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Everything posted by Fai

  1. Isn't there only the 1S and the IJ and maybe a 1A somewhere?
  2. $18 each Only?? That's cheap!! Good for you! Anyone knows of such good prices here in Toronto? I'll be sooooo interested, pls post or PM me, thanks Btw, can it be returned /exchanged 'cause it's a defect? How close by do you live from it? Maybe you can pick up an extra set or two and share with us perhaps?
  3. Does anyone know how much these little goodies are in HK?
  4. Fai

    PS2 Macross

    Have you tried reading it with your PC's DVD-RW? If it reads it fine there, I was thinking to do a Disc Copy onto a new DVD and try, not sure if it'll work but worth a shot, I guess
  5. Fai

    PS2 Macross

    WOW there's a whole page for that??? Thanks, let me check it out/
  6. Fai

    PS2 Macross

    Ok. But is the PS2 Macross in this thread the one I showed in the picture?
  7. Fai

    PS2 Macross

    DYRL is a PS1 game? Not this one here? Which Macross game are you guys referring to here?
  8. Fai

    PS2 Macross

    Thanks you, appreciated
  9. Fai

    PS2 Macross

    Ok I have a semi-related question, do ALL Japanese PS2s play Japanese PS2 games fine, doesn't matter when it's manufactured? Does it play any other games at all? Or what other good Japanese PS2 games are there? Gundam perhaps?
  10. Maybe I should dig up the game and replay it using Kamille, I finished with Amuro then Char and most missions are the same.... Are Kamille's different? Haven't played it for so long, which Mode is the TV mode again? For the Crossfire game, I actually didn't really mind it, it has some pretty nice missions and some are kinda hard, for me anyways except maybe the graphics can be a bit better. I was hoping to be able to play the Macross PS2 game on my PS3 too and actually almost bought it. Sony sucks!! There is a Macross game for PS3, maybe a Japanese version, is there any in the works that you guys know of?
  11. MG Gundam Unicorn for me!
  12. I am guessing Both? Macross fans will wait up to watch it, no matter what time it is, so might as well air it at the cheapest timeslot? Would be great if someone can post it here or perhaps a Youtube link
  13. I just noticed... Max 1J is in Volume 2 but Milia's in Volume 1!! What a nice way for them to make money!?
  14. I am amazed by how detailed these things could get, they are so small but still so detailed!! Very Nice!
  15. That's a pretty good price!! Anyone else selling his?? PM me!! Cool, thanks.
  16. That' s quick!! Even EMS can't be that much faster than that right? Just curious how much did you sell the SDF-1 for?
  17. I know! That's total BS, we, the taxpayers are already paying those a&&&&*es their salaries, and then we pay more to them so the can take more of our money!! And then once it gets passed the money-robbing customs, then the lazy Azz post offfice ppl don't even bother to deliver my parcel to my door and I have to go to its stupid postal outlet like you said to get my stuff!
  18. $160 shipped is bad, especially now that the new one is around the corner, sort of..... Yeah that shop sucks for sure, I thought for a second to ask for a better price, but didn't bother, I mean they might at most drop 10% or so, so what's the point? We don't really have much of a choice here to buy hobby kits/ toys... I have been buying most of my stuff online and stupid ebay sometimes. But sometimes the Custom worries me in terms of how they could charge us riduclous so-called custom fee and handling fee.
  19. Oh, only $20 EMS?? I thought their EMS shipping almost pretty much equals the kit's cost? Oh fellow Canadian, eh!? I am from Toronto btw Do you have the older SDF-1? Got a clear pic by any chance? That's not bad then. I was under the impression their EMS cost almost the same as the kits themselves....
  20. Haha I thought it's like if you are "forced" to upgrade your plane seats you get that upgrade for free How much is the SAL shipping cost?
  21. What place is selling it now for how much? Can you post it or PM me please? Yeah if it's $100 shipped, that would be cool The only local shop that I saw it from wanted $190!!! Can you believe that?
  22. If I were to pre-order it now, will I get it sooner than once it comes out or will it be cheaper to Pre-order it now than then? Is it a Free Upgrade though? Any idea how much SAL or EMS shipping is, on HLJ now it says the shipping cost info is Not available....
  23. That IS a relief!! I was thinking of maybe finding and buying the older exisiting one.... Would be nice to have a bigger one, but then that'll cost more too Any idea of how quickly they'll ship it out once they get it. Just wondering, does Lost and Found Toys take pre/ special order for the SDF-1? Is that place any good? I only know that they carry the display stands and some other Macross stuff...
  24. Fai

    SV-51 CF!!!

    It looks like a hairless chicken or something to me,
  25. I just saw some other MW post saying they pre-ordered the new one, and some regretted it and wanting to cancel the pre-order? Why is that?
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