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1st Border Red Devil

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Everything posted by 1st Border Red Devil

  1. Actually, thats Kevin Long, and there was one Robotech RPG book that used Mospeada lineart (as well as interspersed Southern Cross lineart here and there): The REF Field Guide. You might wanna try Rob Morgenstern'sThe Genesis Climber Mospeada Universe for lineart or just the Unofficial Robotech Reference Guide Alpha file.
  2. Big West's Southern Cross entry.....
  3. Don't you mean Bareback Mountain? Seriously, how much you wanna bet that piece of drek wins Best Movie?
  4. Hmmm.... Delta Force The Black Hole The Punisher (Dolph Lundgren/Louis Gosset Jr. version)
  5. Find me one and I'll call you Master. Otherwise, I happen to know what Im talking about....
  6. Shove it up your @ss you f* cking retard.... You are, without a doubt, a moron. First Greyhawk material: D&D Supplement I Greyhawk (1975) I do believe the current D&D 3.5 Players Handbook states that the basic setting is, thats right, World of Greyhawk. First Forgotten Realms material: Forgotten Realms box set, 1st Edition (1987) So, what was that again, jack@ss? Thats right, you don't know what the f*ck you are talking about.
  7. Goddamnit, I am sick of hearing this. GET THIS STRAIGHT: THE AURORAN WAS NEVER DEPLOYED AS A HELICOPTER! It has THREE FORMS! The helicopter is its intermediate form and is NEVER shown in the TV series. It was ONLY deployed in Fighter and Cosmo-Sniper modes. As for the Glorie Fleet, I seem to remember counting over 300 combat capital star vessels, not to mention another 100 or so support vessels. 4 Algada-class Carriers (Major Lombard's ship) 29 Tristar-class Flagships 104 Battlecruisers 208 Destroyers That was a fleet facing a formidable foe: 40 Zor City-ships 200 Cruiser Escorts So...no...we're not talking small numbers of ships.
  8. Piss on Drizzt Do'Urden and piss on Forgotten Realms. Real D&D players played Greyhawk and Blackmoor....
  9. Pretty much sums it all up. Conga rats dude!
  10. Hmmmm...... Robotech: The Masters War (1985) Dr. Sampson Beckett or Quantum Leap (1989-1993) Dr. Sam Beckett. Unless Bellasario had QL sitting on some Hollywood shelf for several years before making it, I'm gonna go with Sampson Beckett being the first one.....
  11. Not in Robotech. He appears, along with his assistant Dr. Sampson Beckett, in several episodes during The Masters War starting in Danger Zone, Metal Fire and Outsiders. Besides, was it Zefram Cochrane in Star Trek.
  12. Well, Im only now able to stomach doing a review of Prelude to the Shadow Chronicles #3. Boy, talk about a series going down the drain fast.... The Good - The cover art showing the doomed UES Tokugawa isn't bad. - Louie Nichols and Miles Cochrane make an extended appearance. - We see Janice's new body in its final stages. Still creepy looking. - Brief usage of the new Horizon V model shuttle. - The space-pod variant of the Helios VTOL from Southern Cross was retained for use inside Space Station Liberty. One of the few Sentinels anime designs I actually liked. The Bad - Vince Grant bails out of the Tokugawa at minus 100km, which is plummeting to the surface of Optera, in a battle armour mode VR-052T Battler model Cyclone. Said bail out allows him to fly across the distance to the open hanger of a Horizon V armoured bunker. Captain Grant does not instantly become a crispy critter from the intense sheet of plasma caused by the Tokugawa's uncontrolled fall from orbit. This, despite the fact that the Ikazuchi-style sponsons are shown to be breaking off because of the heat stress. - Deep Space Station Liberty? Can we please confuse the issue any more than it already is? Of course, we can. - Artwork on many pages is darkened to the point that you can barely tell what something is. My guess is to hide sloppy pencils. - General Leonard, though he's been f*cking dead 14 yrs at this point gets blamed AGAIN! Of course, all the Earth's woes are from one man: Anatole Elijah Westphal Leonard. Yep, gotta love how they have made the former UEF Supreme Commander out to be the scapegoat. The Ugly - Edwards demonstrates his control over the Genesis Pit in the Grand Hive by having one of the Malar Hive Guards (dont ask how he controls Invid with organic pilots) boot in some poor slob from the crew of the Tokugawa. Said poor slob instantly crawls back out looking like some monster from Inu Yasha. Yep, nothing like magical insta-mutate into cliched Japanese Oni for Robotech. As if retarded transforming combat capital starships and idiotic magical singing girls weren't enough. - Wow...the Neutron-S Missiles are actually the Angel-class Colony Ships. How did they colonize worlds with these things, by shooting them into the ground? Great one Tommy, except we already knew what they were because Exedore mentions them in Viva Miriya! They are warships plain and simple! - The Anti-Invid Bioroid from the last issue gets some explanation in the back. Hmm, added missile packs. farting idiots, the Bioroid is a Shock/Light Infantry mecha. The more you add to it, the more HEAVY its gonna get. That means its no longer AGILE. The Bioroid by itself and with the Biover would be more than a match for any Invid mecha, including the Royal Command Battloid. Adding extraneous crap that cannot be immediately discarded is a waste. - There is a thruster/vector pack on the Bioroid. WHY? The goddamned thing has an INERTIALESS FLIGHT SYSTEM! Why do you think the Bioroid pilot sits in a bubble sans acceleration couch or restraints? - Lisa says she's gonna be back on the bridge of the SDF-3 soon. Yeah, sure. NOT. Her ass would be shuffled off somewhere out of serious command authority. She would probably be a military governor on one of the colonies by this point, if she was not forced to leave the military alltogether. Notes: - The 3 styles of body armour are expanded upon a tad bit in the back of the comic. The military police armour appears to be a slightly different version from the standardized CBR-5M Tactical Body Armour. - When Janice talks to Lang about her new body, she makes a reference about why Lang chose her outer appearance. My guess is Lang lost someone and Janice is her image. Guess: A daughter, perhaps or maybe a lover at one time? Ugh. Thats the nicest thing I can say about this comic. My roommate flipped through it once and said he wouldn't even deign to wipe his ass with it for fear of catching something. While Im not quite of the same opinion, the fact remains this is simply a horrid comic and a vapid series.
  13. Ask and ye shall recieve I think this is a page of Southern Cross cellphone ringtones, though I cannot be certain. My Japanese is none too good.
  14. Great...now my eyes are bleeding...... PUT ON A SHIRT!
  15. Guess ya didn't notice the 1991 copyright date on the CD case, eh? There is also the fact that Southern Cross was released on laserdisc and DVD well after its 'dismal failure' on Tv.
  16. Isnt it funny that stuff keeps popping up for a show that supposedly had negative profit? I started calling it The Masters War after thinking about what the Old Coots say in Ghost Town (they called it The Robotech Masters War, I just shortened it). Sounds alot better than simply The Robotech Masters.
  17. Well, I like both of them for different reasons. SDC: Southern Cross has better music and the linkage of certain elements in the storyline is better. This is especially true in that sometimes the mood of the music fits far better than The Masters War with a scene. However, The Masters War has better dialogue in a number of places thanks to people like Greg Finley (Supreme Commander Leonard) and Steve Kramer (Sgt. Angelo Dante). There is also the fact that The Masters War has more humour that sometimes comes off alot better. For its time, the animation was quite good. I'm always puzzled when people say the animation was inferior. I also like the character styles of Tomonori more than just about anyone else. The mecha, of course, is one of the biggest draws for me, especially the Auroran/Ajax and the Tristar-class Cruiser Leaders. Something else is the sheer wealth of designs, specifically those geared towards the ground pounders/mechanized infantry. More than any other series, it at least gives screen time to the logistics end of a war. Without a doubt, my favourite episode is BioPsycher/Mind Games because it has a little bit of everything. I especially love it for the ship-to-ship combat, something I've loved since I saw Return of the Jedi in '83. I guess I just find The Masters War the most visceral part of Robotech. Perhaps I wouldn't be so stand-offish to people about Southern Cross if I hadn't recieved such crap from other fans for years on end. This is doubly true for Harmony Gold and its various licensors. The only one that gets any respect from me is Antarctic Press for making the only Southern Cross series: Rolling Thunder. Fred Perry did a damned fine job.
  18. Ya know....I keep hearing how Southern Cross was an absolute dismal failure in Japan. Last month I found a Southern Cross colouring book on Yahoo Japan. Now, lo and behold, a Mecha Karaoke CD turns up with one song from Super Dimensional Cavalry: Southern Cross. Here is an interior shot of the colouring book I saw..... Amazing what keeps turning up.......
  19. Hmmm..... I'm not sure this is encouraging.... Well...that leaves Masters War and Invid War fans out cold. Thank you very f*cking much....as if we didn't get $hit on enough. Robotech CCG.com
  20. Try 61 episodes you dumbsh!t. Macross (36) + Mospeada (25). And by the way, Southern Cross was not an abortion......
  21. Interesting clip. Took me a second time viewing to realise that is the SDF-3 in the beginning of the reel, apparently space folded outside the galaxy proper. I'm guessing the oblong ships are those of the new enemy. The ships look vaguely Zentraedi. Maybe the Disciples of Zor after all? Anyone else notice the Alpha's gunpod is now capable of rapid-fire bursts?
  22. Orlando Bloom stunk @$$ as Legolas....as did every other cast member playing one of the Quendi. I wanted to vomit everytime either Liv Tyler opened her fugly puss or 'Androgyno Boy' Bloom did some stupid Drizzt Do'Urden move. Tolkien once remarked how furious he was at, IIRC, the Hildebrandt Brothers for depicting Legolas as some prissy pole-smoker. Legolas was supposed to be the epitome of Quendi masculinity, not some waifish androgynous turd. So yes, Bloom gets my vote as worst new actor.
  23. If they would fix the broken economy, that would probably help as well. However, changing combat is a good thing, cause I watched a friend shoot rabbits with a blaster one day......it took repeated shots from said blaster to bring it down. That few minutes of watching cured me of ever wanting to play SWG.
  24. Within limits of reason, of course. The aforementioned Scott never taking a dump in his life is an example. Except where 'intent' is changed afterwards. There are limits to 'author's intent'. Case in point: Macek wrote in The Sentinels that Major Carpenter's ship was a brand new prototype. That conflicts with not only dialogue, stated by the XO of the ship that its been their home for 15 yrs, but also visuals that show an exact replica of said ship waiting for liftoff 13 episodes later. Another case in point: Macek claimed after Robotech had aired that the SDF-1 & SDF-2 were the only ships in the UEF arsenal until the SDF-3 was built. That, again, violates several visual cues in the series that show not only is the UEF building the next generation of warships (we see the remains of an Ardennes-class Battlecruiser and a Pegasus-class Assault Shuttle in eps. #31 Khyron's Revenge) but we also see numerous ships of Breetai's 1 million plus warship fleet being used by the UEF. By your definition, the Tv series doesn't matter, it only matters what Macek thought! Never mind that he couldn't keep the continuity, much less the timeline, straight. According to him, the 2nd Robotech War took place in 2024. Funny, Dana looks mighty old to be all of 12 yrs of age. Yes, there are times the dialogue and the visuals conflict, but those are not THAT numerous.
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