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Everything posted by VF1A-FAN

  1. *After watching some of the reviews on Youtube I just couldn't resist ;D Some CQB Action . . . . . . Changing it up . . . . . . A closer look . . . . . .
  2. Just getting back into anime again. Seems to be a seasonal thing for me. First it's Star Wars, then GI JOE, then back to Anime again. Well, I thought I'd give Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood a try . . . . . Man, I'm hooked! Ended up getting some of the Medicom figures as well. Can't wait to pick up Part 5
  3. Just saw it. Was not disappointed at all. Plenty of action and the pace was pretty smooth. Definitely enjoyed it
  4. I just got my Kaneda and Bike a few weeks ago. Still kickin' myself for not picking the bike up during it's initial release (REALLY WANT the EXTRA STICKERS and COWLING) Well, here are some of my pics . . . . . .
  5. Weekend Motorcycle Themed Haulage from the Land of the Rising Sun. Not the vintage stuff, but I STILL LIKE My 1/6 Holy Grail . . . . . . Ride Armor / Cyclone Pics . . . . . .
  6. Hee Hee Hee No . . . Wait! Oh, C'mon, Mikuru! This is your chance! Uhhhhh . . . mmm . . . uhhhhh . . . (If Looks Could Kill) This is NOT good . . . . .
  7. Some Old Pics . . . . . Hey, Guys! I'm Taniguchi and this is my buddy, Kyon! Today, We're gonna hook him up with that SPECIAL SOMEONE! YEAH! Go For It, Big Bro! And here she is! YAY!
  8. I placed an order last week and had the same issue. They are aware of the problem; they gave me their info and allowed me to pay them directly via Paypal. I got a reply the other day with an apology and that my order had shipped (tracking info included)
  9. Just a few pics from Toynami: Never seen the TREAD and LEGIOSS Combined in person . . . they seemed massive. The pics just don't give the size justice!
  10. Whoa! Thanks, Pete! Just glad you liked the pics! I only wished I had that talent to make a decent diorama. The classroom background actually comes with the Koizumi Figure (FIGMA 007). The flooring and classroom furniture I picked up from the following sets: These are SegaPrize Figure Sets. I picked them up at a couple Anime Shops in Downtown L.A. Just having a little fun at poor Mikuru-chan 's expense . . . . . AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
  11. Extras? Oh, there are 2 reasons . . . . . First: Needed an extra KYON to have his buddy, TANIGUCHI! Second: Needed an extra Tsuruya San to make EMIRI-chan!
  12. Speaking of KYON, 2 separate orders came in for me a couple days ago . . . . . Adding to the collective . . . . . HEH HEH HEH!
  13. Still totally new to this series. I caught an episode a few months ago when I was in the Philippines. I was trying to figure out what the hell I was watching . Now, I'm totally hooked! I've been out of the Anime game for some time. This series has brought me back. I'm not only watching anime again . . . . . I'm back to collecting anime related merchandise! Here's the proof: I was able to accumulate this stack in a few days. I guess I went a little FIGMA CrAzY In fact, I'm still waiting on a few more I couldn't pick up locally.
  14. More pilot pics (Original on the left; modified on the right) Tried giving him a new helmet scheme. I just used some electric tape for a quick fix until I come up with something permanent.
  15. I decided to breakout my POTF A-Wing and do a little re-work. So, I picked up another Walmart A-Wing to swap some parts. Although the POTF A-Wing is over 10 years old I really like the color scheme and weathering. (POTF on the left; Walmart Exclusive on the right) I ended up swapping the cannons and the cockpit for the revised POTF A-Wing I had a spare GI JOE Hawk figure. I did quick head swap. I had to shave a bit of the inside of the sculpt to get it to fit on the neck post. Now, we have a little more variety with the rebel pilots
  16. YOU may go. Remember. Mention nothing of the shipment. Shhhhhhhh. . . . . . . Well? How can I help you boys? To Be Continued . . . . . . .
  17. A Quick Photo Story I posted on Rebel Scum Somewhere, in the Outer Rim . . . . . . . No mistakes! Jabba's counting on this shipment! Relax. The shipment's been stashed in a safe place. Besides, the Falcon's the first place they'd check. This is TK1318. I have a positive ID on the SUBJECT. Moving into position . . . K'chkk . . .
  18. A few more Pics from Macross Eternal Lovesong:
  19. Pics From Macross Eternal Lovesong:
  20. Here are some pics from Macross 2036.
  21. I was able to play both PC Engine games on my American Turbo Duo. I used an adapter for the Sega Saturn game.
  22. Hello All! Been a while since I last posted. Well, I was looking through the storage and found these: *** CORRECTION; THIS IS THE SEGA SATURN GAME. NOT DREAMCAST *** My dad used to work for NEC (USA) when they were based in Culver City, CA. He took me there a few times after school and I was able to test out some their Japanese games. He was able to get me these two Macross titles. I really enjoyed playing these games back in the day. Now, I have to find a working system somewhere. Heck, would it be feesible to get my older Turbo Duo's repaired? Well, I'll post more pics shortly. Good Hunting!
  23. VF1A-FAN

    1/48 Arm Armor

    Nice job on these. Any chance of getting a set that matches the color of the movie version fastpacks? I just like the shape better than the movie version. The TV versions also hold up the arms better when in fighter mode. That way the gunpod doesn't drag. Again, Excellent Job!!!!! Now, bring on the Pilot Recast!!!!!
  24. VF1A-FAN

    1:48 TV hands recast

    Hey Fellas: I'm interested in two sets. However, I'm a bit worried about how sturdy the peg portion of these hands will be. I'd hate for them to snap off when attached to the arm. Anyways, thanks for the service you guys bring to this board!!!!!
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