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Everything posted by Oihan

  1. How much would you guys pay for a film strip from DYRL?
  2. Does anyone know the height of the SDF-1 in Attack Mode with the twin booms down? The MMM only has the dimensions in Cruiser Mode: Dimensions: length 1,210 meters, width 496, height 312 meters; (approximate dimensions following 2012 refit) length 1,200 meters, width 600 meters. Thanks!
  3. Oihan

    Macross 30

    Thank you for the reassurance! I just got another e-mail from them informing me that they've secured my order.
  4. Oihan

    Macross 30

    Has anyone else gotten an e-mail like this from AmiAmi? Would it be wise to place another order somewhere else just in case?
  5. Yeah, I've seen the video. Unfortunately, I don't know how to play the guitar, nor do I really have any time to learn how to play this song. Thank you all the same for mentioning it! One of these days...one of these days!!!
  6. One of my favorites! I could die a very happy man if I were able to play this on guitar.
  7. So much (unwarranted) hate towards Macross II. >_> It's that bad, huh? Yikes. --- So I watched the first two parts of Mardock Scramble. While I really enjoy and dig the cyberpunk setting...I find the premise of the show offensive and disturbing. I've seen some pretty twisted/offensive anime (Elfen Lied for example)...but I think this might take the cake.
  8. I think it would have been more worthwhile to include subtitles and do away with the dub tracks all together. The change in voice actors would be too jarring for me to enjoy the dub. 'Tis such a shame.
  9. I've been considering watching AO. What's so bad about it if you two don't mind me asking?
  10. Oihan

    Macross 30

    Ugh...I always seem to be 3 to 4 months behind on these games. I really ought to keep up on this stuff. I just finished reading all 569 posts in this thread. While the LE is tempting, I just put my pre-order in for the regular edition over at AmiAmi. I cannot wait for the game!
  11. I agree with the author, of that article, in that The Super Dimension Fortress Macross is the greatest love story of the 20th century. It's one of the reasons why I love the series/franchise so much.
  12. No subs?! *sigh* This is awesome news! I cannot wait! Another boxset I have to save up for....
  13. Call it however/whatever you want; whatever makes you sleep better at night.... Edit: I apologize. I don't want this thread to get locked up for going OT and over nonsense.
  14. ...Yes, because bullying another person for no good reason, other than for that bully to feel better about their pathetic and ignorant life, is completely acceptable.
  15. Great post and nice quote! It is interesting to see how people (can) change over time. Looking back at my own life I see how my own tastes, beliefs, values, and the likes have changed over the years. Just the other day I was looking back at my musical tastes and how they have changed over the years. It made me wonder where my tastes are going to be years from now. I should have tried cancelling my pre-order when I had the chance...but a few days notice of the changes and my indecision got the better of me. Even though I paid good money for the LE -- even if I hadn't opened up the boxset -- I don't think spending the money to send it back would have been an option for me.
  16. DNR and artificial sharpening is not what I had in mind. Sadly, I'm glad to know I'm not alone in this.
  17. That's just one of the "edits" that people have been complaining about. Like you, I too think that they could have done a better job of restoring and cleaning up the film. I feel that there are some scenes where the grain is really pronounced and jarring. I wish DYRL? had the same kind of treatment NausicaƤ of the Valley of the Wind had on Blu-ray. That film looks gorgeous and nothing appears jarring. This is definitely not thE "definitive" version of DYRL? to own, that's for sure. I am tempted to almost go as far as to say the HD Remaster on DVD is the "definitive" version to own. I seem to have lost track of just how many DVD versions there are out there...so pardon me if there's a more "definitive" version out there on DVD. This all goes without saying that I do think the movie on BD looks stunning - minus the foolish edits. Edit: Does anyone else feel like they might have half-assed this remaster, giving some scenes more/better treatement than the others? I don't understand why they couldn't have made some of the blury scenes sharper. I only ask because I keep thinking about the animes that have been restored on Blu-ray....
  18. I bought my LE from CDJapan and paid in full through PayPal months back. I forget which shipping option I chose, but mine shipped through FedEx on the 25th and arrived today.
  19. My copy just came in! While it perturbed me to open the thing up, I was curious to see what film strip I got. I don't know if I have it in me to open the thing up again as I just put it everything back into the plastic sleeve. I just might buy another copy after all...... >_< I went ahead and attached two images, one of the strip and one of the actual scene itself from the HD Remaster on DVD that I copied onto my HDD.
  20. Zinjo, unfortunately I paid for the thing in full many months back. I blew the chance to cancel the order, in the short window of time we had, upon learning about the edits being on the BD. Hence my want and need to show my displeasure. I originally planned on buying a second copy of the movie, so that I could watch it and leave the LE intact and untouched...but that has gone out the window.Edit: Too late for that. I guess I'll need to type it up again and do just that...find someone to translate it for me. Thanks for the heads up! Again, I now fully understand how the Star Wars fans feel about the changes made to the original movies.
  21. This is essentially what you're getting from the LE. http://www.macross30.com/1stmovie/anniversarybox/
  22. Haha, definitive Blu-ray version it is then. Why thank you! It more than likely won't accomplish anything, but I feel it'll be the least I can do.
  23. Definitive? I don't know about that... If ONLY they hadn't edited it. I wonder how this compares to the HD Remaster on DVD. Edit: Aside from our wallets, is there anyway we can show displeasure with the edits? Is there an e-mail address I can send an e-mail to? Anything at all?
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