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Everything posted by Oihan

  1. I have a Dell Dimension 4600 Computer. With a 2.8GHz w/HT chip, 1GB DDR RAM, 128MB DDR GeForce FX video card, a 120GB HD, and the SoundBlaster Audigy 2 soundcard. The specs don't matter...just had to gloat Apparently the Audigy 2 soundcard is supposedly superior to the Live card. I'd put your Audigy 2 card back in, and install any software you had with it, and go from there. I'm still trying to make the sound coming from my 4.1 speaker system to sound just right.... I've got it close, but no cigar...can't really complain. Anyway.....
  2. I saw it a couple of hrs ago, and I must say I really enjoyed it! The only thing I thought weak was the ending...but it works. I've heard ppl say that Keanu Reeves can't act...let me tell you, in this movie there were some pretty believable parts in the movie...especially towards the end where Neo and Trinity make it to the...for one instance. I mean...frakk! Movies generally don't do that to ya...at least not to me. Anyway, I liked it. It was worth my $8.25. To any of you disbelievers/nay-sayers, go see it! My 2 cents.
  3. How many of you thought T3 was a shitty ass movie? And how many of you were proved wrong? I happened to like T3 a lot. One of the better films I've seen in the past two years...well...besides LOTR.
  4. Hey JsARCLIGHT...where's your company located at, and how does one go about getting an application?
  5. How many versions of the movie are there? I thought there was two for Fellowship of the Ring, and I only know of one for the Two Towers. ...So how many are there again?
  6. I'll take that as a no
  7. So what servers are still up? The only one I can actually get to work is iMacrossIV. The rest are dead
  8. I still haven't been able to see this video! The link will not work for me! Where else may I be able to watch this video! I'm just dying to see it!!!
  9. lol, clever. $
  10. I can't even get the damn thing to d/l.
  11. Lol. You your own boss? Where do you work at? What do you do? I'm curious now...
  12. I liked the game because of the AI, the graphics, and the weapons/vehicles. I still play Halo on the XBox and love it to death. I think this FPS game is just better than all the ones I've seen. Tribes 2 a close second.
  13. Lol!!!
  14. I believe some of the US prototype aircrafts had technology not seen in the final product, all due to a budget. You can't exceed the budget the Gov. gives ya, so naturally you take out what isn't really necessary. Hence why we may not see the SWAG technology in the VF-1.
  15. I haven't been able to see the video either.
  16. Is that all of it? Or is there more to come? I really enjoyed the read!
  17. You do realize that Halo 2 will be coming out for the XBox sometime next year, no? $$$
  18. Lol...seriously though, this game is gonna ****ing 0wn!
  19. I don't really see how frame rates should be a problem. Unless you have a less than 700MHz CPU, less ram than the XBox, or have a really shitty video card. :/
  20. Why yes, yes indeed
  21. This is a discussion board. It's what we do. And what's wrong with us discussing the info that we do have, whether it's Paul Anderson and his poor track record as a director, or the rather generic character descriptions? It's not as if we were just spewing whatever insults we could think of, as if it were an AICN talkback. In fact, most of our criticism has been very well worded and thought out. Bashing and discussing are two different things. [edit]lol I'm just gonna stop right here. We're getting too OT here. My bad.
  22. That's so not true!
  23. Remind me to bring my own controllers if you ever invite me over to play. Lol, sure thing.
  24. When I see or hear something good about this movie, maybe I'll gain some optimism. But for the time being, I see nothing good about this movie. Fair enough.... The fact that you said "And I'd rather you all not talk crap about a movie that hasn't even hit production" made it seem you were taking it personally. You yourself asked if I'd prefer everyone tell how great it is. I was just replying back saying what I'd prefer. The film itself may not exist, but so far none of us are thrilled with the little information we have on characters and plot. It's true that the script may still see changes, but if they want to have this movie in theaters for next august then they'd better nail it down pretty soon. Exactly, you have very little info. on the characters and plot. Hence why I don't see a need to bash it. Nothing is final. When everything is final, and you have more information on the plot and characters, or (preferably) even when the movie comes out, that's when I say bash it all you want. I just think it's way to early to make any kind of critical judgment. That's all....
  25. The more and more I see pics and videos of this game...and picturing playing this game with authentic sounds, and Dogfighter playing the background...can't help but jizz all over the place
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