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Everything posted by Oihan

  1. I'm on the same page as you are, I'm not a big fan of basketball either. However, I do enjoy watching American football, hockey, and now football. It's the big plays that I like in the NFL....hell I like everything about the NFL. Hockey is always fun to watch...! This is the first time I've gotten into soccer. As you stated, it's pretty much non-stop 'action.' As for the teams I'm rooting for.... I have three citizenships, one in the USA, one in Spain, and one in Australia. So I'm rooting for Spain and Australia right now as well as Ukraine. (I'm half Ukranian) Who are you all rooting for?
  2. Heh, yea. It was pretty ugly how we went out, oh well. On a side note, I'm kind of surprised football isn't as popular here in the States as it is with the rest of the world! Oh well though, I'm enjoying these games!
  3. Moderators, I hope you don't mind this thread. If so, I apologize and do what you guys do best. Has anyone else been following the FIFA World Cup games? The playoff games start today at 8:00am PST with Germany and Sweden playing followed by Argentina and Mexico around 11:55am PST. I just started watching this past week and I must say I've been getting more into football than I ever have been. I've seen some pretty sh*t calls that may have cost a few teams from advancing, but the games have been fun to watch regardless. The Australia/Croatia game was really fun to watch. Anyway, let me know what you all think. Thanks. Edit: Edited for grammar and correct time.
  4. Wow I'm a dumbass/Jack-ass. Thanks JB0! I cleared the cache and it worked perfectly. Edit:lol @ the word filter.... I typed Jack ass as one word and it replaced it as Tom Cruise
  5. http://macross.anime.net/production/audio/...gain/index.html "Toh A Wiarabl Ren (Love you once again, Mardook Version)". It does have an additional track on it but I have not heard it myself. It was a special release CD that was only avaliable to people who bought the Japanese MII release back in 1992/93 (it sounded like a mail-in offer when one bought a copy of MII). Chances of finding seem slim on this end. I doubt there are any torrents or FTPs that have this file. You'll probably have to search around the Japanese P2P networks for any luck this this one. 409839[/snapback] Bah, I feel robbed of some really great music here. Thanks again Azrael, I appreciate it.
  6. Such a great movie.... (I think so anyway!) I hope the live action film is just as good if not better than the animated movie. That's probably wishfull thinking though...here's hoping!!!
  7. Would you know the titles of those tracks (and or CDs) by any chance? Would you know if these tracks could be found on one of the Macross FTP servers or Bittorrents? Thanks again.
  8. Well, it was named Silvie2.jpg and then I renamed it to MacrossIISilvieGena.jpg I guess it isn't so random but it just a bunch of sh*t I added to the name of the file that doesn't need to be there ("random").
  9. Well, I've already stated that I double checked for image size/dimensions/format. BUT, it's a 4.36KB .jpg file. The dimensions, in pixels are 128x96. I've tried renaming the file to something completely random and stored it in several different locations.
  10. I don't know why it hates me then...ffs! Edit:I just tried it again, and it doesn't like it. I even removed the avatar I currently have, then tried renaming the file I want uploaded to a completely different and random name. Yet, after trying to upload the picture AGAIN, it just brought back the current one I'm using. Edit #2: I did as YellowLightMan suggested and that worked. But I still can't upload a new picture directly from my computer. It insists upon using the one of Eri from School Rumble! Please still fix this. :/
  11. The late and great Rodney Dangerfield and the band Ambrosia.
  12. ...the two OSTs? There are quite a few BGM tracks that I can't find on either OST. I'm hoping there's something for Macross II like there is for Macross TV/DYRL? (Disc 3 of the Complete set). Please, PLEASE let me know if there is. It'd be much appreciated! Thanks
  13. You guys don't consider X-Men 3 sci-fi? Granted it's from a comic but it's still sci-fi non the less. It would be nice, however, for a new and great space opera!
  14. I've tried numerous times to upload a different avatar and it won't let me! I get the "'Avatar choice updated' 'Please wait while we transfer you...'" screen but it still doesn't upload my new avatar! Yes I've made sure the picture is in the right dimensions, yes I've made sure it's in the right format, and yes I've made sure the size is under 150KB (the .jpg is about 4.36KB actually). Please fix this. Thanks
  15. I dunno if you guys know this, but the episode raws 37-50, with the rough translations, were leaked by a supposed member of the Nanashi fan-sub group. They're in .mkv format. Do a torrent search for Bizarro-Nanashi to find them.
  17. That was Legend. with Mia Sara, Tim Curry, Tom Cruise 407748[/snapback] Great movie! (I think anway.) Thanks for the suggestion though Jenius! I appreciate it.
  18. I just finished watching the movie on the Sci-Fi Channel tonight; reading some of the reviews on the web while having watched it. Apparently it's gotten a lot of bad reviews for acting and the CGI. However, I like the movie. Not so much for the story or CGI, but the setting and characters. It does have a Fifth Element kind of feel to it (however not quite as good). It's so F'd up looking...bizarre looking.... It's the characters and weird looking creatures in movies like The Dark Crystal, The Labyrinth, The Fifth Element, Legend, The Never Ending Story, and other such movies that I love so much! Those five are the only movies I can think of, however. Anyone know of any other movies (good preferably) that have bizarre looking characters and creatures like in the movies I listed above? If so, PLEASE do tell! (Gotta love the Sci-Fi/Fantasy genres ) Thanks!
  19. You can have to where it automatically does it for you in TA. Just assign the plant/factory a 'squad number' and every unit that comes from that plant/factory is automatically in that squad.
  20. I saw a cam video of the game presentation at E3 2006. Apparently the 'map' shown in the trailer is about 400 square kilometers in size and is 1/16th the size of their largest maps....1/16TH! It also has dual monitor support. Also, you can change way points on the fly with ease and coordinate attacks so two groups attack at the same time rather than who gets their first. Video on Google Bittorrent of the cam video
  21. Well, you should check out the video, the HD version of their in-game footage/trailer is stunning.... The game looks much improved.... Dunno how it will play out though, won't know till next year. I've been reading the forums for the game and it looks like they really care to know what we want in the game.... Of course that goes w/o saying that not all the ideas (if any) will be implemented, but they're looking for more ideas.
  22. LOL, I use the same staregy in TA...build a massive air force of about 60+ and send them in.... I LOVE the chaos.
  23. Haha, yea...I think I'll be buying a new machine just for this game as well, though I'm sure the rig I have now should be able to support...but I want to play the game in all it's glory! I've read that the game will make full use of dual core CPUs, but having a dual core CPU won't be required.
  24. I remember back in 1997 when Total Annihilation was released. I didn't know anything about it but it had caught my eye, and am I ever glad it did. Some argue it's still one of the best RTS games out there to this day, and I'd have to agree with them. Come 2007 the sequel to TA will come out. Judging from the trailer of actual game footage...the game looks like an orgasm-fest (if you ask me anyway). I CANNOT wait till this game comes out!!! Any of you ever played TA? What did you think of it? What are your guys' thoughts on Supreme Commander? Anyone else stoked about this game? Edit:If you go to the Supreme Commander website and check out the media section, you can watch some actual in-game footage.
  25. It'll keep you watching (it did me)...but it left me asking wtf and rather disappointed that the whole series is as random as it is and makes no real sense, as far as the rest of the episodes being all tied together with the first few episodes.
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