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1st Border Red Devil

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Everything posted by 1st Border Red Devil

  1. Can't be the Tiger unless someone modified it to put arms on it, modified the legs and added the 'drums' to the chassis. And yes, I agree that they probably won't out of bloody-mindedness, but I disagree about paranoia. Tommy is simply an asshat.
  2. It simply shows that the "Creative Team" at Harmony Gold lack talent (and a spine I might add). When you get handed lemons, you make lemonade. You don't sit there and bitch and moan because the other guy got oranges. You have to make your own market share, not simply try to glom onto the other fellow's market share. The Sentinels was the perfect blend of the three series that could bridge the gaps. The ersatz-Macross Destroids and Battlepods are apparently in the clear because the Thundercracker appears for a few seconds in R:LLA (and the Battlepod looks ALOT like a preproduction MOSPEADA Inbit design anyway). Of course, as a personal aside, Buckethead Breetai really should have been given BD Edward's facemask instead....
  3. With wings, no less. Ah, Christ on a crutch DON'T give Tommy Yune anymore inane ideas...
  4. Actually, the reason that Shadow Rising wasn't made is because Tommy refused to give up creative control. Funimation was ecstatic about the sales and was willing to foot the bill for Shadow Rising. This whole debacle is because of the egomaniacal "Creative Director".
  5. Ya know, Seto, as much as you and I go round and round at Palladium....that story idea actually makes a depressing amount of sense.
  6. You're making the faulty assumption that those who donated constitute the limit of the franchise's reach. You're also making the faulty assumption that all those who were Robotech fans donated. Neither is true. This Kickstarter was doomed from the moment of its inception not only by having investment levels with diminishing returns, but also the fact that there was no an immediate series of defined Add-Ons. The continued updates that showed what people would actually be investing in caused it to falter big time.
  7. I love how I became a "Lying Macross Purist Troll" for calling the Kickstarter what it was: crap of the first order. Didn't matter that I made my displeasure quite plain because I'm an actual fan of The Masters War/Southern Cross. Nope, I'm just a 'hater' and should have been burned at the stake along with the rest of you......
  8. :snicker: Yea, I gave $1 so I could comment.... Edit Interesting...Kicktraq is now predicting 109% of the goal... http://www.kicktraq.com/projects/1381502542/robotech-academy/
  9. This just occured to me....maybe is this the resurrection of the stillborn Robotech: Mars Force idea?
  10. I cannot believe how risk averse they really are, I mean seriously. This shows how little faith Frank has in the 'creative staff'. Why not drek-can them and start over with someone at least partially competent?
  11. OMG, how did I miss this topic until now? Is there any chance that the raw data can be shared so as to allow us to contact 3D Printing outfits like Shapeways to make our own 1/285th scale minis? You would not actually be casting them yourselves, thus avoiding running afoul of Palladium/ND/HG. Of course, you would be doing the legwork of the CAD modeling..... Anyway, if I might make a suggestion, the Type III Commander Bioroid would be another option (as pictured here by Christian Kaw).
  12. Not technically lineart, but I thought akim might get a kick out of this since its use of lineart he posted. From the latest Robotech Visions fanart page, the variant 'heavy armed' Ikazuchi.
  13. Well, if they don't change the scales, the Southern Cross and MOSPEADA miniatures will look like drek in comparison and not be pose-able. As it is they will have to re-scale the Spartas, Logan, Southern Cross Battloids, various Armo-Soldiers (well, except for the Tiger), Southern Cross Power Amplified Body Armor, Cyclones and leg infantry (really, who thinks a 7mm tall Cyclone will look like anything but pure shite?). Only the Beta, Condor, Alpha and Ajax will be decent looking if they keep them at 1/285th scale.
  14. The most egregious change (in my opinion) was the inane and ham-handed plot point of having Kili get stabbed with a Morgul-blade. 1.) Dwarves cannot BECOME Wraiths. It was why Sauron was trying to recover the Rings of Power granted to them. This is pretty well spelled out in The Appendices of The Lord of the Rings. 2.) Athelas grow where the Dunedain of old camped/lived for lengths of time. While there were those who lived among the Northmen (the whole Kin-strife of Gondorian succession and The Corsairs of Umbar affair), its highly unlikely that they grew anywhere in Northern Rhovanion (much less anywhere else in Wilderland). 3.) Tauriel is a frikkin AVARIN Elf and there is no way she would appear to have the Light. It was bad enough that Jackson screwed up by granting that to Arwen (and, bafflingly, the Wood Elves walking through The Shire in The Fellowship of the Ring). The reason that Glorfindel appeared that way to Frodo was that he was already halfway into the Wraith-world at the Ford of Bruinen and the latter really was a Noldorin Prince who had lived in Aman during the time of The Two Trees. Now, I will say that its interesting, in a left-handed way, that Legolas comments the sword Orcrist was made by his kinfolk. This could be, however unlikely, reference to the fact that there was a Legolas Greenleaf, in The Book of the Lost Tales II, who was a scout of The House of the Tree and was known for his keen sight. Tolkien never resolved this issue like he did Glorfindel (it could be that he decided to totally abandon the Legolas of Gondolin). The ONLY way that Legolas statement in The Desolation of Smaug makes sense is if he was in Gondolin (since there were Sindarin Elves who removed there from Nevrast during its founding).
  15. The difference is the fact that Robotech Visions is actually made with passion, whereas Robotech/Voltron feels souless (on top of any other adjective/perjorative that could be said about it). I suppose its also a case of what you would rather see: the same g!ddamn drek over and over again (HG/Tommy stuff) or something that is at least interesting from the perspective of stories left totally unexplored until this time.
  16. Not sure if I I should say that I disliked The Desolation of Smaug. There were interesting aspects and then there were "OMFG, why did you DO that?" I'll say that its certainly better than the egregious treatment of The Two Towers and The Return of the King, but not better than The Fellowship of the Ring for sticking to the source material. The Elf love interest bothered me less than other aspects, even if I look at Tauriel and see a throwaway character. I think my biggest problem is still the CGI Orcs were awful in comparison to the actors w/prosthetics from The Lord of the Rings trilogy. That and Azog died at Nanduhirion/Azanulbizar (got beheaded by Dain Ironfoot), while it was his son Bolg that lead the Orcs of the Misty Mountains at this time......
  17. If I didn't think Harmony Gold would squash it, I think a Kickstarter would be the best route to getting a decent quality Spartas (or maybe Ajax).
  18. Great work! And yes, they have been told (repeatedly) they were using the TAF Eagle which is improper.
  19. A little more Shadowrun musical goodness never hurt. Compare and contrast classic SNES Shadowrun Grundge Joint with the unreleased Shadowrun Return's Safehouse (which is actually below The Seamstress Union) If you're a tabletop player, the soundtrack from the Deluxe Edition would make for a nice setup for mood music. Of course, Safehouse is currently unreleased, so you would need to find a loop like the YouTube video and rip it (or have some way of extracting the music from the game itself, though that might violate the EUA, not sure).
  20. Finally got a chance to get a copy of Shadowrun Returns and start playing. While not as faithful to the setting as it could be, its closer to the SNES version (where you can funcationally have both cyberware and wield magic, which would normally result in being a Burnout at some point). Anyway, the music so far has been fantastic. And in honor of yesterday being All Hallow's Eve, from Scream.
  21. For something even more offbeat than usual, I present Parlez-nous à boire ('Let's Talk About Drinking') a traditional French song (brought over I believe with the Acadians and/or Creole who settled in Louisiana). This piece is from one of those gems from the past that you have to see at least once: Southern Comfort (with Powers Booth, Keith Carradine, Fred Ward and Peter Coyote among others).
  22. Hadn't noticed it while watching, but damned if someone didn't manage to turn the Chance Vought F4U Corsair into a futuristic plane.
  23. Watched the entirety of Yamato 2199. Definitely one of the best remakes I've seen in a long time, anime or otherwise. I damned near started bawling my eyes out at the start of episode 21, between the scene itself and female acapella version of the theme.
  24. No one loved The Sword & the Sorcerer? Sheesh, kids these days. I mean, just because we waited 30 for Tales of the Ancient Empire....
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