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1st Border Red Devil

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Everything posted by 1st Border Red Devil

  1. Hmmm...that looks oddly familiar....oh right....
  2. Nah, this time he'll make sure that Greedo REALLY fires first or that Luke sticks his tongue down Leia's throat so we can all be grossed out. The more and more I read about what was supposed to happen with Return of the Jedi and the 'unnamed' 3rd Trilogy, the more I realise Lucas is a hack.
  3. Nah, a bad sequel would just confirm that there are as many Kool-Aid drinkers out there in Macross fandom as (sadly) infect Robotech's fandom. Even as little a fan of Macross as I am know that 'any production is better than no production' is just asking to be handed a steaming pile of cow dung and told to like it.
  4. Gauntlet II was a fun coin-op machine many of my pledge brothers and I played way back in my Freshman year in college. That and the classic Street Fighter II.
  5. Ask and ye shall recieve... The helmet is different, of course.
  6. Why? Its based on the Mospeada ConBat, not the VF-4. Big West would have a hard time trying to claim infringement when there are numerous other mecha that look surprisingly similar.
  7. Just a tad bit of thread necromancy.. In the last few days Ive actually gotten to see some of Robot Chicken. This has to be, without a doubt, one of the funniest, most twisted shows out there. The Cuddles Fabric Bear being raped had to be one of the most disturbing, and hilarious, things I'd seen in a LONG time. 'Cuddles brand fabric softener. When your clothes have to be huggably, rapeably fresh!' I'm definitely going and getting the first season on DVD next week.
  8. *snicker* Heh, Keith, I think in all the time I have been here, I've never been on the opposite end of you with regards to a Robotech production.
  9. Well, technically, it does live on in the personification of Tuor (his cousin) and his son, Earendil as well as his sons, Elrond and Elros. But yes, there was the fact that Finduilas probably would have tried to give up her life much as Luthien and/or Idril (though its never said for certain if Tuor and Idril actually made it to Tol Eressea, much less that Tuor was counted as one of the First Born or Idril as one of the Second).
  10. The best way to understand The Children of Húrin is to realise that, unlike The Lord of the Rings, it is a very grim tale. Stylistically, its been compared to The Nibelung Saga. Here is a blurb from the wiki: -- The Tolkien Estate Essentially, poor Húrin (called the greatest warrior of men) gets captured in The Battle of Unnumbered Tears, tortured, but refuses to yield to Morgoth (specifically, the location of the Hidden Kingdom of Gondolin ruled by Turgon). As such, Morgoth pronounces a curse upon Húrin's family that actually does some REALLY f'd up stuff to his son Túrin, kills his first daughter Lalaith (she dies of a plague sent out from Morgoth's realm of Angband) and does a real doozie on his second daughter Nienor. The tale mostly follows Túrin and the bad fates that befall him and all who shelter/love him. Like I said, I REALLY loved the Narn i Hîn Húrin (an unfinished version of this tale) and think its probably as good, if not better than, The Lord of the Rings.
  11. Well, a little over 2 months (IIRC) and this latest 'book' of Tolkien's comes out: The Children of Hurin. Personally, I loved the Narn i Hîn Húrin from The Unfinished Tales. I'm looking forward to this book alot, with the exception that I think (once again) the person they got to illustrate doesn't know diddily about Middle-Earth. Alan Lee may be a good artist, but his work simply does not feel like Middle-Earth, this piece especially in my opinion. I would dearly love to see an artist that actually made their pieces resemble something from the Dark Ages/Migration Period/Conquest Era, the 'basis' for Tolkien's work. There was a reason why Tolkien loved the 'Heroic Sagas' like Beowulf and The Volsung Saga. I suppose I should be grateful. At least Alan Lee doesn't have Turin wearing articulated plate armour, but instead Crusader-era mail.
  12. More specifically, they aid Aragorn and the Grey Company (Elladan, Elrohir, Halbarad and 30 of the Rangers of the North) retake the port city of Pelargir. It showed Jackson did not understand what the Army of the Dead's power was: mortal terror. For them to have come to The Battle of the Pelennor Fields would actually have been disastrous for the Minas Tirith and Rohan. The fear they exude works on EVERY mortal, but not on Elves (Elladan, Elrohir and Legolas were unaffected, all the rest only held course due to the will of Aragorn, who was likewise 'insulated' by dint of his birthright as a descendant of Isildur) and likely would not have worked on the Orcs, Uruk-hai and Olag-hai in Sauron's Army.
  13. Yes, sadly, I got some of the 'ghetto booty' shots. I don't know which is worse, you asking for them or me providing them. I feel like an enabler.
  14. Demanding, ain't we. I didn't care for either design of Ariel or Janice, as both looked like trailer trash. I expected to see a cigarette dangling between Janice's lips or Ariel to have Invid tattoos on her boobs. And here is the XO of the UES Icarus (at least I'm assuming she's the XO). Guess the REF provides its female personnel with implants whenever they are requested. And here are the requested 'pair' (pun oh so definitely intended) Janice, who can always have a second career as a topless dancer and/or porn star if her singing career tanks... And here we have Marlene, er I mean Ariel who Scott CALLED Marlene in the last episode of Robotech....
  15. No, that is our new protagonist, Lt. Marcus Rush. He is the younger brother of Marlene Rush, Scott's dead fiancee. Sadly... Yes they are. This is Tommy Yune at his 'best'.
  16. Ask and ye shall recieve....Im basically ambivalent about her design. Im just surprised the 42DD chest she has wasn't even bigger.
  17. Sadly, neither do I. There ARE alot of lemmings with this one. They've drunk the Tommy Kool-Aid and love it. Grape flavour no less.
  18. Nope, that is the SDF-03, though it looks reminescent of the SDF-04 Liberator (Izumo). Here is the SDF-04 in all its underwhelming glory. Of the two versions, I must say I much preferred the anime one to this CGI.
  19. Don't apologize. It IS very bad CG. And I say this as a fan of Robotech. As I said earlier, I don't know which I dislike more, this or The Sentinels. At least the animation for The Sentinels has the excuse of being a salvage job never really intended to be broadly released.
  20. Ask and ye shall recieve. The design would have looked far more convincing if it was drawn by hand instead of using the crappy CGI.
  21. There was also the fact that there wasn't a single Invid Command Battloid or Shadow Drone to be seen in the movie. And yes, plot holes aplenty. I'm not sure which I dislike more, this or The Sentinels. There is so much wasted potential with this movie it isn't even funny. And I'm a Robotech fan no less.
  22. Ask and ye shall recieve. I actually liked the Ark Angel design.
  23. Do we really want to make them insane yet? So be it. I take no responsibility for insanity, brain damage or frothing at the mouth at the horridness of said designs.
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