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Everything posted by Berttt

  1. 1/20 MaK modified Gustav: 1/48 Jadgpanther: And 1/35 scale Puma:
  2. All I know is that the Hasegawa VF/YF series protypes looked sweet. This doesn't so there's your comparison wrt pre production standards vs the release.
  3. Wow these are going to require hours of fillng and sanding to get rid of all those enormous gaps in the fit. Yuk
  4. Dude! Cowie you have got to start putting your stuff into a single thread so I can see it. I keep missing all your stuf in this thread. Either that or post it over at the HSMC forums. Very nice tomahawk bloke, hats off.
  5. The toughest part to any gerwlk conversion is getting the kne area to look right. Here is my half finished attempt.
  6. Ah nice Starfury man. You are doing exactly what I had planned as well. The updated Starfury from B5 TLT
  7. Thanks man - nice models there.
  8. also, for a non setting solution option, use warm water to dip your decal in, then use a soft clean cloth dipped in the hottest water you can stand, ring out the excess and pad down the decal with the now ho towel works a treat for getting decals to conform.
  9. It is. I've seen plenty of them close up and spoken to Wayne (ScaleSolutions) about it.
  10. Yeah, a lot of people are fooled by the cheap prices of recast kits sold here on MW. But no on complained about Thorsten hefty pric tag for his Ghost. More expensive than a Captain America kit for sure, with about twic as much resin in it.
  11. Lego have that feature on their website were you can design and order your own kit. Why not just do that?
  12. I am an but don't need a cockpit. I wouldv'e been happy with a version 1!
  13. How many?
  14. No he's not! He grumpy toy hater that has been hoarding far too many rare kits!
  15. Cowie you are in luck. There is a 1/100 pilot and super/strike parts from the variable kit coming your way along with the majority of a 1/72 atmosheric booster. Cheers, berttt
  16. Cowie with a little luck I may have a 1/100 pilot from the variable kit in my spares. If I do I'll send it your way.
  17. Congratulations on a top model. That really is some good work there and I hope you don't mind but I am going to blatantly steal some of your ideas. Cheers, Berttt
  18. Moscato Regult Scout in 1/72 scale:
  19. Look good bloke. Just go for it
  20. Nice Work Wm, blows mine right out of the water. Those Engine bells are amazing!
  21. Hey that's not bad at all! Nice work man and thanks for sharing. Berttt
  22. Berttt

    red and blue

    double post
  23. Berttt

    red and blue

    Very nice work man, I tip my hat to you! I agreee with the coment regarding the sculpt of the old bandai kits, Besides the nose the rest can be made to really pop with just a little work. Chas, the Bandai Gerwalk kits don't come with any knww cap, just that one piece joining the lower leg to the intakes. Cheers, Berttt
  24. Thanks guys I am away from home right now but when I get back I'll do what I can regarding more pics, close ups and some more info on the flaps. Cheers, Berttt
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