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1st Border Red Devil

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Everything posted by 1st Border Red Devil

  1. Someone asked for mecha pics? Here are some of the 'Super' Alpha attached to the Synchro-Cannon armed Beta.
  2. Ask and ye shall recieve...more than you imagined...
  3. The Shadow Chronicles is just as bad as End of the Circle. But again, thats Tommy for you.
  4. Of course not. Its Tommy Yune's version of End of the Circle.
  5. Funny, considering it survived being attacked by the Robotech Masters, an enemy infinitely more powerful than the pathetic Haydonites. Its not like it isn't armed or anything and could repel an attack. Of course, that would get in the way of 'telling a really cool story' or some such other Tommyism.
  6. Would that be the explosion of a certain major logistical and construction center for no apparent reason other than to blow it up?
  7. A bit of thread Necromancy since there has been some news. The new box cover art has been released... And, from the Toronto Toy and Hobby fair, a Talisman 4th edition mock-up was shown. Needless to say, I'm glad they stuck with the 2nd edition style of board (though to be fair, I wanted an Inner Region where you could place The Wizard's Tower like in 3rd edition) as well as the 2nd edition style characters/cardboard minis for the basic game. The latter will most certainly be a contributing factor to keeping the new edition reasonably priced. The last time Games Workshop published Talisman, it cost $75 for the set, mostly because of all the Warhammer plastic minis. I'm SO looking forward to November. Now all I need to do is find a copy of Talisman: Timescape and I'm good for my original collection.
  8. Welcome to Tommy Yune's idea of good storytelling.
  9. I hope this is in the correct forum for this, but I figured I would post anyway. The good news is that they are apparently going to use the best elements of 2nd Edition (by far, the favourite of most people) with some elements of 3rd Edition (speedier play, but lacking a great deal). I'm personally hoping they include those elements from the Polish edition (some new character types) plus extras from White Dwarf and The Herald from years past. If not, well, all I'm missing for my collection is the Timescape expansion. Black Industries Mainpage
  10. Got both....tell me how and when ya want them.
  11. Oh come on, EVERYONE knows how cool the Haydonites were in End of the Circle with their giant transforming planet.
  12. Then what about the Zentraedi-sized mecha repair toolkits we see? I doubt very highly that the UN Spacy (or UEF in Robotech) would teach the Zentraedi to repair weapon systems if they had no native talent beforehand. Thats simply asking to get screwed by your erstwhile allies later on down the line.
  13. But we have visual and audio cues, at least in Robotech, that say otherwise. Also just because they can fix a fusion reactor does not mean they could design a whole new system that wasn't based on their own nor could they necessarily refine whatever fuels were necessary (deuterium perhaps?) if they ran out of stocks. The reactor officers on a nuke sub may know a great deal about their systems, but that does not translate into them being nuclear physicists.
  14. Not quite true. The Tv series shows them (naturally) able to repair and maintain their equipment (from rifles all the way up to cruisers) and the old Malcontent Uprisings comics also had the Zentraedi being very technically capable as they built the Stinger Battlesuits. The RPG, however, does carry it a bit far by making them morons when it comes to technology, which is ridiculous as they wouldn't even be able to maintain their small arms and/or mecha.
  15. Hmmm.... 1.) Southern Cross (Well, duh! What else did you expect for me to say?) In no particular order.... Genesis Climber Mospeada Rhea Gall Force Macross: DYRL? Video Girl Ai Mobile Suit Gundam: 0083 Stardust Memory Mahoromatic: The Automatic Maiden Devil Hunter Yoko (1st eps. only) Record Lodoss War OVA Project A-ko (1st movie only)
  16. God only knows. Tommy had General Edwards mutated into some giant Oni that looked like it belonged in InuYasha. This was supposedly 'a good storytelling choice' or some such inane drivel.
  17. They only have themselves to blame for that. I've more than once told people at Robotech.com that they need to go to more than just anime cons out West and that getting into a really big Con, like DragonCon, would have garnered them more exposure. They're not reaching out to the general sci-fi fans, which is stupid. Not that I think this movie is that good, mind you. As I said earlier, its essentially Tommy Yune's version of End of the Circle and is a continuity nightmare.
  18. Note to self: Do not drink 3/4s of a bottle of honey-mead after having drank 1/4 a bottle of Captain Morgan Spiced Rum & Coca-Cola. Needless to say, I was quite sick Saturday night and ended up yarfing my guts out. I still had fun, though.
  19. Did Kawamori say the Megaroad dissappeared into a black hole before Macross II was made? I'm asking seriously, because the whole SDF-03 near a black hole is from End of the Circle, which was published in '89. Among other things. From everything I've seen and read, the whole plot is rather contrived.
  20. Welcome to Tommy Yune's idea of a 'cool' plot, lifted directly from End of the Circle.
  21. To the best of my knowledge, the original intro for D&D, since its a collection of all 27 episodes (Seasons 1, 2 & 3). The redone intro from Saban only covered Season 2 IIRC.
  22. Heh, I'm just glad The Adventures of the Gummi Bears and Dungeons & Dragons are finally coming to DVD this fall. Plenty of stuff to blow money on. The fact the DVD case cover is based on the old D&D Basic Set layout is just icing on the cake. The people knew the audience they were catering to.
  23. Ah, ok. Thanks. Then does anyone have any clue what the fighter to the left of Hikaru/Roy is? I'm assuming the one to the right is a Mistal or a badly drawn Dragon II. It looks like an F-4 Phantom, except the engines don't quite conform.
  24. Ok, just wondering if anyone has any clue what the Wingthrop SB-10/10 Starwing is and where it appears (if at all). I'm guessing, cause I don't know any better, that it appears in SDF Macross and not one of its sequels.
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