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Everything posted by Fai

  1. I'd like to know if there is any other differences other than the color scheme between the new Wave SDF-1 and the older, existing one. Does it / will it pose or transform better? More detailed? Better joints? Some of the guys here have the "older" version, can you comment on that? EDIT: I noticed the topic got cut off a bit and doesn't let me edit it... Maybe too wordy??
  2. Nice, remind me of the Chow Yun Fat in the John Woo movies!! Very Nice!!!
  3. ... Isn't Yamato diecast?
  4. WOW!! That 1J pose looks awesome!!! Hey are these model kits or are they Diecasts? Either way they are looking good.
  5. I know, doubled the actual cost! I am not seeing the SDF-1 there now on HLJ.... any other good online stores. Ebay has them but.... by the way is it a model kit or Die-Cast?
  6. Thank you Dante How much about did you guys pay for the SDF-1 btw? HLJ's shipping is nuts though, isn't it? Have you guys ever used SAL or always EMS when shipping from Japan?
  7. Sorry didn't look there, hehe, thanks! UK only....? I guess will have to check ebay? Maybe some local electronic store might have these... Anyhow is the 3M adhesive strong enough, I don't want it to fall on my models And where did you guys order the SDF-1 from anyways?
  8. Where did you guys get the LEDs? Does it need any major wiring? And do you need to drill any holes on the kits? Linky would be great Where did you guys order the SDF-1 from anyways? Any good places that can ship to Canada for an ok rate? I saw it was for about 17000 Yen or something, how much did you guys pay? Thx
  9. Haha, thank you.. Just now finished watching DYRL.... kinda an unfinished ending imo. One two three four...... will watch Flashback soon, hopefully
  10. ... maybe I already have the uncut version, I know the bude Min mei shower scene is there... .... judging from what you said I might have only like 10-15% of the movie left? Sucks...... I am way passed the Hikaru and Misa back to Macross scene, I actually stopped at the scene where Milia got shot down by Max (for the first time), blood streaming over her face and Max said "Beautiful". Btw, PLEASE DON'T TELL ME HOW MUCH MORE OF THE MOVIE IS LEFT......... What sequence should I watch the other Macross as? DYRL then Flashback then? They don't really seem to have too much of a continuity among them right.... (not like Gundam, Z, ZZ, Char's counterattack....) or do they? Maybe you can release like a Part one of 4 or 5 or something perhaps? Like how they have 5 (was it five?) chapters to the Harry Potter books?
  11. How much are those hands shipped to Toronto for? I saw on your other post, it was saying $20 shipped, to US, but is One set = One pair? I am really hoping not...... Please advise. That would be great!! I probably shouldn't ask but I am sure lots of us would like to know also..... anyways how much longer??? I know, like I said I am a happy ending kinda person, Hilaru and Misa, of course Min Mei are definietly what really got me into watching Macross, and keep wanting to watch it. Talking about flashback, I have not yet watched it either, in fact I am still watching DYRL, I have watched maybe 75% of it and have been holding off of watching the last 25% or so. Just don't want it to end..... for DYRL, I noticed someone mention something called the Perfect edition. What is that? Is it different than a regular "non-perfect" edition/ version? Sorry to ask maybe a dumb question btw
  12. How about after the final battle, he somehow "bumps into" Min Mei or overhears her song or sees a news article about her somewhere? I always prefer a happy ending.
  13. Great looking skull you have there! What do you mean by used sticker backing ? And what scale is this btw? Any linky by any chance and how much will those recast hands cost? Wouldn't that be the Best thing ever for Macross fans everywhere!! We can only wish.... Keep us posted
  14. Oh Man DUnit, you have a BIGGGGGER selection than any toy store out there!! Sgidd: Those Valks are AMAZING!!!!! Really like how the lights look on them too. How much time did you spend on the Star Wars Lego? WOW!!!
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