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Everything posted by malakite

  1. Hmmm a mail-away? Any idea how we could get into that ?
  2. Well, if it's really coming in late dec, I guess I'll be getting em too.... feb's way too long to wait for the Megahouse ones ( even though I've pre-ordered em already)
  3. Yeah totally agree!
  4. Ya knoe.... the more I look at it, the more I dislike the YF-21 and the more I love the VF-25......
  5. Hmm any idea where I might be able to get my paws on these? Been looking for a good clean copy of DYRL. Thanks!
  6. But but but....being "reactive" is soooooooo good..... Honestly, I wish it were.....
  7. Ya know........I actually like it in the all black color scheme..... call me strange....
  8. Well, I'm only starting, but I took up an insurance policy that pays out a premium every year, so that's like a bonus, and witht hat extra, I just go on a spree to get everything. But, still I try to set aside a little every month too. Now that I'm saving up for a wedding as well, it's gonna be tight..... Eat bread and water.....
  9. Oh man.... Feb's gonna hurt like a mother.......... I suppose I could live on bread and water for the next 2 or 3 months.......
  10. Ah crud.... And I though my wishes were answered....Lol, if they did the reactive armour version for the Pat's, then there'll be hope for a armour valk! I can dream can't I?
  11. Hmmm that's like totally from the left field......but priced at 6,300 YEN, that's like 84.0293 SGD. Well, considering the fact that I got the Megahouse one for 70 SGD each, it's just a little more. Oh well.....
  12. DUDE! Where did you get the pics from? Mind putting the link here? Been trying to find info abt Revoltech New releases for ages!! Many Thanks!
  13. Whoa... just caught up with 78 pages of reading.... interesting to say the least.... I must say, I like the new designs, I even like the green thingie when the valks transform. Hell I even like the fact that Bandai has the licence to make the toys! Having Bandai make the toys would make it a heck of alot more easier for us to get our hands on the toys. I keep reading about Bandai kits and this and that. I mean, we can curse, swear, whine and what-not all we want, what ever happens, is gonna happen. It's not like we can CHANGE anything, ya know, lol.... But still, I won't mind a Valk done up in a *Fix Figuration* style, pretty cool I'd think.
  14. Ya know.... the waiting is killing me! Damn HLJ! I've ordered / paid on the 2nd of Nov!!! It's still not shipped!!!!!! AAARRRGGGHHHHHHHHH.............*choke choke* Guess I picked a bad time to order from em since I caught em while they were shifting!
  15. Hi guys, I have to say, that after picking up these 1/144 mini valks..... I'm not too impressed. Yes the details are awesome but I find the workmanship really sloppy. I picked up my first set and lo and behold, my Milia's legs were glued off tangent, so both curve inwards The rest were ok.... lots of excess glue and sloppy paint work. But still, considering that they were gashapons I think I could live with them. Somewhat.... I mean comparing quality, take the Story!Image!Figure! series, lots of detail, good heafty weight to it. Excellent paint work. Ok, maybe that's a little high end. I mean, the 1/144 charaworks Valks are made of low-grade plastics, a good sneeze would snap it! Take bandai(gundams) Gashapons for example, small similar scale, made from pvc, highly detailed... Sigh...Too bad I missed the both when Bandai released the Macross series.... Anyone out there has spare sets and wanna let em go to a good loving owner?? Sorry , rant over.
  16. Sorry to hear that Graham. I've heard that the packing for Revy's have been plague with problems such as multiple items of the same and such. That's why I usually open the Revy's in the shop to check. That might be a good habit to form if you or any of you guys are buying them from your local toy shops. Those from mail orders.... luck of the draw I suppose... Just my 2 cents worth.
  17. Hey sqidd, ya might be a little late, HLJ has stopped taking pre-oerders and the other places I've seen, their prices are WAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY off.....
  18. I was just wondering about that... where's the JEEP??!! lol
  19. Ahhhh so desu ne....... And here I was thinking I might have gotten lucky and they were stuff I could buy now.......
  20. WHOO HOO my local toy shop just called! My 1J, 1S and 1A are in!!! Can't wait to get my hands on it later!!!
  21. Currently, for MegaHouse, only these 2 are announced right? Will they be making the rest as well?
  22. ?? Hmm is that an old ad? Or a new one?
  23. Glad and sad at the same time.....My wallet is screaming bloody murder...............
  24. Hmm lucky the swappable parts ain't that a big deal for me, I've pre-ordered mine, set of 2 for $140(Singapore dollars) So that's abt USD$96. nit too bad a deal yeah?
  25. Congrats man! I know I waited and wanted the toys forever!
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