto their foreheads....just like 100 other f&cking anime characters.
  9. Umm.....guys, this is Yui Yuasa's webpage. She is a member of these forums.
  10. Funny....I always figured Scott shot Wolfe (cause he's an evil prick), programmed his Alpha to fly on its own and dumped Wolfe's body in the cockpit. The whole spiel we hear was Wolfe's last will and testament before mean old Scott shot him in the face. Of course, not too many people ascribe to this theory.....
  11. Hmm.... I have to admit to being incredibly impressed with the last of Morgoth's twelve Valarauko (Balrog's for you Sindarin speaking sissies). While a bit on the large size in the film....he oozes (or maybe is that smokes?) EVIL...particularly that ancient world/antedeluvian kind of evil.
  12. Heh..... stranger things have been known to happen.
  13. Heh, you're gonna want those 20 some odd hours of your life back if you find out that Macross 7 sucks goat testicles.
  14. You mean Colonel Wolfe? Nope, he's pushing up daisies.
  15. An improved screen cap, courtesy of Blaq and IndianTelevision (aint the Internet wonderful?)
  16. OMFG..... Its like watching a train wreck. Thank you to all the a-holes for posting those links. May the fleas of a thousand camels infest your crotches!
  17. I hope to God its Yellow Dancer tunes and not Minmay. If I hear Stagefright ever again, I think I'll tear my hair out. Hopefully they will remix Look Up!. Might not be a bad idea to remix some of the music from Robotech: the Movie. In all likelihood, one of them will be an update of We Will Win.....which Im ambivalent about. ::shrugs::
  18. Part of the armour of modern tanks is glacis sloped to deflect incoming shells. Destroids shown in Macross have almost zip for glacis, so they would be very subsceptible to modern 120mm tank shells (say from an M1A1 Abrams).
  19. Hmm... thats funny. My Restored Southern Cross says Produced by Tatsunoko and Manichi Broadcasting. I saw all of one name associated with Big West: Yoshimasa Ohnishi as a co-Planning credit. The rest, including Kenji Yoshida (President of Tatsunoko) as Producer and Akira Inoue as Co-Planner are all Tatsunoko people to one degree or another. I don't see a Big West's name anywhere else on the animation. Perhaps they got some of the merchandising rights since their President co-planned it. But I assure you, Big West did not co-Produce it.
  20. Ummm..... Big West's only involvement with Southern Cross was the Bioroid Type I Commander 'Seiffreit Weiss' model. They were in no way involved in the anime itself.
  21. Not positive for the most part. At least that is what I see.
  22. *snicker* That was harsh dude.
  23. From what little has been gathered from the Dr. Movie press release, it would appear that the animation will be finished sometime in June or July. Speculation is that they will shoot for a November release, though its possible they might do a late October one. No word yet on the animation for Mars Force, the followup Tv series.
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