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Posts posted by Oihan

  1. i got that a few times. then a few days or a week later, another note saying they have secured stock for my order.

    Thank you for the reassurance! I just got another e-mail from them informing me that they've secured my order.

  2. Hello Oyan.

    Thank you for ordering with AmiAmi !!

    We have confirmed your order under order number #########.

    At the moment, your pre-order for

    PS3 [w/First Release Bonus] Macross 30 -Ginga wo Tsunagu Utagoe- [Regular Edition]

    is in queue, and we have yet to find out if we can secure your order.

    It usually takes about one week before we know its availability, as we might have to contact several distributors.

    Please be patient, and wait for our next mail. We will contact you as soon as possible.

    In the unfortunate case that the item is all reserved at our distributors, we won't be able to offer you the item.

    Please excuse us when this occurs.

    Has anyone else gotten an e-mail like this from AmiAmi? Would it be wise to place another order somewhere else just in case? :ph34r:

  3. Well, if you look elsewhere on his channel he has actually made a slowed-down version complete with tabs so you can practise at home. :)

    Yeah, I've seen the video. Unfortunately, I don't know how to play the guitar, nor do I really have any time to learn how to play this song. Thank you all the same for mentioning it! :) One of these days...one of these days!!!

  4. So much (unwarranted) hate towards Macross II. >_>

    allow me to add to the do not watch E7 AO list. action is okay. mecha design is meh. moe, low iq characters. and the main character nevre moves beyond emo and whiny renton of the first series. in short i have no desire currently to finish the series.

    take Martian Successor Nadesico. remove large chunks of story. take away 99.8% of the humor.take all mecha designs and make them all rejected variants of nirvash. add a splash of rtsc and you will have Eureka 7 AO.

    It's that bad, huh? Yikes.


    So I watched the first two parts of Mardock Scramble. While I really enjoy and dig the cyberpunk setting...I find the premise of the show offensive and disturbing. I've seen some pretty twisted/offensive anime (Elfen Lied for example)...but I think this might take the cake.

  5. AO completely ignores the events and character motivations of the original series. Much like Orguss 02, and Macross II, it feels like it was made by someone who watched less than an episode of the original, and tried to fill in the gaps with random crap.

    Most of what Keith said. One thing that really set them apart for me was that AO's characters were poorly handled and had downright odd resolutions to their personal stories (if any at all!). It just felt like very uninspired writing. It seemed to me that the production team cared more about the setting than about the characters and developing a coherent storyline.

    Oh and the soundtrack cannot hold a candle to E7's.

    Thanks for the heads up you two.

  6. Ugh...I always seem to be 3 to 4 months behind on these games. I really ought to keep up on this stuff. I just finished reading all 569 posts in this thread. While the LE is tempting, I just put my pre-order in for the regular edition over at AmiAmi. I cannot wait for the game!

  7. Really sorry to hear these changes are now a reality for the consumer. All we can do is let the powers that be know we are not impressed and hope this foolishness is corrected on the next format (which I assume will be the 4k format, whenever we get there).

    Have to say, I am rather exhausted becoming outraged by the self-censorship creators impose upon their own now-classic works. But I do find I'm learning a lesson in humanity as I live through these events. It's ironic that creators like Kawamori were champions for popular culture in the previous generation and now the biggest enemy to censorship is not some "authority" or "establishment" against which they fought in their youth...it is themselves :)

    "You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villian."

    I wonder if I'll get this way as I reach my 50s and 60s? As I slow in activity and mellow in mind, will I too become weary of that violence and action which once inspired and energized my imagination in youth? Or will I be self aware enough to recognize that though I may come to grow distaste for those violent parts of life, they are the very same things that spur the youth that follow me into action, for good or for ill? I guess I'll find out.

    Think I'll pass on buying this set. Perhaps cheaper availability of DYRL will appear in the future.

    Great post and nice quote! It is interesting to see how people (can) change over time. Looking back at my own life I see how my own tastes, beliefs, values, and the likes have changed over the years. Just the other day I was looking back at my musical tastes and how they have changed over the years. It made me wonder where my tastes are going to be years from now.

    I should have tried cancelling my pre-order when I had the chance...but a few days notice of the changes and my indecision got the better of me. Even though I paid good money for the LE -- even if I hadn't opened up the boxset -- I don't think spending the money to send it back would have been an option for me.

  8. I'm glad they didn't remove the grain with DNR or artificially sharpen scenes. You remove fine detail when you remove grain. DYRL shouldn't look clean and sharp like a recent HD show. Disney can afford to restore their animated features frame by frame for Blu-ray and remove the grain without compromising detail, but Bandai isn't Disney.

    DNR and artificial sharpening is not what I had in mind.

    It appears to me that this was a rushed job. I think the new audio track exemplifies it... IMO there are some unnecessary (but not bad) new audio effects in the beginning of the movie that scream "NEW AUDIO MIX" but there's a point in the movie when the audio remaster is not so spectacular anymore. For example: in the beginning of the movie when the VF-1s are taking off, the surround sound is all over the place. In the final battle, there are many scenes of the SDF-1 that could have used the 7.1 mix but all the effects are focused in the front speakers.

    Video-quality wise, I agree that although some scenes look incredible, the HD remaster on DVD is less distracting since the contrast of blurry/clear scenes is not that obvious.

    Sadly, I'm glad to know I'm not alone in this.

  9. Movie wise I'm disappointed. And I don't mean that by the edits or anything, they're not that bothersome and I can kind of see how they work. Like the stomping of the head, Miriya's foot puts the camera "out of focus" and the decapitation I think could be now viewed as that everyone got vaporized.

    But I don't see how there's a few frames missing of Badolza's head caving in. 1 thing that does get me, was the sudden cut of background music during Minmay's realization with Hikaru. That was just awkward of a cut.

    That's just one of the "edits" that people have been complaining about.

    Like you, I too think that they could have done a better job of restoring and cleaning up the film. I feel that there are some scenes where the grain is really pronounced and jarring.

    I wish DYRL? had the same kind of treatment NausicaƤ of the Valley of the Wind had on Blu-ray. That film looks gorgeous and nothing appears jarring.

    This is definitely not thE "definitive" version of DYRL? to own, that's for sure. I am tempted to almost go as far as to say the HD Remaster on DVD is the "definitive" version to own. I seem to have lost track of just how many DVD versions there are out there...so pardon me if there's a more "definitive" version out there on DVD.

    This all goes without saying that I do think the movie on BD looks stunning - minus the foolish edits.

    Edit: Does anyone else feel like they might have half-assed this remaster, giving some scenes more/better treatement than the others? I don't understand why they couldn't have made some of the blury scenes sharper. I only ask because I keep thinking about the animes that have been restored on Blu-ray....

  10. My copy just came in! While it perturbed me to open the thing up, I was curious to see what film strip I got. I don't know if I have it in me to open the thing up again as I just put it everything back into the plastic sleeve. I just might buy another copy after all...... >_< :ph34r::unsure:

    I went ahead and attached two images, one of the strip and one of the actual scene itself from the HD Remaster on DVD that I copied onto my HDD.



  11. Until I get confirmaton on the edits, I ain't buying nuthin!

    I won't support a "Lucased" version of DYRL in ANY format.

    I'll stick with my inferior but intact re-mastered DVD release and IF the movie is intact as it was back in '84 or even the remaster release then I'll drop the money to get a copy of the new BD.

    @ Oihan, you express your displeasure by NOT buying the product. Speak to their wallets and most corporations will listen.

    Zinjo, unfortunately I paid for the thing in full many months back. I blew the chance to cancel the order, in the short window of time we had, upon learning about the edits being on the BD. Hence my want and need to show my displeasure. I originally planned on buying a second copy of the movie, so that I could watch it and leave the LE intact and untouched...but that has gone out the window.


    Don't send anything in English -- it'll be ignored. Get someone to translate what you want to say into Japanese and send that. And no, please don't ask me to do it :p

    Too late for that. ^_^ I guess I'll need to type it up again and do just that...find someone to translate it for me. Thanks for the heads up!

    Again, I now fully understand how the Star Wars fans feel about the changes made to the original movies.

  12. Well, I live in South America and I am about to pay 13.120 JPY SAL registered. That if I don't cancel my order due to the blur edits and useless FB2012.

    If the regular version of DYRL includes the Flashback ending then I can buy that and be happy saving some bucks. But I am now realizing I got a descent price of the Hybrid from Amiami.

    I will wait for more pictures of the booklet and extras. Please guys, show us some more pictures.

    This is essentially what you're getting from the LE. http://www.macross30.com/1stmovie/anniversarybox/

  13. Yeah, even with FB2012 not perfect, this is likely gonna be the definitive version for awhile so you can't go wrong with it.

    Definitive? I don't know about that... If ONLY they hadn't edited it. I wonder how this compares to the HD Remaster on DVD.

    Edit: Aside from our wallets, is there anyway we can show displeasure with the edits? Is there an e-mail address I can send an e-mail to? Anything at all? :(

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