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1st Border Red Devil

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Everything posted by 1st Border Red Devil

  1. The kidnapped human aspect is there, but is incredibly subdued. You basically have to read into certain things, such as the fact that the kidnapped civilians/soldiers from Metal Fire are shown wearing Bioroid Pilot uniforms in Star Dust or the Fleet Commanders' wishes to simply 'reprocess' the 15th ATAC into Bioroid Pilots in Crisis Point . I will say, as a fan of both (but for different reasons for both), there were things that should have been done for The Masters War that were better explained in SDC: Southern Cross. However, the humour in The Masters War is dead on better than in SDC: Southern Cross (mostly due to the comic interaction with the voice actors, especially Steve Kramer as Angelo Dante). SDC: Southern Cross also has more 'out of left field' moments than The Masters War, such as when Bowie expressed his love for Jeanne in BioPsycher.
  2. No, Bowie Grant is not in The Shadow Chronicles. His Dad, Vince Grant, is now a Commander and the Captain of the UES Icarus. Just be technical, there is no RDF. There never was. The Robotech Defense Forces is an apellation, much like Strategic Rocket Forces or Conventional Forces. There WAS a United Earth Forces (now defunct) and a United Earth Expeditionary Force. Interesting. I thought the revamped transformable AF-03 Bat (aka VF-13 Gamma Fighter) was an interesting design. Heh, the 'Space Turd', as I've sometimes heard. Technically, that was supposed to just be a shell anyway, the SDF-3 was inside it (along with a number of other ships). Just one more way The Sentinels doesn't count anymore (Thank God). Eh, he beat the sh*t out of one of the Black Lions in False Start and got into a barroom brawl in (and apparently didn't get the crap kicked out of himself cause he didn't have a scratch) in Prelude to Battle. He also faked out a Bioroid Terminator into blasting his own buddy before Bowie shot the other one himself in The Trap. Bowie, to be fair, has never been 'weak'.
  3. Yep, its me. I especially loved it when Greg said out and out Leonard is a good guy in Robotech. All that crap Tommy Yune wrote about Leonard is just that, crap.
  4. Well, at least two of the Staff writers, Greg Snegoff and Greg Finley (both were also voice talent) knew about it. I know this because Greg S. said so in his interview (find it on Darkwater's website) and also because Greg F. said so (my interview of Greg F. goes live on Darkwater's site within the next 24 hours or so). We should reasonably be able to add the other staff writers like Ardwight Chamberlain and Steve Kramer to the list as well as the Director Robert Barron. Given that most of the original talent/staff on Robotech still work together (with the exception of Macek) and are heavily involved in the importation and dubbing of anime, the likelihood of them NOT knowing about the origins of the 3 anime series that made up Robotech decreases exponentially. There is also the fact that, despite the rantings of some, Harmony Gold has been up front about the fact that it was made of 3 separate series for about 20 yrs now. You can check Robotech Art 1, published in April of 1986. Whatever Macek said or didn't say is irrelevant....
  5. Thats not as bad as the fact the Regess has a D-cup bust in the animation.......
  6. If I can sit and watch the entirety of Macross 7, a series I thoroughly and totally despised, anyone should be able to watch at least the first half of the Southern Cross series. Give it a chance. You may be surprised....
  7. AreaZero over at RDF HQ is the one who has the Logan Blueprints on Ebay. He doesn't have any currently there, but may put some up in the next few days.
  8. Hmmm.... might have to check out Karas. I had seen it numerous times on Tatsunoko's website, didn't realise it had already jumped the ocean until I saw this thread. Wonder if Takara plans on releasing toys from the series.....
  9. Seriously, what was so wrong about destroying a ship that had outlived its usefulness? Its a ship for crying out loud.
  10. Ya know, there ARE fans of Robotech/Southern Cross and WE don't feel that way. So would you kindly not generalize.....
  11. Nope, thats Carl Macek's explanation from The Sentinels. The Tv series only states protoculture is used in some fashion (which is unexplained) in generating energy. It appears to be related (or involves) nuclear fusion. Everything else about it being mystical and such is crap from the novels. The Flower of Life, however, has at least 2 religions built around it (and is NOT the same thing as Protoculture): that of the Masters and Invid.
  12. And its not even in Robotech itself, but in the novels. The Tv series is pretty clear, thanks to flashbacks, that the SDF-1 is just a ship of the line.
  13. Well, we now know who it was that stole the stuff, though we could probably have speculated that it was Sheiring because he was laid off..... Edit: Personally, I think he should have gotten 30 lashes with a rattan cane...but thats just me...
  14. Well, the RPG industry is in bad shape at the moment. There is an absolute glut of d20 related products, most of them not worth wiping your ass with. The Open Gaming License was a good idea that has turned into a Frankensteinian nightmare. There has been a growing backlash against WotC (deserved or not) because it seems like they are walking down the same primrose path that Lorraine Williams took TSR after Gary Gygax got booted. The main difference being that WotC has their masters in Hasbro to please and to keep them afloat. For whatever reason, there is some animosity on the part of the RPG community to this day over the fact Kevin will not allow anyone not in Palladium to have access to his system (in otherwords, no Rifts d20). I've also had people swear up and down that Mr. Siembieda is an a$$hole among a$$holes. I've met the man and he is as nice as can be and certainly very engaging with fans. He has some disgruntled ex-employees, for sure (probably CJ "Munchkin is my Middle Name" Carella). You can't have lived to Kevin's age and not made at least a few people mad in this world.
  15. Well, Scott Glasgow added a link to some of the music from Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles that hasn't yet been featured on his MySpace page, including the new version of the main title. So far, I like Defold. Edit: Crikey....I forgot the links. Sheesh. Scott Glasgow Index of Music (Scroll down to the RSC section) Additional Themes
  16. Yes, Robert Duvall in Stalin as well, Stalin. I don't know if Mao-tze Tung was ever portrayed in a movie.
  17. Then you would need to nominate Comrade Joseph Stalin and Mao-tze Tung as the baddest since they both hold the records for killing people (Stalin stands at over 20 million and there is a new book out from China that states Mao killed even more). But, since we want movies, I'm gonna add Sherriff Teasle and Deputy Sherriff Gault from First Blood. Deputy Sherriff Art Gault - 'What's the matter Mitch? Don't you like water sports?'
  18. Actually twice. And I wouldn't be too sure about that as there are more seems on that fighter than are necessary, in addition to something that looks suspiciously like a head beneath the fighter. It appears that some of the parts might telescope out of their housings. I would also point out that The Sentinels preproduction contained what is, for all intents and purposes, a retcon of the Sylphide: the VTOL. Not to take you to task over something, but unless you are a translator by trade or someone that fluent in Japanese and English (and for all I know, you are) its usually not so wise to be that adamant. There is also the fact that it would appear to follow the common naming scheme of the Southern Cross mecha (the only odd men out are the Logan, Monocle and Falcon).
  19. As I understand it, that is because Steve Yun told them it was Sylphide, which goes along with the various names of myth for many of the mecha: Auroran, Basilisk, Garm, Salamander etc. But to Rob's credit, his SDC: Southern Cross Universe has the fighter listed as Shrewfield, with the addenda:
  20. No, thats Marcus Rush, Marlene's younger brother....
  21. Been around since the Disciples of Zor Chat days.... Oh wait, sorry, wrong forum.
  22. Dont listen to these naysayers....you can say the 'S' word if you want. I do all the time....Vive la Southern Cross!
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