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Posts posted by Oihan

  1. I don't remember saying that... Or did I?? Sorry if I did. I don't think that is happening at all, I think it's more a case of "It's my movie and I'll do what I want because now I am over 50, so of course I understand what my 20-year old self would have wanted when he was making this cartoon". :p

    Hey maybe Kawamori is THE SUPERVISION ARMY

    No, you never said that. I had inferred from your post that he was trying to send a good message to the younger generation and appeal to them. I don't see any other reason to alter those scenes. I apologize if I inferred incorrectly. My poor choice of words probably doesn't help either...I can't really think of a better way to put it at the moment.

    I have met Kawamori and we have had interesting conversations about the way the world works, society, and whatnot. I support his attitude towards his work, that he wants to send certain messages to young generations. That's fine. What really pisses me off is when creators seem to think their movies are still theirs after decades -- you created it, directed it, but now it's out there. The production is OVER. You are no longer the director.

    Yes, let's make the Mona Lisa wink while we do restoration work on it. Why the hell not.

    I don't even mind the edits that much, really (only the one instance of music change which I mentioned). It's just the principle that I find a completely wrong approach.

    Oh, that and the lying -- because Theatrical Version should mean Theatrical Version. That's just re-writing history, now.

  2. I have some mixed feelings about this whole ordeal. All things considered, it makes me wonder how such a release like this could be botched.

    As far as the glitches are concerned, I seriously hope there is nothing wrong with the discs. I would really hate it if there was some kind of recall (as some have suggested) and I had to send the disc back to get it replaced. My hope is that the firmware on some of these players is out of date and that it needs to be updated. I remember having an issue playing a Blu-ray and HD-DVD, on the early generation players, where the video would stutter or not even load. I soon found that to solve the problem an update to the firmwares was needed. Now, if these people were having issues playing the Blu-ray on their PS3s...then I am quite concerned...as I am not sure how that would be resolved. I sure hope these issues aren't PS3 related...because that's how I plan to watch the movie! :ph34r: Hopefully it's just a firmware issue for some older players and not a disc issue too.

    Going back to the alterations made in the movie. With the various releases over the years, with no alterations made, why go to the extent of editing the movie now? To quote and re-iterate a point Strumvogel made:

    I find it strange they think this is a good idea. For the new generation? Just who do they think is paying the premium price for the BDs?

    If Renato is right in that Mr. Kawamori and co. want to appeal (for lack of a better word) to the younger generation or what have you...then why wait till now to make the changes? Why even bother in the first place with the changes? Wouldn't it be better to leave the film unaltered for the younger generation? To quote Renato and re-iterate what I happen to agree with, by removing the BGM

    you lose the emotional punctuation of that scene.
    As for the violence...granted it's just a couple of seconds removed that doesn't change how the story is told...I feel the graphic nature of those clips helps give a more visceral feel to the movie. By removing the BGM and removing those two short clips, I feel it changes the overall look and feel of the movie to some small degree. I feel any change, no matter how small it may be, is detrimental in that it takes a little away from the overall experience and that it changes a little how the overall message of the movie is conveyed.

    If anything, why not include an unaltered theatrical version and then have your "Special Edition" version included on the same disc(s)?

    Conspiracy theory time: Could they have grabbed a print that had been altered and not have realized it till it was too late? In doing so, rather than finding another print they say to themselves "screw it, we'll just toss in a bunch of extra goodies, make an excuse, and call it good"?

    I know that's not very likely the case at all, but I have been trying to wrap my head around all of this and none of it makes much sense to me.


    With all of that said, I got a notification from CDJapan that my order has shipped! Hurray!

  3. I am torn between cancelling my order or going through with it. I got the LE for $193.74 USD. While the edits are "minor" (ugh!), the fact that it has been remastered is very appealing! But then there's the damn changes! I wish I could go back in time and not read the DYRL BD threads...and hopefully miss the changes upon watching the Bluray - ignorance is bliss! I'm debating if I want to cancel the LE and just pick up the BD itself...or skip it all together and wait another 28364234234 years...hoping for the movie to be done right on BD or whatever the next format might be. :ph34r::unsure: :cries:

    Edit: After reading these threads and other stuff online, I still see no logical sense in making these edits. Yes...the changes are "minor" (ugh), and yes, I can go re-watch the unaltered DVDs and digital copies on my computer...but they're changes all the same! I now fully understand how the Star Wars fans feel about the changes made to the original movies.

    Edit #2: Who am I kidding? ...I'm a sucker for Macross! :wub:

  4. Most likely this is just the promotional edit. Doubtful those scenes will be missing from the release, though it wouldn't be the first time. Regardless, very happy to hear the film is looking good and sounding even better.

    I refuse to believe that the people putting together this http://www.macross30...anniversarybox/ with so much love and care would stick us with an censored print of the film. A new audio mix, yeah, I can see that. Chances are 2chan will see this release before most of us, so news will be out probably by Tuesday-Wednesday on exactly what's going on.

    The more I think about it, I believe you and Mr. March are probably right about the film being unaltered on Bluray...at least I hope you are anyway.... There's still that missing BGM however.... While my fears about the print have eased up, I'm still quite nervous about the missing BGM track.

    Here's hoping that it's just some inferior edit for promotional purposes!

    Lastly: There was at least one rather noticeable edit for me. This one is uber-geeky, though. However, though I wouldn't say it ruined the movie, it certainly meant that this version fell quite short of perfection. I will put it in spoilers because if you do not notice it, you probably will be happy. Ignorance is bliss, etc.

    First of all -- Check here:

    Go to Youtube and check this video: /watch?v=okaAd85dF_E

    (I'm not putting the full link up just in case the exposure leads to it getting taken down)

    Go to 1:37:00. There is silence as Minmay still makes up her mind as to what she should do. Then the Valkyrie right behind them explodes. The soft piano music leading into the strings indicates to us that she has made an important realization. She hesitates as to how to express it in words for a few moments, until she says "gomen ne, Hikaru". She finally understands that as part of the responsibility of her having chosen the life of a singer against the wishes of her parents, it is her duty to sing right now. Then there is a brief silence and she accepts the lyrics and we get the first power strains of the title song, "DYRL".

    Right. The screening last night, however, was quite different. The BGM was ENTIRELY silent for that scene until the DYRL intro. It may be subtle, but it takes away a WHOLE LOT for me. I am very sensitive to the usage of BGM in movies/TV (remember our podcast on Sayonara no Tsubasa and how the Brera/Ozma battle kind of was dragged down by the stock BGM usage IMO) and DYRL is perfect as it was -- I don't know if this omission is on purpose or a mistake, but it is much, much more detrimental to the work overall than the violence being cut. This is Minmay's monumental decision we are talking about, the whole climax pivots on this one scene, and the BGM indicated the exact moment she realized, "oh my god, it's all up to me". Without the BGM there, you lose the emotional punctuation of that scene. It's almost like writing a novel in capitals. There is effective silence, of course, but remember that this scene is silent right up until Minmay actually looks up -- then we hear the music.

    I'm not crazy, I know what I heard/saw, and yet no-one else seems to have noticed it. Even the Japanese ultrafans who go to many more of these events than I do, and buy everything. In fact, when I told them about it, they said "I didn't notice that... You must have watched this movie a lot!" Well.... yeah. Haven't we all?? I can't imagine I have watched it more than them, they had a decade's headstart!

    Anyway, whatever. The sound, apart from that, was MAGNIFICENT. I loved it. Especially the opening shot of the Macross logo when the horns kick in: "BA BA BA BAAAA-DAAAAH!" I thought the place was going to come down.

  5. Bamboo Blade, it's about a "mostly" girls Highschool Kendo team.

    Could also just be BV being cheap and not wanting to give up the full goods until the BD release. Remember, this is anime we're talking about, things far more graphic than those blurred shots get released all the time, don't see any reason to retroactively edit something now. This is also the Macross franchise, the same one that was decided Guld's death wasn't graphic enough the first time.

    Before reading that other thread I had no worries. I wish I were as optimistic about this release as you are, Keith. Now I'm reconsidering purchasing this. I'm sure you or someone else will tell me I'm crazy for doing so, but I'd hate to spend money on something that has been altered like this...regardless of how "minor" the changes are.

  6. But the problem is that the film itself already received an Eirin classification back in 1984 -- I don't think they revise them every time there is a screening, and certainly not if it's just a three-night event-only screening at one theater. In any case, this was a Bluray showing, which means that the change was made for the product itself and thus Eirin should have no jurisdiction on it anyway.

    Another thing -- Everybody, please do not forget that this was a triple-screening of DYRL with the two Frontier movies, back-to-back. In my opinion, cutting out split-second bursts of violence in DYRL and leaving extended scenes of dismemberment, headshots, impalings, blood vomiting and full-on massacres of Grace's troops in Sayonara no Tsubasa just doesn't make sense in terms of consistency. Again, this indicates that this was a change made for the product and not just the screening.

    Lastly: There was at least one rather noticeable edit for me. This one is uber-geeky, though. However, though I wouldn't say it ruined the movie, it certainly meant that this version fell quite short of perfection. I will put it in spoilers because if you do not notice it, you probably will be happy. Ignorance is bliss, etc.

    First of all -- Check here:

    Go to Youtube and check this video: /watch?v=okaAd85dF_E

    (I'm not putting the full link up just in case the exposure leads to it getting taken down)

    Go to 1:37:00. There is silence as Minmay still makes up her mind as to what she should do. Then the Valkyrie right behind them explodes. The soft piano music leading into the strings indicates to us that she has made an important realization. She hesitates as to how to express it in words for a few moments, until she says "gomen ne, Hikaru". She finally understands that as part of the responsibility of her having chosen the life of a singer against the wishes of her parents, it is her duty to sing right now. Then there is a brief silence and she accepts the lyrics and we get the first power strains of the title song, "DYRL".

    Right. The screening last night, however, was quite different. The BGM was ENTIRELY silent for that scene until the DYRL intro. It may be subtle, but it takes away a WHOLE LOT for me. I am very sensitive to the usage of BGM in movies/TV (remember our podcast on Sayonara no Tsubasa and how the Brera/Ozma battle kind of was dragged down by the stock BGM usage IMO) and DYRL is perfect as it was -- I don't know if this omission is on purpose or a mistake, but it is much, much more detrimental to the work overall than the violence being cut. This is Minmay's monumental decision we are talking about, the whole climax pivots on this one scene, and the BGM indicated the exact moment she realized, "oh my god, it's all up to me". Without the BGM there, you lose the emotional punctuation of that scene. It's almost like writing a novel in capitals. There is effective silence, of course, but remember that this scene is silent right up until Minmay actually looks up -- then we hear the music.

    I'm not crazy, I know what I heard/saw, and yet no-one else seems to have noticed it. Even the Japanese ultrafans who go to many more of these events than I do, and buy everything. In fact, when I told them about it, they said "I didn't notice that... You must have watched this movie a lot!" Well.... yeah. Haven't we all?? I can't imagine I have watched it more than them, they had a decade's headstart!

    Anyway, whatever. The sound, apart from that, was MAGNIFICENT. I loved it. Especially the opening shot of the Macross logo when the horns kick in: "BA BA BA BAAAA-DAAAAH!" I thought the place was going to come down.

    I sincerely hope NOTHING is removed/missing from the BD release. I'm starting to reconsider making a purchase. If all of these changes are there...perhaps they'll do another DYRL? release way way down the road with nothing missing?

  7. [/font][/color]

    Dismissing legitimate complaints about a movie by saying "the only reason people are complaining at all is because of unreasonable hype" is complete crap.

    Avengers wasn't perfect, but it didn't have the sheer amount of egregious writing issues and I'd argue it had just as much hype and elevated expectations to deal with. (More, actually. Come on, after Resurrection and the AvP movies, Prometheus' script just needed to be halfway competent and most people complaining now would have enjoyed it thoroughly.)

    I beg to differ, but since this isn't The Avengers thread I won't digress.

    I don't see why everything has to be clearly defined with written rules and plausible to be considered a good movie in the eyes of some. What's not plausible about some of the character motivations?

    The only "glaring" issue I had was Millburn's reaction to that worm like alien creature. Then again, maybe he's just an idiot who was mesmerized. Just cause you "know a lot" about a certain subject doesn't exactly make you bright.

    The Space Jockey going after Shaw doesn't seem completely implausible to me. They just destroyed his ship, why not take care of the nuisance first instead of risking the same thing happening again to his other ship?

    This doesn't address motivation per se, but plausibility none the less: What about the fact that Shaw got up after having a Caesarean section? It seemed to me she was on some pretty powerful painkillers. Plus some people can do some pretty amazing things with adrenaline pumping through their veins.

    The captain drinking and then leaving his post to go do it with Vickers. They obviously aren't going back in after Millburn and Fifield at that moment, regardless of what happens, because of the conditions outside...so why not?

    What else is so implausible? Just because we don't know more about the characters in this movie doesn't mean their motives aren't plausible.

    I know the movie has been out for some time but I'm going to use spoiler tags all the same.

  8. Again, I think what I quoted earlier has some merit. "If a big budget movie or a movie from a big franchise dosn't live up to its hype or bypass decades worth of thousands of movies then its complete crap. It's pretty insane how we expect every new movie to be better than the best and if it isnt its crap."

    Yes, the movie isn't without flaws...but what movie is? Like everyone else was essentially telling me in regards to The Avengers...why can't Prometheus be enjoyed for what it is?

  9. From Family Guy's Seth McFarlane comes Ted, his first-ever motion picture, premiering on June 29. Ted stars Mark Wahlberg (like no one here knows who he is...), Mila Kunis (Meg in Family Guy, Mona Sax in Max Payne), Giovanni Ribisi (Parker in Avatar, Wade in Saving Private Ryan) and Jessica Stroup (some hot chick in too many bad horror flicks), with Ted voiced by McFarlane and narration done by Patrick Stewart (like anyone here doesn't know his name...). In the film, John Bennett's wish for his teddy bear to come to life comes true. Unfortunately, they've been living together for over 27 years, which severely affects John's relationship with his girlfriend Lori. In order for him to move on with his life, he tries to distance himself from Ted.

    Early reviews have been positive so far, with a 72% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes.

    Official Site

    Official YouTube Channel

    Hahaha...all of my friends and I are looking forward to seeing this movie. Good to know it's getting positive reviews on Rotten Tomatoes. I can't wait to see it!

  10. 1249508_32.jpg DarkNemesis25 @Fauxcused

    I think the audience(us) as a whole are just so flooded by high quality media that if a big budget movie or a movie from a big franchise dosn't live up to its hype or bypass decades worth of thousands of movies then its complete crap.. It's pretty insane how we expect every new movie to be better than the best and if it isnt its crap..

    imagine showing transformers or avatar to someone in the 18th century.. The fact of technological breakthrough or artistic creativity should factored into a movies greatness, not just whether the plot was absolutely perfect.

    I'm kind of getting sick of people bashing perfectly respectable movies, Avatar and Watchmen included. Some vary talented people put allot of hard work on those films

    I felt this was worth quoting and repeating....

  11. Anybody here running crossfire? I have a 6950 I unlocked to a 6970 and I'm debating whether to spend $200 and run crossfire OR upgrade to a first gen 28nm card. I guess the third option I have is wait until Xmas to see if AMD tries to come busting through with yet another right before xmas release of a high end card. Any suggestions? I have heard lots of problems about crossfired cards. Obviously they're much improved over the old days but I hear people still are complaining about stuttering and odd issues when gaming.

    There's a great article on Tom's Hardware on micro-stuttering. From everything I've read on the matter, some people are sensitive enough to notice the problem; others are not. As I see it, it's like with DLP TVs; some people will notice the rainbow effect - color separation that occurs with moving images on the screen where the projector is rapidly changing the colors through the color wheel. Some people aren't sensitive to it and will never notice it.

    I've thought about going the SLI/Crossfire route in the past with my current rig...yet I can never get myself to follow through. I've come to prefer the single card setup over time. The next rig I plan on building won't have SLI/Crossfire in mind. Like you, I too am looking to buy another graphics card. I've come very close to making a purchase...but ultimately I'm waiting for the AMD and nVidia "enthusiast" cards to come down in price...hopefully when nVidia releases the rest of their Kepler cards.

  12. I ended up uninstalling CCCP again and re-installing everything individually. I then went with xy-vsfilter for the subtitles rather than going with MPC-HC's own. I also reduced the GPU queue size down to 5 from 8 in the madVR rendering settings. That seems to have fixed my problem. So if anyone else has a similar issue...they may want to try what I tried.

  13. OMG, you weren't supposed to open that, it's a collcetors item!

    lol, but seriously, the remaster brings out so much detail it's scary. And I think I've decided that "Love Concert" & "Dropout" are the worst animated episodes of the series, it's exception how sloppy they are. After this TV remaster, I'm very excited to see how DYRL came out.

    Where's that evil-eye-stare emoticon at...?

    I've been taking my time with the series and I've made it as far as "First Contact." I'm still amazed at the quality of the picture. I too am excited to see how DYRL? comes out!

  14. Anyone here familiar with madVR that knows how to properly configure the settings?

    I'm trying to make the jump to 10-bit and I can't seem to make a smooth transition. I have a couple of 10-bit sources, one 720p the other 1080p. The 720p source plays just fine with no issues whatsoever. However, when I play the 1080p source, the video plays fine for a while until some "complex/busy" scenes...where the video starts stuttering.

    The first thing I did in this transition was uninstall CCCP completely. Afterwards I downloaded and installed the latest versions of Haali Media Splitter, LAV Filters, madVR, and MPC-HC, and I manually configured MPC-HC (auto load subs, add LAV Video Decoder, etc) to use all of the above. I eventually went back to the latest version of CCCP and kept madVR - everything else was uninstalled.

    I've tried tweaking a few settings from what I've read, like the scaling algorithms and some of the rendering settings.... I don't know if there is an order in which things should be tweaked or if I'm just not finding the right combination of settings. I've read for Chroma Upscaling that SoftCubic with softness set at 100 is preferred and that Lanczos or Spline at 4 taps for Luma Up/Downscaling is preferred. I'm not sure which of these settings to tweak to gain better performance while losing the least amount of quality. I can't seem to find anything concrete out there on the web either. The rendering settings I'm not sure about either. When I was using the EVR Custom Presenter I had the EVR Buffers set to 5...but I'm not sure where to go with the madVR rendering settings.

    I've read that some graphics cards and or CPUs just aren't up to snuff in regards to handling 10-bit sources...but from my understanding my HD Radeon 4870 is 10-bit able/enabled. I would hate to think my Intel Core 2 Duo E6420 @ 2.8GHz is a/the bottleneck. I initially thought this may be a GPU issue but then I saw my CPU being utilized at 100%.... I don't know if it's a combination of both the graphics card and CPU, if it's just one or the other, or if some settings need to be tweaked. I simply don't know enough at this point in time in regards to video rendering.

    I apologize for the long read, but I am stumped and am in need of help. Any thoughts, ideas, or suggestions?


    Edit: Edited for clarity

  15. I was just looking over some E3 videos over at IGN (I didn't bother to watch the thing live) and saw this in the stories section.


    Green Lantern Might Reboot

    Plus, could Chris Nolan be taking charge of the full DC slate?

    by Scott Collura

    June 8, 2012

    Now that Warner Bros. and DC's Justice League movie is back on track, lots of little details are emerging about the rest of their superhero slate. That includes Green Lantern, which could be facing a reboot already.

    Variety has the inside track on the DC projects, with the latest word being that the studio is "figuring out whether to bring back Ryan Reynolds as the Green Lantern in a sequel to last year's actioner or relaunch the character in a completely new way." Michael Goldenberg, who co-wrote the first film, was commissioned to write Green Lantern 2 back in 2010, a year before the first film debuted. It would seem, however, that script may never see the light of day. (Don't cry for Goldenberg. He's now on the newly re-energized Wonder Woman script, as reported earlier this week.)


    One and done?

    Obviously, the notion of rebooting Green Lantern doesn't come as much of a surprise considering the financial and critical hit Warners took with the film. To spitball for a second here, maybe the studio figures they can just relaunch the character in the Justice League movie, perhaps going with the John Stewart version in order to bring some diversity to the team?


    John Stewart, from the peerless Justice League cartoon

    Additionally, many seemingly dead or on-life-support projects appear to be back in development, as per Variety, including Aquaman, Green Arrow, The Suicide Squad and Shazam. The Flash and Lobo, both of which were in the script stage last we heard, are also still on track. But some of these namedrops by the trade don't make all that much sense. Why develop a Green Arrow movie when you have a TV show featuring the character coming up this fall? Suicide Squad feels like a stretch when they're still trying to nail their main heroes. And an Aquaman movie? Really?

    Still, there's no doubt that the big question facing the studio is what to do with Batman once Christopher Nolan completes his trilogy with The Dark Knight Rises this summer. Do they dare reboot? (Of course they do.)

    The story continues that the studio execs are being careful how they proceed now, as they're still feeling the sting of Green Lantern (and, let's face it, probably Superman Returns as well). Sources indicate that the execs now realize they need to hire "creatives that genuinely understand the characters the way Joss Whedon was comfortable with The Avengers." That sounds like a no-duh kind of statement, but I bet it's a lot harder to achieve in the reality of the Hollywood system than you might expect.

    Whatever the case, don't expect much more actual news on the DC movie front until after TDKR opens in July, at which point it sounds like Warners might want to put Nolan in charge of their whole superhero slate (he's already a producer on the upcoming Superman reboot Man of Steel). That's assuming, of course, that he wants the job.

    What do you guys think? Should Nolan be running the whole DC superhero movie scene? Should Green Lantern be rebooted already? Comment below!

    I saw this movie on opening weekend and I actually really enjoyed the film. From the looks of things though, the majority of you (and the rest of the world) did not. Like a lot of you, I really liked Mark Strong's Sinestro! I'm hoping they bring back Ryan Reynolds, Mark Strong, and further explore the Sinestro Corps (I'm assuming that's where they were heading with that very last scene in the movie). If anything, I hope they bring back Mark Strong as Sinestro.

  16. So I started watching the episodes (I'm up to episode 4) and I am just absolutely taken aback by how great everything looks! The color and picture quality are phenomenal! With that said...the animation does not age very well. SDF Macross needs a facelift.

    Edit: I must say that episode 4 is definitely one of my favorite episodes.

  17. That's stupid, open the damn box already! The plastic flap is on the left side of the box in case you can't find it.... :)

    I think my problem is that I adore Macross so much that I treat any and all Macross merchandise as if it were the Holy Grail. :ph34r:^_^

    Heads up for anyone who imported. Keep an eye on your mail box. DHL just sent me an invoice for custom's tarif's. Can't say I'm surprised since the same thing happened when I imported the Haruhi-TV box, but I am a bit dissapointed. Seems like it only happens when items top $200 though, so I wouldn't worry about DYRL.

    Thanks for the heads up.

  18. been playing diabloIII. account got hacked today. While it's annoying, I can only say that Blizzard is fvcking out of their mind if they want to put in real money transactions into their piss poor security battle.net system.

    That really sucks. Do you have the Authenticator? I've heard of some accounts being hacked...even some accounts that have the Authenticator. I've really been enjoying Diablo III...when the servers have been up that is. This has to be one of the worst video game launches...

    Well Konami released the opening cutscene for its Z.O.E. HD Collection.

    I really don't know what the point was of the nude Ken scene. Other then that, it was an okay opening.

    I still want a ZOE 3 announcement.

    I've never played a ZOE game but I've always wanted to. It's nice to know they're making a HD Collection. Thanks for sharing that.

    The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim: Dawnguard DLC is coming out this summer. The official trailer down below.

  19. From what I've been reading from the critics, the characters aren't too bright and the script is rather lackluster - they seem to enjoy the movie though. The audience seems to love it. Only 18 critic reviews so far but it's getting an 89% on RottenTomatoes.com. It's not doing as well on metacritic with a 63 from 5 reviews so far. I'm looking forward to reading more reviews.

    I'm still very much looking forward to seeing this movie. I cannot wait!

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