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Posts posted by Oihan

  1. Good grief...



    to rate or appraise too highly; overestimate

    Urban Dictonary:

    A term used to describe something that gets more hype and credit than it's actually worth. So due to personal opinion and anyone who hates anything that's well known, no matter how brilliant something is, if it gets a lot of media attention then there's always someone who will think it's overrated.

    ...And the whole point of this was...?

  2. I think you don't understand what the term 'overated' means.

    Perhaps I do NOT think his performance, his Joker, was "overrated" by ANY means.

    Let us just agree to disagree and move on.

    And to help keep things on topic.... ^_^

    From ComicBookMovie.com

    The sequel to the Avengers film has been confirmed to be produced and set for theatrical release sometime in between summer 2014 or summer 2015. One thing we do know so far as confirmed from the post screen credits of the Avengers 2012 film, Thanos, the real leader of the Chitauri will be the main villain in the sequel which also means the Chitauri will be back too. Before that happens, upcoming films Iron Man 3, Thor 2, and Captain America 2 will be take place in between the 1st and 2nd films as preps for Phase Two. All that is left is to decide which superhero will serve as the new 7th member of The Avengers.

    So far, Andrew Garfield, (who is playing Spider-Man in The Amazing Spider-Man film and its sequel) says he want’s to play Spider-Man in The Avengers sequel. Unfortunately, some people don’t think Marvel will approve Garfield’s request because the Amazing Spider-Man films are being distributed by Columbia which is separate from Disney. But who knows? Maybe they will use Spider-Man as the 7th Avenger as long as it’s just the films that are owned by the company of Columbia and not exactly the character himself.

    Also, the 7th avenger will most likely be a female superhero according to Scarlett Johansson’s request for the second avengers movie. After all, her character the Black Widow is the only female member on the team which does make sense that Marvel should use another female superhero for the team. Some of the best known female members of the Avengers are The Wasp, Ms. Marvel, Scarlet Witch and Quake. However, since there are no Kree or Skrulls in the film, Ms. Marvel won’t have any chance of appearing in the sequel and with Scarlett Witch a mutant from the X-Men universe, there is no chance of her getting involved. So you people out there have two choices of who you think the newest member of the Avengers should be:

    Janet van Dyne/The Wasp; a female superhero who has the ability to shrink down to a miniature form and fly like a wasp and shoots bio- electricity. She occasionally shape shifts into a giant like Hank Pym.

    Edit: made this less inflammatory

  3. You do realize posting awards doesn't negate a claim of being "overrated" don't you? With that said, he was an awesome Joker.

    All you've managed to prove is that ledger garnered a ludicrous amount of unwarranted praise for an utterly one-note and uninteresting portrayal of the character. He's one of the biggest reasons why the movie was so utterly unwatchable.

    I was merely pointing out that there are a lot of people who do NOT think his Joker was overrated or "garnered a ludicrous amount of unwarranted praise." These people are on panels...I mean come on. Then you have the general public...like you, yourself, Keith. I'm pretty sure all of that negates an "overrated" claim.

    If all of these accolades don't negate such an absurd claim.... How's this for a claim? The Avengers is highly overrated for what it is, should not have made as much money as it did, and should not be praised as much as it has been. I'd love to see how many awards The Avengers will receive.

    Don't get me wrong, I think the Avengers is a fun popcorn flick, but nothing more than that.

  4. Heath Leger Joker is highly overrated. The key thing is the villain/ character needs to be memorable.

    Highly overrated? You're joking, right?! In my honest opinion, he's one of biggest reasons why the movie was so damn good!

    The Dark Knight:

    • Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor
    • Australian Film Institute International Award for Best Actor
    • Boston Society of Film Critics Award for Best Supporting Actor
    • BAFTA Award for Best Actor in a Supporting Role
    • Broadcast Film Critics Association Award for Best Supporting Actor
    • Central Ohio Film Critics Association Award for Best Supporting Actor
    • Chicago Film Critics Association Award for Best Supporting Actor
    • Dallas-Fort Worth Film Critics Association Award for Best Supporting Actor
    • Florida Film Critics Circle Award for Best Supporting Actor
    • Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actor - Motion Picture
    • GQ Australia Men of the Year Awards (Best Actor)
    • IGN Movie Award for Best Performance
    • IGN Movie Award for Favorite Villain
    • Iowa Film Critics Award for Best Supporting Actor
    • Kansas City Film Critics Circle Award for Best Supporting Actor
    • Las Vegas Film Critics Society Award for Best Supporting Actor
    • Los Angeles Film Critics Association Award for Best Supporting Actor
    • Online Film Critics Society Award for Best Supporting Actor
    • MTV Movie Award for Best Villain
    • New York Film Critics Online Award for Best Supporting Actor
    • North Texas Film Critics Award for Best Supporting Actor
    • Oklahoma Film Critics Circle Award for Best Supporting Actor
    • People's Choice Award for Best Ensemble Cast
    • People's Choice Award for Best On-Screen Match-Up
    • Phoenix Film Critics Society Award for Best Supporting Actor
    • San Francisco Film Critics Circle Award for Best Supporting Actor
    • Saturn Award for Best Supporting Actor
    • Scream Award for Best Fantasy Actor
    • Scream Award for Best Villain
    • Scream Award for Best Line ("I believe that whatever doesn't kill you makes you stranger.")
    • Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Supporting Role
    • Southeastern Film Critics Association Award for Best Supporting Actor
    • St. Louis Gateway Film Critics Association Award for Best Supporting Actor
    • Toronto Film Critics Association Award for Best Supporting Actor
    • Utah Film Critics Association Award for Best Supporting Actor
    • Washington DC Area Film Critics Association Award for Best Supporting Actor
    • Nominated – Broadcast Film Critics Association Award for Best Cast
    • Nominated – Gransito Movie Award for Best Actor in supporting role
    • Nominated – London Film Critics' Circle Award for Actor of the Year
    • Nominated – Satellite Award for Best Supporting Actor - Motion Picture

    What, that they provide entertainment? That's a crime now? :mellow:

    According to some then yes. less fun more drama and ultra generic story. Staring Shakespearean actors

    They must inspire and talk about the issues that will be outdated in 5years. Example Avatar.

    Considering what the movie IS (action packed popcorn flick) with how much money the movie has made and how acclaimed it is - it's a BIT absurd if you ask me.

  5. And all this misses the point that the soft body-suit portion of the "space suit" looks like a rejected design for a live action Spiderman 2099 costume. The suit doesn't LOOK like a practical, functional piece of space equipment at all; and it doesn't get a pass for rule-of-cool either because it doesn't LOOK cool, it looks like a bad superhero suit.

    So riddle me this: If it is some sort of advanced-material pressure suit, what purpose does all the florescent orange piping serve? Why does it need hard platting on the back of the hands like a medieval gantlet and basically nowhere else? If the goal of the suit is to be lighter and allow greater mobility than modern suits, why is the helmet a comically over-sized fishbowl. And if everything about the suit design is necessary/practical in some way, why is it that only Theron and Rapace's costumes like that? Everyone else (male and female) are wearing fitted blue under-suits made of non-stretchy fabric with hard plates all over.

    Also, if this movie is meant to take place in the same setting as the alien movies, and is set 30 years before the original Alien, why is the tech level so much higher in this film? They've got light weight, fitted space suits in the 2090's but three decades later the Nostromo crew still has big bulky suits with clunky backpacks and lots of padding. Then there's all the fact that everything on Prometheus is touch screens and holographic projections when even by the time of Aliens (which was 57 years after the first film) they're still using single color CRT's and Command-line interface computers.


    Were you expecting the helmet to be significantly smaller? That would seem pretty unrealistic and impractical to me. As for the florescent orange piping...the only orange I see is on her suit and it's probably for aesthetic reasons. They probably have more of a luxury when it comes to designing suits.


    Are you talking about the florescent lighting in the suits perhaps?

    As for the technology differences. I'm sure if Ridley Scott and Co. had more advanced computers, back in the 70's, to handle the CGI then the Nostromo would have looked more advance than it does now. Compare any Sci-Fi movie from the 70's to today's Sci-Fi movies...the technology used is drastically different. Come on now....

  6. I meant to reply back to this thread. I bought the game the morning it came out. I was up till 4AM in the morning playing it. I haven't had much time to play the game since, but when I have found time I've really enjoyed it. I've found 16 of the 32 cubes so far...and 3 anti-cubes. I'm really digging the music too. I need to acquire the soundtrack. Thanks again for informing me about the game, Mr March.

  7. beg all you want, it's still a completely ineffectual film that's so wrapped up in trying to be faithful to the original graphic novel that it completely forget that it's a god damn movie. It's also an anachronistic story so rooted in late cold war sentiment that it's utterly un-relatable to a contemporary audience. Then there's the whole issue of a deconstructionist piece losing its impact when it's a deconstruction of a subject matter that's completely foreign to the majority of moviegoers.

    Ever consider the fact that that's partially why those of us actually enjoy the film? I hear so much griping as it is on this board about faithfulness on other IPs. I'm not going to turn this into a Avengers vs The Watchmen thread, but an opinion is an opinion, NOT fact.
  8. Nope, that was a deconstruction of a superhero team up movie.

    You say "tomayto" I say "tomatoe" It's not like there was a complete deconstruction as you so put it. I seem to recall the whole team (minus The Comedian) getting together at the end. ;P

  9. Like Keith implied, you need to regard Avengers for what it is, which is a super-hero team-up movie that's heavy on action and interaction but not much else. Story? What story? The generic decepticons from Bay-Formers showed up from outer space and the Marvel dudes got together and killed them all; that's it! I really wish people would stop trying to compare Dark Knight and the Marvel movies; these are two entirely different styles of tone and storytelling, apples and oranges. If you look for the serious soul searching and deep personal conflicts of the Dark Knight in a movie like Avengers you will be sadly disappointed...

    I only mentioned The Dark Knight because it's the ONLY comic book movie that actually wowed me, as compared to the rest of the comic book movies. As for the "super-hero-team-up-movie-that's-heavy-on-action-and-interaction-but-not-much-else" movies...I'm sure I've seen better than this. Thanks for the insight though.

  10. Okay, I've seen the movie twice now and I still don't think it's all that great like all of my other friends seem to think it is. It's a good popcorn flick with great action and some funny moments...but it never "wowed" me like...say...The Dark Knight did. A lot of my friends give me a hard time about it. Am I missing something here?

  11. No, I'm serious. Is there a 3 minute Prometheus trailer? The international trailer clocks in at 2 minutes and 55 seconds, is that the one you are refering to or is there another one?

    Oh, no. I'm sorry. That's the same trailer I was speaking of...I was just rounding up. I'll be more specific next time....

    On a side note, I just watched Alien again for the Nth time. Even though the movie came out in 1979...it still puts me on the edge of my seat every time. Here's hoping Prometheus does the same!!!

  12. Rules are rules. All I can say is make yourself eligible or buy the tickets. I don't think winning the tickets should make you decide to go, I think it would be a nice prize for someone who wants to go to get in for free.

    Money is tight, but if I were to have won I would have driven down and back the same day. I just wanted to know if I could throw myself into the mix even though I live in Nevada. Good luck those of you who are eligible!

  13. If it followed the current trend of remakes and reboots, odds are pretty good that's exactly what would happen.

    I know I'm probably the only one to think so; but I actually prefer the original opening animation to the Pachinko intro.

    You are not alone.

    I prefer the original opening myself, BUT when it comes to the animation (minus Haruhiko Mikimoto) I very much prefer the Pachinko opening. I haven't seen either Yamato series (original or remake), but everything I've been reading about the remake has been nothing but positive. Personally, if they were to reanimate/remake SDF Macross, I'd prefer it if they kept the audio/story intact...just update the animation like they have in the Pachinko intro...and bring back Haruhiko Mikimoto for the characters. From everything else I've read, it seems the majority of you would prefer a new series over a remake...which is why I posed the question if they made both at the same time. Like others have mentioned, it's not like a remake would invalidate the original by any means.... SDF Macross could use some loving if you ask me (SDF Macross on Bluray is not enough :p)...updated animation would fit the bill in my opinion.

  14. Bloody 'ell, they weren't kidding!

    A guy flying a Valkyrie with a guitar? energy "vampires"? Valkyries with tits?

    "Attack? No way! My songs will work on them, too!"

    Are they f'ing serious? :blink:


    Haha. Although I couldn't agree more with those sentiments, I think you should give it the benefit of the doubt and try watching it - simply because it is Macross. I watched the first 15 episodes and I couldn't get into it, but at least I can say I gave it a shot. You never know, you might actually enjoy it. As I'm sure you've noticed, there are many on this forum who can't stand Macross II because they can't look past the "inadequacies" or what have ya. Yet, I really enjoy Macross II.

    Back on topic, say we get a new series in addition to Macross being reanimated. Would it really bother any of you if Macross was reanimated like it is in the Pachinko intro, minus Haruhiko Mikimoto?

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