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Everything posted by malakite

  1. Thanks misterryno, but I live in Singapore, how's that gonna work? I surely won't mind, but are they the original Jap with Subs? I prefer those lol
  2. Hehe! I just ordered!!!! whoo hoo! But, this is just the TV series right? No DYRL? Movie... hmmm gotta get my hands on that too.. lol
  3. <------ her.... sigh On mecha..... more Gundam Fix Figurations
  4. Hehe, I've already pre-ordered my Megahouse versions (both of em)! But, knowing myself, I'll get the Toynami one just for kicks... Cm's Corp..... dunno man... really gotta see more of it b4 I can make up my mind, just might get it anyway.... lol
  5. Dude.................. That's like totally amazing! Fantastic work man! (Now if only you'll make kits..... or sell em to me.... )
  6. Hmmm.... this might be a down hill thing after all.......lol miriya Yeah, I suppose you are right, I should go get DYRL?.... Problem is, kinda hard to get good quality subbed Anime DVDs where I am... Keep getting ones subbed in chinese or worst..... really bad dubs... sigh... I suppose it's time I started offering body parts for sale.....Who want's a liver, lightly used, never displayed, MISB (Mint in Sealed Body) Did yamato ever release the SDF:M colored Valks? or did they only release the DYRL? versions? Childhood memories........
  7. Hmmm... I was thinking of going along the lines of what seems the most prominent to me while watching Macross...... Hikaru in the VF 1S, never seemed right to me ( Roy is the way to go), Hikaru's always been the armoured one in my mind. Can't seem to remember Max and all in the 1A either... bad memory I suppose? Nah, I dun think I'm gonna get non-cannon ones.... I'm strange like dat aren't I?
  8. LOL....
  9. Roger that!.... But... My VF 1S Roy seems to be taking forever to arrive from HLJ.......heard they were moving or something like that...sigh, Got the strike parts just waiting for him....
  10. Holy Cow....... I want ONE!!!(of each!) Add me in will ya?, but I'm not based in the USA, will that be a problem?
  11. Hi all, I'm new here! As the title suggests, I'm finally able to, after all these years to start my Macross collection. Remembering Macross from when I was a kid, and finally able to buy them toys now...... Starting my collection with 1) VF 1S Roy (1/48) With Strike Parts 2) Vf 1J Hikaru (1/48) With Armoured Parts 3) VF 1J Max and Millia (1/48) With Super Parts 4) VF 1A Kakizaki (1/48) 5) VF 1A Cannon Fodder (1/48) 6) SDF 1 I'm just wondering..... am I missing anyone else from the (1/48) scale? Thanks for looking!
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