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About James

  • Birthday 01/05/1968

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    Ventura Calif

James's Achievements

Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Incorrect. Learn German Koenig Means King or Royal. The Tiger II aka King or Royal Tiger was a whole new machine inside and out. Here is complete History and developemt from Achtung Panzer website http://www.achtungpanzer.com/panzerkampfwa...-sd-kfz-182.htm
  2. Actually you're wrong. Macross II.
  3. new color shceme the Yellow Jackets
  4. Here you go Star dragon The Yellow Jackets
  5. Actually I'll do a custom color scheme just for you. And btw http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?show...2993&st=380 check out my color schemes for various squadrons
  6. HEre is the latest cleaned up version
  7. James

    VF Girls

    try these out for inspriation
  8. the shoulder mounted beam cannons are the main differance.
  9. Which Kit do you guys think I should finish doing? the Right? Or The Left?
  10. Thanks...But I'm not sure if that is a good thing LOL
  11. The 1st Harlequins Is a Demonstrator Squadron...they do Air shows and the such Like the Navy's Blue Angels and The Air Force's Thunderbirds. They are not a combat squadron...That is why they have the paint scheme like they have.
  12. DAMN here is the Bone Collectors again
  13. Here are some VF-2SS Squadron Colors I came up with First Is the 1062nd Anolis, 1063rd Bluebirds, 987th Bone Collectors, 63rd Dark Angels, 3rd Dire Wolves, 96th Green Dragons, 1064th Grim Reapers, 1st Harlequins, 927th Lucifers, 2097th Manticores, 564th Pulses, 64th Spectres, 5639th Sun Knights, 2098th Unicorns, 5638th Void Knights, 162nd Widow Makers, and the 2nd Skulls. Let ME know Which Ones you'd like to seen Newer updated clolrs of these squadrons are listed in order of pictures.
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