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Everything posted by Oihan
To those that hate MS. I used to hate them as well. But when I came to terms with everything, I use Windows XP Pro, Microsoft Office XP Pro, and I have an XBox. I can't say I have any complaints with either of the three...so I can't really hate MS anymore. I can honestly say that I've never seen XP crash on me once, I use Word all the time...and there's Conker and Halo on the XBox.... Though...the only thing about MS that I REALLY dislike is Internet Explorer. I hate having to keep it around just so I can see IE only web pages...so gay. On a side note, I got XP Pro and Office XP Pro for free....so again I can't really complain. I hope all three systems do very well. It'd suck to see one them go down the path Sega took.
Just for the record; I'm a self-proclaimed Nintendo fanboy. Nothing I say is too out there though. Haha. I'm still looking to buy a CG, only for the new Zelda, Smash Brothers, and Mario Kart games. I still have my original NES, SNES, N64, and GB. I think the N64 is what killed it for me though. On a side note, I really liked the PSX, but the PS2 didn't really have anything that appealed to me. Only things I can think of is the Macross game and FFX. I'm still glad that I went with the XBox instead this time around (Halo and Conker). I'll probably get all three next-gen consoles, for they all seem to be backwards compatible...we'll see.
You do know that the XBox 360 demos at E3 are using about 1/3 of it's true capabilities? That's probably why they don't look as great. As long as I'm seeing it... I was under the impression that the PS3 had nothing to show but video tapes. Given even when Sony has a real-time interactive demo there's no guarantee it is what they say it is, why should we believe them when they have a non-interactive video? Well apparently they did have some demos that were playable...but again they were using the Alpha sytems instead of the final product. It's what they were reporting at the E3 special on G4TechTV.
mikeszekely- You basically said the same thing I said, except you elaborated which I didn't feel you could handle such big words. Here is a cookie. ANYWAYS, stop skirting aroung the facts, brother. The PS3 has a WHOLE LOT MORE shaders which means the games will look a lot better, even without maxing out anytime soon. Let fill you in on a little fact Einstein. HD sales have started to pick up significantly this year, so the future of HD is approaching sooner that you know, so wake up and smell reality. I am personally getting a set early next year.....oh wait, that's when the PS3 comes out. WOW, what a coincidence. I thought the future was so many years away. If you can't afford one, don't pass it off as "the future is so far away". Don't think SONY is stupid. They will release the PS3 on blue-ray if there is no standard. If a standard is agreed upon, then the PS3 will come with that instead. It;s not very diificult to swap drives, Sherlock. Yes, I am certain. All consoles have sold at cost or below when they debut. SONY is no exception. What the companies do, is figure out a way to produce them cheaper (and smaller) down the road and recup their costs. The bucks are in the games anyway, so it's just the old razor and razor blade game. For the last time. the PS3 will not cost $500.00 you lemming. The Mainichi Daily News DID NOT say that. They said that it would cost U-N-D-E-R $500.00. Get your facts straight. Who cares about your brother. He does not represent the USA. In fact, you really need to think before you post. It is a fact that DVD disc sales jumped dramatically after the PS2 launched because at that time, it was the cheapest DVD player on the marker. People bought it because it was a DVD player and a next gen console. smacktard? Is that how you react when you are being shot down and put away? How immature. Regardless, I will continue to school you. Hideo Kojima dod in fact make that statement. WHhy did he not go with a dual layer format? Who cares but he didn't and did run out of space. He has his reasons and he is not the first to say this. The fact is that, deveopers are running out of space and they DO need discs that hold more room without having to multi layer. Games will only get more complex and require a hell of a lot more space which DVD's will not be able to deliver. Blue ray is the answer. Don't give me that weak $hit man. unplug it. Is that what you do when you run out of plugs in an outlet. Sure we are talking about something else but you get my point. Why do you thing that newer computers have more and more USB ports and the like compared to older computers. They are a must. The same holds true for consoles. They are turning into media centers that you will be able to merge your digital and Internet lifestyle to. You will use it for many devices, like cameras, psp, mic's, keyboards, etc...... Multiple ports will be a must and unplugging them is a moronic solution unless you don't have a digital lifestyle and that means you are old. Do you know what the future holds? No? Then shut up and stop trying to pretend that you do. I sure don't but SONY is trying to and it's better to be ready than to not be ready. Oh and that statement that MS proved that the future of mulitplayer is online. That is a bunch of bs and you know it. Did you know that out of all Xbox live accounts, only 20% of those members are actually online for more than 4 hours a week. That hardly shows that onlime gaming is the future. It might be there on day but right now, online gaming and communities are at their infancy and nobody knows what tomorrow will bring. Generic sequels? Try best selling sequels to established and best selling franchises. They also have a lot of fresh content out there, so don't even go there. PS3 had back to back killer demos being shown, of which Killzone 2 was the best game at E3, hands down and the only thing that impressed me out of the Xbox360 was Gears of war. HEH!!! WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please wait while I run out of my house and loose a lung laughing outloud. A demo running on a development kit gives a sense of how the end will will eventually turn out. Microsoft is getting ready to launch the Xbox360 and those demos are pretty close to completion. Well, they pale in comparrison to the PS3 demo's which have only been in development for less than 2 months and they still have at least 8 months to go. PS3 had no playable games at E3 because they are all early in development but MS had plenty of Xbxo360 games that were playable which means that they are farther along and the PS3 demos looked better. What does that tell you?????????? To be honest with you, I saw MS mostly talking and talking and talking about Xbox live and the community and not so much about the superiority of their games. SONY, on the other hand, walked the walk and showed us the future of gaming. Remember, that in the end, it's about the games and MS is not really getting it. Nintendo gets it but that is a whole other story. p.s. Look at the poll above. Hmmmm........sure looks like PS3 is in the lead BY A LOT!!!!!! This is only a small indicator of things to come. "Live in you world. Play in ours" For the record, you are probably one of the biggest hypocrits I've ever encountered. mikeszekely calls you a smacktard, you come back with calling him a lemming, and then you question him as to how he reacts to being shotdown and so forth. You've OBVIOUSLY reacted the same way. You also asked if mikeszekely knows what the future holds, then told him to shutup. The following was quite a laugh: "The fact is that, deveopers are running out of space and they DO need discs that hold more room without having to multi layer. Games will only get more complex and require a hell of a lot more space which DVD's will not be able to deliver. Blue ray is the answer." Then you say: "Do you know what the future holds? No? Then shut up and stop trying to pretend that you do." So how exactly do you know what the future holds? How do you know that developers for the next 5 years (standard console life) will need the holding capactiy of a Blu-Ray disc? Do you know the future? Please think before you speak, or in this case type. Now to get back on topic...sorta. As for the shaders thing, I honestly don't think the XBox has been used to it's full potential. With that being said, what makes you think the next-gen consoles will use all of their resources to it's fullest? And just because one system has more shaders than the other doesn't necessarily mean a better looking game. It's all how the shaders are used and how many of them are used...duh. I'm sure you knew that though. So that makes any argument there, about the PS3 having more shaders, moot. As for your "swap drives" comment: it may not be difficult to replace drives, but I'm sure it's very expensive to do so. ...And just because the PS3 is leading this poll doesn't mean that XBox is doomed. You forget that MS has billions upon billions of dollars. They will throw money out for the XBox 360, just like they did with the XBox...and look at where the XBox stands now? It put Nintendo (a company that's been in the console gaming industry longer than Sony or MS) in 3rd place. Anything is possible...or do you really know what the future is like? o.O
Apparently you don't know that some of the 360 demos were only using 1/3 of the 360's full potential. Or I could have simply said that they were running those demos off of Alpha systems. I'm sure you know what Alpha and Beta means in relation to builds and so forth. Also: "Officials from Sony apparently told the newspaper that PlayStation 3s would sell in Japan for "less than 50,000 yen each." That translates to about $465 US dollars." - IGN Another thing...ever had dual processors in your computer? I'm guessing you haven't, otherwise you'd know that having 2 makes a difference. So what do you think 3 will do? And if you're not a PS3 fanboy, what makes mikeszekely an XBox fanboy?
Final Fantasy will be coming to both the PS3 and XBox 360, not sure about the Revolution. So much for brand exclusive only titles.
More powerfull? To the best of my knowledge, the only thing the PS3 has over the XBox 360 is a more powerfull graphics card...and that's it. The XBox 360 beats the PS3 in all the other aspects...bus and cpu speeds, RAM...etc. And from what I've read, the XBox 360 should be coming out (with the 20 Gig HD included) @ ~ $300. I havne't read anything price wise on the PS3 or Revolution. ...And from what I've seen, they both look pretty damn good graphics wise...I can't really tell which looks better. I'll probably end up getting both platforms...and maybe even Nintendo's too, but that's a big maybe. Furthermore, when it came down to buying a PS2, CG, or XBox, I went with the XBox. Halo and Conker is what sold me on the XBox. $$$ Killzone 2 looks freakin' sweet though! That game will probably be a reason why I buy a PS3, that and the FFVII port/remake!!! Gears of War looks great too on the 360...and then there's Halo 3 coming to the 360 as well...! I don't think I could buy only one console this time around.
You do know that the XBox 360 demos at E3 are using about 1/3 of it's true capabilities? That's probably why they don't look as great.
You forget Conker!!! Conker is probably the best thing to happen to Rare.
Or go all-out and give us an NC-17 with explicit alien/predator love scenes. That would be worse than anything they've yet come up with. Lol...in today's world anything is possible.
Maybe they might surprise us with an R rating instead? Edit: If only I could SPELL.
I'd say it's fairly possible, if the video of the next-gen Madden they played during the NFL draft is any indication (you should be able to check it out at IGN, I didn't sleep enough and I'm too lazy to look for a specific link). Madden footage on XBox 360, taken from xbox2-news.com Edit:I did a little more reading and apparently it isn't actual game footage. "IGN.com interviewed people involved with the next generation Madden. They were told that the commercial being shown was not from the XBOX 360, only what they expected it to look like. Evidently the actual Madden game turned out better then the graphics shown in the commercial." "Exactly what he said. IGN saw the commercial, and said this was an artist's rendition of what Next Gen Madden could look like, and not actually a running version of it. They did, however, talk to some people from Tiberon (the developer), who said they actually didn't want the commercial shown, because at first they thought it would create expectations they couldn't reach, but after working with the hardware, they found they could go beyond that. That is pretty cool."
I'll poo my pants if that happens to be the case.
Meh, when it came down to me buying a XBox or a PS2, I ended up with the XBox because of Halo. Now that Conker is coming to the XBox as well...I'm very VERY glad I went with the XBox...I LOVED that game on the N64. For those that think MS makes crappy products.... Have you seen a fresh install of Windows XP in action? I have yet to see the blue screen of death or to see it crash at all. I can't possibly see myself buying another OS ever again...until the software companies stop making their software compatible with XP.... If MS didn't make their next-gen console backwards compatible, that'd just be plain stupid on their part. I think the backwards compatiblity with the PS2 is what made it so popular...that and it's other capabilities. If it hadn't been for Halo, I would have gotten a PS2 cause of the backwards compatiblity and DVD capability. But the XBox can play music and DVDs as well, so I can't complain...I am very happy with it. In some instances, the DVD player on the XBox is much better than some of those on the market today. ...Anyway, there still has yet to be a game on the PS2 that I MUST get, unlike Halo/Halo2 and Conker for the XBox. ...Here's hoping for the best...!
[Essay]Evaluation of the Practicality of Mecha
Oihan replied to Briareos9's topic in Movies and TV Series
Probably not in our life time. ='( -
Yea, I think that might be it. I d/l-ed this file titled: "20 Years of Macross - [AA]" So that's what the file must be of then, the 20th Anniversery DVD.
7 mins 19 secs from the exact start of the video during the video game section, there's a scene where a Valk is trying to doge a barrage of missles. Would either of you know where that footage comes from? I'm thinking it's gameplay footage from the latest Macross game...but I don't know for sure. Anyway, thanks in advance.
You gotta have Shockwave and Brawn, too. Hell, throw Grimlock in as well, and the Aerial Bots...Omega Supreme....
I think if they used the Transfomers: The Movie (cartoon) script, and the graphics were insane...I'd definitely see it.
I went and saw it last Friday. I must say it's probably one of the best movies this year thus far. I don't think there's a single movie from last year that could compare with Sin City either.... There were too many nut shots/blows...everytime I saw one I just cringed. Very dark movie...but brilliant and beautiful in my opinion.
Damn dude, you're right. Kawamori obviously has no idea what he's talking about, glad you're on the case to sort things out! Seriously dude, he said he never watched Macross II, he has legitimate reasons for not watching it, what else do you need? EDIT: Also, keep in mind Kawamori was not directly responsible for everything in Macross 7. By the time Macross 7 started production, he was invovled in Macross Plus. The individual scripts were not written by him and the episodes were not directed by him. That certainly explains the use of Macross II music (they needed BGM to fill in an episode, pulled it from the music they had rights to). I once gave a friend of mine a copy of my Macross II OST Vol. 2 CD to listen to. A lot of the songs he didn't even care for...even the more memorable ones. Untill after he saw Macross II, he appreciated the songs more. I guess what I'm saying here is that the songs held very little meaning to him until after he saw what they were 'relating' to (for lack of better words). And I can see how that can be. Now with music and song being a very key factor in all of Macross...I don't see how Kawamori would want any music from anywhere that didn't mean anything to him. ...Anyone would be a fool not to see that music plays a huge factor in Kawamori's world. Anyway....that's my thought on all of that...my 2 cents...yea. Edit: Changed "You'd" to "Anyone would."
Matter of opinion there Keith.... As for that comment someone else made about Kawamori...so it's a known fact that Kawamori has never seen II at all? I seriously doubt he hasn't watched it yet...after all these years. Whatever you all say though.
Don't forget! A new episode airs on the 27th of this month!
You know most of us pay good money to garbage collectors to get rid of the crap we already have...If you want free crap, we could all save a bunch of money by connecting our toliets to your house! If you consider it crap when its selling for $20 on the CD rack, then WTF makes it worth a free download?...crap is crap. My gawd, with all the mud you guys like to sling at the music and film industry for produceing such crap...Its like your neighbors have a Pitt Bull they swear craps solid gold...you can even buy a pile of it for $20 at thier weekly garage sale...But you can obviously tell the dogs crap is like that of any other dog and pass on the deal...Yet, late at night you sneak over and steal some Its not like practicaly every store that sells music doesn't have a CD lisening station, its not like you can't rent DVDs and video games...it's not like you don't have tons of music, film and even video game reviews to gauge the general opinion and value with...with as much time and effort as it takes to download crap for free you could already be aware of just how crappy the crap is...But no, you want your crap, and want to eat it too...instant satisfaction is the name of the game, not enough patience to wait for soemthing to reach the discount bin, not enough forsight to wait until the hype dies down, can't be bothered with checking through the compilation or "best of" CDs for those particular songs you want...nope its just consume, consume, consume. Let me know when you find some dog crap that has one thing you want on it, be it a jewel the dog ate/song/whatever, you go ahead and purchase that dog crap for $20. In the meantime, I'm gonna go look at another pile of poo, take whatever it is I want from that dog crap, wash it off, and save myself $20. After that's done and said, I hope you enjoyed spending $20 on dog crap. As to what you're going to do with that dog crap...is anyone's guess...use your $20 worth of dog crap to your heart's content!
I'd say it's safe to say we all wish and hope that Kawamori will do another Macross series/OVA/movie...I know I sure as hell do anyway. I hope he'd do it for his loyal Macross fan base, if not (at least) for his own love of the series. ...Assuming he does love Macross...but he'd have to, having created so many stories for Macross...I'd think anyway. Anyway, I'm gonna shutup now.