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Everything posted by Oihan

  1. I've always found it best in life to keep an open mind and form your own opinions on something by actually experiencing it first hand. It's never a good idea to rely too much on or let yourself be influenced too much by other peoples views. Everyone is different and has their own likes and dislikes Mind you, I've never been one to mindlessly like something just because the Sheeple (AKA the herd) think it's trendy, in, hip (or whatever the current buzz word is). Graham Well, I'm not going so much on other ppl's views. I misworded the first sentence, sry. More like I'm going on what I've read about M7 (story/plot/etc.) And to your last sentence, ditto.
  2. I wasn't aware that it was an annoyance of any kind. And who would care enough to get upset if someone else expressed their thoughts/opinions/views on a Macross title? I have yet to see anything from 7. ....And from what I've heard over the years, I'm not exactly eager to see it. Then again, the majority don't like Macross II all that much and I love it...so who knows.
  3. They have Bloody Roar 4 for the PS2 @ $5....do you suppose they would have Bloody Roar Extreme for the XBox at $5 as well?
  4. Where abouts is this job at?
  5. It took me a day to d/l the the 3 CDs but I finally found the song. "Stardust Memory." Thnx.....
  6. They are in fact not attached to the Macross in Macross Plus. I just skimmed through it to make sure I missed it or anything.
  7. I have another question, it doesn't pretain to episode 10 but to Macross in general. Why aren't the Prometheus and Daedalus aren't seen in Macross Plus and etc.? Is it because they're going based of the DYRL designs?
  8. Thanks Keith, Graham.
  9. ....Right when Max tells Kai...(I can't remember how to spell his name for the likes of me) to fire missiles into the hole to create an opening...the hole is obviously big enough to send Bretai through, so I don't see how one of them could have picked up Misa and each of them could have flown through the hole "Ben" made.
  10. You know the hole they made to send Bretai through? Why couldn't they just all go out through that hole as well and escape???
  11. I believe Riber is dead and the messages the base was sending was a trap deployed by the zentran.
  12. I'm watching SDF Macross for the first time myself (currently watching Bye-Bye Mars). All I've ever known is Robotech (TMS), MII, M+, DYRL?, and 2012.... But now having seen SDF Macross...I'm more blown away by it than I am The Macross Saga. Take "Bye-Bye Mars" for example...I don't remember feeling as sad and sorry for Misa in the Robotech version, as I do in Macross TV. ...Anyway.
  13. Well, I'm watching SDF Macross for the very first time...I'm already at Bye-Bye Mars, and I can tell you I love Macross TV more so than I do DYRL? DYRL? is awesome, but TV 0wnz DYRL? My vote is Macross TV
  14. In Episode four (the scene with Minmay, Hikaru and the rats), what's the title of the BGM playing in the background?! And is it on the Macross Complete OST? And the BGM played after Minmay sings that song? Thnx in advance.
  15. He looks thrilled! And I dislike the new uniforms.... They look cheap imo. The old uniforms looked better.
  16. ...I'm watching that battle again (between Guld and the Ghost) and I must say that is one F'n awesome battle! ~1:38:38 - 1:39:03 into the movie...that scene gives me goose bumps... Such awesome animation.....
  17. I don't think that X-9 is more agile in space, remember that in 0 atmosphere you can't turn by using control surfaces of the plane cause the flight become inertial (play asteroids to get an idea). You need "verniers" to change direction. Plus faster speed result in a greater turn angle so more thrust is needed from the directional thrusters to be able to turn and you can't use airbrakes that in a way or an other affect inertial flight, if you want a good rendering of the inertial space fligt watch battlestar galactica 2004 or play Heavy gear 2 . I thought the X-9 had verniers..... And if I remember correctly, it looks as if both Guld and the X-9 make it out into space for a little while.... The X-9 still looked agile..... I dunno...could be wrong.... W/e.
  18. lol!!! Good stuff!
  19. Is it Mardook or Marduk?
  20. I'm think episode 5 will probably disappoint. It'll end everything up...but it won't answer all the questions. Then I think Kawamori will surprise us with a 6th episode that will answer the rest of the unanswered questions. Tis what I'm thinking....I dunno what makes me say that.....just something that popped in my head.
  21. I want my very own F-14 I don't want to see them retire! The F-14 is the first plane I fell in love with! It's part of the reason why I love Macross. Bah...!
  22. I too liked T3 a lot, btw.
  23. How would you propose on getting rid of all the humans? Skynet was all over the world....nuking the majority of the world wouldn't have killed it....
  24. I read and was told it's a prequel, not a sequel.
  25. I never played either of the games, so I don't know anything about the story. After seeing the trailer, I have one question. What's with the gay nut grabbing at the end? I mean, why the hell would that need to be in a video game?
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