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Everything posted by mcfly50

  1. Not sure if this ever got shared. Thought you guys might enjoy. These are real. Unfortunately, after they painted the dome like this, the higher ups got mad because “they didn’t get permission from Marvel” so they had to remove it. They did a great job. I think Marvel would have supported them. This was from 2016.
  2. mcfly50

    Macross figures

    I feel like my whole life has been a lie now. I thought I grew up watching a love triangle...only to now release it was a love rhombus. Mind blown.
  3. Ha. True.
  4. I’m pretty sure this was never released.
  5. mcfly50

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Yeah there was no negotiating with them. And I really like BiJ. I had great luck with them. Until now. Sometimes I wonder if they (or any store) would just ask for more shipping money because they can. I’m not trying to be a conspiracy nut here, but there is nothing to stop them from doing this for any number of reasons. I just hate the lack of transparency. Just be up front. You know it’s crazy, but at least you can see Nippon Yassons shenigans up front if you order from them (cough...cough... current DX VF-1S price...).
  6. mcfly50

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I did email Big in Japan and they told me that when I paid 5200 yen originally that was just an estimate at that I am required to pay them the additional 3100 yen because the package was bigger. I told them 8300 yen was excessive and to please cancel my order. Nope. Not allowed. Pay or we get to keep your money. I told them that this was unreasonable and I would take store credit. Nope. Not allowed. I said, “hey, I’m a loyal customer and this is going to bridge with me.” We don’t care. So I paid and I won’t place any future orders with them. And I was always a big fan.
  7. mcfly50

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Follow up, it was EMS and only ONE. 8300 for one.
  8. mcfly50

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I got my notification for shipping for the VF-31S armor from Big in Japan. I had to pay an additional 3100 yen because the shipping estimate was not enough (5200 spent originally). That brought the total to 8300 yen for shipping. That seems excessive to me and just wanted to see if anyone else had a similar situation or are all the companies doing this and the box is just huge.
  9. mcfly50

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Looks sweet. Nice pic.
  10. It’s up on Amazon japan too
  11. And that’s my new phone wallpaper.
  12. Sold out
  13. I don’t know why everyone is so concerned about getting their VF-1S preorder. It’s easy, there will be a few stores offering it in stock for several days. Just pay the 100-150 dollar markup after they claim they sold out. (Sarcasm and frustration...in case I need to spell it out)
  14. Got one on nin-nin
  15. All of them should ship in robot mode. Can’t speak to Canada, but I had good luck with my IT version without an orange plug.
  16. VF-31 is all variants.
  17. ‘Merica! https://www.showzstore.com/pre-order-lewin-resources-lw-01a-lw01a-mp-10-mp10-optimus-prime-op-captain-america-style-oversized-71cm-w-led_p1324.html
  18. Sweet!
  19. Awesome! Preorder date?
  20. Thanks for sharing. Do what you did before, keep taking pictures and send them back till you get a good one. That stuff is unacceptable.
  21. Normally I say to each their own...but 50k for a handbag? OMG.
  22. mcfly50

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I got an email saying they are doing a promo for free shipping on anything in stock. Might be a way to handle the website traffic.
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