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Everything posted by Oihan

  1. Uh, you do realize that discussing M7 and MII constitutes discussing Macross, right? And, well. . . Law and Order isn't Macross. So. . . yeah, we have debates about Macross here. And we don't have debates about Law and Order. . . that's sorta the point. I'll just sum up again: Part of the reason MW has developed a community that you like and respect so much is because the basis for discussion has been so narrow. By wanting to broaden things out and loosen up the boards, you're essentially advocating the removal of one of the key ingredients responsible for creating what you hope to improve. Oddly, I have a passion for Roman history and Middle-earth. . . but I'm not desperate to discuss it with EXO or jsArclight. H 415274[/snapback] I never argued that discussing MII and M7 isn't a 'Macross discussion' or whatever it is your trying to point out. And you do realize there are other Anime/Sci-Fi threads that are being discussed on the "Anime or Science Fiction" forum, right? We do have debates about other such anime/sci-fi related things in the Anime or Science Fiction forum...that's the point of that forum. The point of that forum isn't to discuss things outside anime or Sci-Fi, hence the title of that forum. What I'm trying to get is another forum that allows us to discuss things other than anime and Sci-Fi. Who says I'm "desperate?" My reason for liking MW so much has nothing to do with the fact that "the basis for discussion has been so narrow." Don't place assumptions upon me, please. You may not be "desperate" to discuss Roman history and Middle-Earth with the rest of us, but you sure seem to want to discuss: Superman, Arnold Schwarzenegger, video games, worst actors of all time, game laws in California, James Doohan, relationships, military technology, calorie count in acoholic beverages, tax refunds, halloween, other anime...etc. What does any of that have to do with Macross? (Did a search in the OT forum with your name if that hasn't been made apparent.) All I'd like is a forum for those threads, that other fellow MWers are intersted in, that end up being locked, so we may discuss something other than Macross when there is nothing to discuss about Macross that hasn't already been said about Macross.
  2. Using your logic we should then get rid of the "Anime or Science Fiction" forum (thE most popular forum in MW). I hope I never see you post anything in that forum either, since you believe this should be a 'Macross only' message board. Otherwise you'll be a hypocrite and all respect would be lost for you. BUT, if you insist upon posting in that forum, then don't complain about this topic and retract your 'now moot' argument. I've heard this argument countless times "go to another forum, blah blah blah." I have yet to come across a board that's anything close to being like this, I value the opinions of its members, hence why I'd rather discuss the World Cup on here than some place I rarely visit. I really only have one love/passion, and that's Macross, everything else comes second as far as materialistic things go. Despite that, I'd still wish to discuss such topics with the rest of the members here. 415245[/snapback] first and foremost, please don't take my post as an attack against you. unpopular opinion, yes i think the other anime and sci-fi section should get the boot. why? simply cause it will get rid of a lot of the folks who hang here all the time, yet never post anything pertaining to macross. don't get me wrong, its not like i hate anyone here in particular but i think its whack that people want to come here to discuss everything under the sun except macross. i realize people can get burnt out talking about the same thing over and over but thats why there are other messageboards out there. i.e. if i want to go somewhere a little more lax, the mods aren't as strict, where members can be more themselves, i go AP(animepunch). why? because for the most part, no one takes anything or anyone too seriously, therefore arguements rarely ensue and everyones cool, both the mods and members. i used to post in the off topic section back in the days but i stopped cause people get a little too riled up over there. usually its pointless arguements that have absoluting nothing to do with nothing other than someone having a superiority complex and an uncontrolable need to be heard. if you see me posting there it will mostly likely be to ask a question about a non-macross toy(probably about something southern cross or mospeada related since they aren't technically macross). its funny you keep bringing up the worldcup thread as i was following it myself. i didn't see anyone being an a-hole or arguing yet it got locked. it sucks when that happens but the worldcup is over and therefore a mod has no valid reason to keep it open. it was nice they let it go for the duration of the cup but you can't expect them to keep it open after its ended....even when theres still a bunch of fun to be had at zidane expense. the only way to keep sports threads from being locked is to have a mod who used to be a jock but seeing as macross is predominantly a geek hobby, i doubt we'll find anyone here who fits the bill. 415272[/snapback] There can only be so much said about Macross...what hasn't already been said? Everytime I see a Macross thread pop up in the Macross forum I see complaints saying "This has already been discussed, lock please" or "Sigh, not this again." So if nothing new is happening or being discussed...then what? More flames for discussing old things. Look at the amount of activity in "Anime or Science Fiction" and then compare it to the other forums. I keep mentioning the World Cup because I'm using it as an example. I've brought up the NFL as well and last years' season is over...but another one is starting shortly. How does me bringing up the World Cup any different?
  3. Yes, "Anime or Science Fiction" is OT, but there isn't a place for those threads that do hold other's interests on this message board and that could be discussed maturely.
  4. Using your logic we should then get rid of the "Anime or Science Fiction" forum (thE most popular forum in MW). I hope I never see you post anything in that forum either, since you believe this should be a 'Macross only' message board. Otherwise you'll be a hypocrite and all respect would be lost for you. BUT, if you insist upon posting in that forum, then don't complain about this topic and retract your 'now moot' argument. I've heard this argument countless times "go to another forum, blah blah blah." I have yet to come across a board that's anything close to being like this, I value the opinions of its members, hence why I'd rather discuss the World Cup on here than some place I rarely visit. I really only have one love/passion, and that's Macross, everything else comes second as far as materialistic things go. Despite that, I'd still wish to discuss such topics with the rest of the members here.
  5. Aren't the majority of us in our 20s or older? I'd to think we're all mature enough to not get out of control with posting something lame and getting in each other's faces. As far as being "too strict" and all that...aren't the moderators already strict enough as it is? I've seen some threads get locked when I really don't think they should have been. If anything, I believe they're too strict at times. But I think giving us a place to post about the World Cup and other sports, a place to post other MATURE things, would be nice to have. None of this "does this make me look fat?" crap kind of threads like you're insisting everyone will post, Sumdumgai. Hence this is where the moderating comes in. Hurin, as far as all that political jazz goes, I think the Moderators do a fine enough job as it is to make sure that sh*t stays out of MW, why can't it be like that in the OT forum? As far as people getting all upset because "Law and Order has gotten too preachy"...don't we have something similar going on with Macross 7 and Macross II where people complain about "how much they both suck with this 'spiritua' crap and with MII being 'non-canon' and just a hash of DYRL??" Even then the Moderators interject to make sure things don't turn into a name calling fest. With the way the current Moderators moderate these forums now, I honestly don't see how the OT forum could get out of hand. The Mods do a damn fine job (as it is) of keeping this place great. I think it'd be nice to post about things everyone cares about on a mature level (World Cup, NFL, NHL, movies that aren't Sci-Fi, to name a few poor examples while there are many other better examples).
  6. While we all come here to discuss Macross, other anime, and other science stuff...would it be too much to ask for a completely OT forum? I don't see how an Off Topic Forum would detract from Macross in the least. You guys can still moderate the hell out of it and delete all the spamming and trolling all you guys want...but it'd be nice for those who prefer to post on this message board (rather than others) to post some OT stuff that they think would interest the rest of MW. I don't know about the rest of you, but this is the ONLY message board I truly enjoy coming to. It sucks seeing some of these topics, that interest other fellow MWers, getting locked. I'd rather discuss the World Cup with people on here than I would on any other crappy message board. Thanks.
  7. Yea, I like the show as well. I watch CN for that show, a few shows in Toonami, and then Adult Swim. I only ever seem to watch CN, G4TechTV, all the learning channels (TLC, Discovery, History, etc) and the channels that air all the games I want to see (NFL, FIFA, NHL). But yea, Fosters is teh $hit
  8. Can't go wrong with Family Guy, Futurama, GitS, Evangelion, Eureka Seven, Inu Yasha, and Robotchicken...those shows are really the only reason why I watch Adult Swim.
  9. Lol, there was one Italian guy who acted like he was in pain. Then he looked at the Ref and smiled...anyone see that? What a way to end the game though...2 goals w/in a minute of each other to seal their victory. You can't really say it wasn't deserved...it's not like any of the fake injuries costed them a goal or the game...just Germany's inability to score that game.
  10. Yes, THANK YOU Jolly Rogers.
  11. Should be a good game today in about 3 hrs!!! I'm indifferent to who wins here.
  12. Hmm, sounds like you could just as easily be describing cities in the US. Well, except maybe the rioting. We only seem to want to do that sort of thing over serious, meaningful issues.....like NBA championships. But I think I understand where you're coming from. When I went to Quebec, there was this very strong sense of connection with France and French culture--and a lot of the "French" natives did seem to have a sort of haughty aire about them. But I try to give France the benefit of the doubt. Their culture is regarded as one of the most socially and culturally "mature," is it not? The culture would--at a glance--seem steeped in ideals like social enlightenment, personal liberty, patriotism and such [again, at a glance]. "Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite" eh? Wow, what if France ended up facing Germany in the finals? Talk about historic irony, eh? Would finally give the French the chance to "invade" Germany and take the win? 413179[/snapback] Not gonna happen though. Portugal is going to take it all!!!!
  13. LOL! I knew that their were people who didn't honestly have a clue in the world but I've never meet one until you. Did you actually read your quote from Wiki at all!?!? A teaser trailer is STILL a trailer and it's only spliting hairs and people whining because they didn't get what they wanted. So for you if the trailer doesn't show 100% transformers then it's only a teaser. That's fairly dumb and overly much like saying that the since the Spiderman 3 trailer didn't show Venom so it's a teaser. So then you know what's in the movie and what's not already? Even though it's no where near finished, and the ONLY ones who actually do know are the ones working on it. So the ONLY ways you'll know is if you watch the movie and then it's a fairly mote point by then. Trailers serve one purpose and that's to pull people into the theathers nothing more. 413059[/snapback] So you KNEW that there were people who honestly didn't have a clue in the world? Have a clue about what? Please make complete thoughts if you're going to 'attack' someone. It's right there in plain English, genius! "Teaser trailers usually contain little, if any, actual footage from the film." - Wikipedia Just because they tack on 'trailer' to the end of 'teaser' doesn't make it a TRAILER, it's still a TEASER. And there WASN'T any footage other than some bs Mars-Rover mock up, hence it's a teaser. They TEASED us with 3-5 seconds worth of footage showing the shadow of a Transformer; it's a T E A S E R. Also, regarding your (retarded) comment about Spiderman. The movie is about SPIDERMAN, why the hell would they focus on Venom? "That's fairly dumb" to think they'd focus on Venom. If it was about Venom then they WOULDN'T call it Spiderman now, would they? To quote you: "LOL! I knew that their were people who didn't honestly have a clue in the world but I've never meet one until you." To get back on topic, I hope this movie doesn't disappoint. I want to see Transformers die like they did in the cartoon movie! I'd like for it to be as "realistic" as possible (note the quotation marks), none of this 'I've been shot several times but can still move about' business. But I'm sure if they were to add death or whatever it'd probably jack up the rating on the movie. Anyone know the rating on this movie? Is it PG-13?
  14. Those trailers actually show ACTUAL FOOTAGE though; not some bs like in that Transformers TEASER ("trailer"). "Teaser trailers usually contain little, if any, actual footage from the film." - Wikipedia I ask you AGAIN, did we see any ACTUAL footage of ANY Transformers for more than 5 seconds? Hey Jack-ass, "I believe the term is fartING OWNED![?]" Step down please.
  15. This blows, non of the teams I was really rooting for made it (Spain, Ukraine, Australia, USA). Oh well, there's always the next World Cup! I hope Portugal takes it all now!
  16. Teasers and Trailer virtually are non-different now. 412798[/snapback] explain.. please provide examples. 412806[/snapback] A real Teaser is maybe only about 5 seconds of video or a few pieces photograph footage. Today's Teaser's run nearly equal to a full Trailers length so there really isn't any difference. They are now commonly called Teaser Trailers. So anything more then a few seconds of footage can easily be called a Trailer. 412835[/snapback] Did you see more than 5 seconds of any actual footage showing any Transformer? All we saw were the Mars Rover mock-footage. Whatever it is, it definitely isn't a trailer.
  17. Stop with the Negative Nancy remarks. It's a teaser, not even a trailer, and you guys are already ragging on it. I've never seen so much pessimism on a board before.
  18. Ukraine and Germany for the win tomorrow!!!
  19. Hahaha, yea...I thought it was bullsh*t as well. Two of the three teams I've wanted to advance didn't...my hope lies in Ukraine now!
  20. LOL, join the dark side!
  21. Who do you guys think will win todays games? I'm thinking England for sure, and a toss up between Portugal and the Netherlands.
  22. Lol! Go for it! I couldn't wait, I'm sure you can't either! I will say this though, there was probably ONE (1) moment in the last 10 episodes that I thought was kind of cheesy, but they did NOT disappoint me at all one bit. There's one episode that has a Macross Plus feel to it, while the ten as a whole take on a......I shouldn't say...might ruin it. Lets just say they borrowed an idea from an anime ComicKaze really hates, but they implement it in a completely different way. Note that the last ten episodes don't focus on this borrowed idea either.... Anyway, I'm tempted to watch the the last ten episodes again. However, with a FIFA game about to start...I probably won't.
  23. Well, after having seen episodes 39 and 40, I couldn't wait any longer to watch the rest. Since I had already downloaded the "roughly translated" episodes that were leaked, I decided to watch the rest of the series tonight. There were only a few errors, with the subtitles, where a few of the lines didn't really make much sense; but it wasn't hard at all to understand what was going on. The video quality isn't AS great, but damn near close to the polished fansubs. I must say, the last ten episodes just blew me away. I'm flabbergasted/astounded for lack of a better word. I won't give anything away, but I believe you guys are in for a treat with the last ten episodes, if you haven't seen them already. The series ends quite nicely, I don't think they could have done a better job at ending the series. I can't remember the last time I was as moved/touched and enthralled as I am with this series (aside from all of Macross). A lot starts to make sense in the last ten episodes...with quite a few allegories (for lack of another better word) too. This anime series definitely and easily goes down in my book as a personal favorite. If you guys can't wait like I couldn't, the Bizarro-Nanashi leaked fansubs are near perfect to the polished things. Anyway, I thought I'd throw in my two cents.
  24. Yes, good news INDEED! $$$
  25. Haha, I hope to see Ghana win against Brazil. Would be nice to see them advance even further.
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