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Everything posted by tripmywire

  1. Here you go...Tripmywire lives here... Latitude 33.8844 33-53-3 Longitude -117.9199 -177-55-11 Thanks
  2. I have been following this "Tanmen Issue" since last year and I almost wanted to add my name to the list of wants but was talked out of it for good reasons (thanks you guys) I have read alot of, "Why don't we (edit) the models and sell them?" ...well? Why hasn't anyone tried to (edit) Tanmen's models!? I would give my money to anyone who is honest and can (edit) the models...any day!!
  3. Is this a painting? It doesn't look it was painted on a canvas. It doesn't look like a painting...it looks more like the artist did it on Photoshop? It's still very awesome!!
  4. I did read the thread (not trhread)... If you can wait patiently then so can I. I've seen his work he is awesome!!
  5. I would like to order a bunch of stuff from Tanmen...Is it to late to join the list of wants? Thanks
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