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Everything posted by mcfly50

  1. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2020/11/baby-yoda-eggs/amp Guess some folks want to cancel baby yoda now.
  2. How do you get one of those made?
  3. I love how they use a E-2 Hawkeye squadron patch on the tomcat tail. It was awesome on his jacket then and still is awesome now.
  4. Very hard story for me to see. Especially as a colon cancer survivor. He is just barely older then me. Lots of prayers go out to his family.
  5. Still waiting on the Dinosaurs!
  6. Big in Japan went back up https://www.biginjap.com/en/completed-models/24222-macross-dx-chogokin-super-parts-set-for-tv-edition-vf-1.html
  7. All credit to Flapjack. If you are on MW too, thank you. Fixed it and ended up nicking myself in the process. Lol! The front panel is glued which I had to force it off. The housing of the thigh is secured by 2 screws. Open that up, rotated the leg and placed everything back together again. Edit: Just to add. The thigh pieces are held together by yellow rectangular piece at the top. So 4 pieces in total including the front panel. You can carefully slide down the inner thigh piece so you don't have to pry the yellow rectangular piece off when dissasembling it.
  8. These are Flapjack’s photos from TFW. Same problem as me.
  9. I took a razor blade and gently pried/worked the seem of the thigh cap just below the yellow knee. It pulls down for the top. Work it slowly and it will come off. There is another screw on the inside. Take it out and the two parts come apart. Then spin around the joint probably and reinstall.
  10. Someone else did. I fixed it. You have to removed the thigh cap careful, unscrew the parts, then it’s a simple rotate and reinsert. Pretty cool so far besides that.
  11. Got mine. Left leg joint is on backwards as well.
  12. It took a little over a month via EMS, but got my second set of SSP today.
  13. I’d like to see a remastered version.
  14. Based on what I can tell of the pics/description, this doesn’t have a real LCD cockpit screen like the 1/6 version. That sound right to you guys?
  15. Isn’t that a Yamato/Arcadia stand?
  16. That’s an interesting tail design on the E-2D. Wonder if it’s JASDF’s or VAW-125 is playing around with a new scheme.
  17. @jeniusyou do great work and provide a great service to all of us here. I can’t wait to see the future Sentinel Legioss review!
  18. 1) I didn’t see anything misspelled or missing punctuation. 2) force choke and Steve Harrington...this is why I read your reviews 3) This section: “As mentioned previously, this toy is very similar to a Bandai SHFiguart figure but that line hasn’t done as well for Bandai so it will be interesting to see if KitzConcept can pick up more momentum than Bandai has been able to.” Do you mean Macross SHF? Which I think you do. I just bring it up because I thought SHF Marvel/Star Wars/Etc. stuff does pretty well. Seems like some stuff sells out pretty quickly. 4) Overall, and as usual, a very good review. I would say I think you might be just a little harsh though. We’ve never had any decent Robotech figures (looking at you Matchbox and Toynami) and I think Rick was pretty cool. It would be huge and unrealistic, but a transformable 1/12 VF-1J for him to fly would be pretty cool. Plus, I think the figures do pair well with Sentinels stuff. Of course it’s your opinion and review so this is just my thoughts. I really enjoyed it. Nice job.
  19. Apparently that was the excuse given from the upper brass to remove it immediately. ‘‘Twas a shame.
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