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Everything posted by Oihan

  1. Which HDTV are you thinking of getting?
  2. Just tossing out an idea here.... I dunno how much you pay to keep this forum up and running, Shawn, Graham, but maybe you guys could add a donation feature to the site to help with the costs? (Unless there already is one and I've been too blind to see it....) MW is my homepage...and it's probably the only site I visit regularly, I wouldn't mind donating some cash to help keep it all going!
  3. Graham, I wouldn't say people are getting worked up about the green electrical thing...at least I'm not getting worked up about it anyway. I'm not going to let that ruin my experience with this new series. I'm very much looking forward to this series actually (Macross is my number one obsession/passion above anything else). It's just that this green electric bolt thing just seems out of place in my opinion, tis all. TV, DYRL?, II, Plus, Zero didn't have any of that...which is what I'm used to and what I expect if you will; the transformations seemed all "realistic"...this green electricity, however, doesn't give me that sense of "realism" that I've found in the previous series (when it comes to the transformations). If there's a technical explanation for it, then I wouldn't 'complain'...but if it is as you say for the visual appeal...that's where I'm bothered. Again, it's not the end all be all that's going to make or break this series for me...it's just not something I'm all ecstatic about.
  4. Haha, I don't hate Macross 7. I'm thinking you didn't pick up on my sarcasm either. :/ I was just simply stating that there are things about each series that people do not like. The transformation of this particular valkyrie is one of them.
  5. Yea...been around since Macross 7...not something all of us have seen or are used to. And the transformation in the video you linked is nowhere near as 'fancy' with the electricity. You know Wolfx...I can't see why people are complaining about some kid flying a plane in the middle of a war playing his guitar, singing his heart out while amazingly dodging everything that comes at him....
  6. Well...I don't mean to be a 'negative-nancy,' but to be honest...I dislike the transformation. I understand that it's thE latest fighter out there so to say, but this futuristic transformation stuff (that green electricity bolt thing) just isn't doing it for me.... If only they would to do away with the green sh*t and keep the same transformation.... Hopefully it will grow on me >_< I still am, however, very much looking forward to the new series! The teasers have done their job perfectly...they sure have teased me. Also, in the second teaser we see, the very first scene we see reminds me a little of Macross II!
  7. I love the bottom image (bottom), dunno what to make of the top one though.
  8. ...Does MW really have 4,506 unique members? I've always been wondering just how many of those are truely unique and not a 'second account' if you will. I dunno if you guys can answer my question or not. Regardless, thanks either way (at least for taking the time to read this).
  9. Is she Sheyrl Nome's seiyū? I'd think it'd be her singing, seeing as how we see Sheyrl's face and name at the end of the teaser...tis my logic anyway.
  10. Haha, I have the same problem...song stuck in my head as well [my fav. part being from the point she starts singing to about 1:15 into the trailer. (I really love the part where we see the valkyrie launch...with the guitar being strummed!)]. Hell, I even have the trailer playing in the background as I type this at work. I don't suppose anyone would have figured out the name of the song since I first asked...?
  11. Would any of you know the name of the song being sung in the teaser? Thanks,
  12. Well, those of you on AFM showed me the light. It was my love of the Valkyrie and the story of Macross TV (that I found in Robotech) that led me to Macross II...which eventually led me to AFM...and eventually to MW.
  13. The only 32" 1080p LCDs out there on the market (right now) are the Sharp Aquos LC-32D62U and LC-32GP1U models; both have a 1920 x 1080 pixel resolution. From my understanding, unless your sitting close to the tv set, 1080p isn't that practical when it comes to sets that are 32" and smaller. I think at your viewing distance the 1080p will be worth it; as for myself I'll probably be sitting about 3.5' to 4' away...so it's definitely worth it for me.
  14. Well, thus far I feel the show would be more enjoyable if the Basara-Valkyrie-action scenes weren't there, and there were fewer concerts.... I love how they use Macross II music though. ...The story thus far is pretty good too imo (minus the many concert/Basara-Valkyrie-action scenes). I still have a ways to go however.
  15. If there are any known problems with this player...I wouldn't know of any. I'm not sure what the warranty is like on this item either, but it seems like a great purchase to help get started in the HD era.
  16. I believe you can still buy the Toshiba HD-AD HD-DVD player for $100 till the 4th of November (assuming there are any left). I picked one up yesterday, now all I need is the HDTV!
  17. Well, I finally decided to watch the first few episodes of Macross 7...and well....
  18. Well, some offer free shipping. Plus, I think saving $400 for ordering online and dealing with the hassle would be worth it. I don't know about you, but I don't want to wait who knows how many more months till the same HDTV is just as cheap in stores as it is now online. Anyway....
  19. You can get the Sharp set from Amazon.com at a much cheaper price; they have some 'authorized dealers' there.
  20. The only real differences between the two is that the LC32GP1U has a 'game mode' (Vyper Drive as they like to call it), one of it's composite inputs is on the side, has an extra HDMI input, and a DVI input; all 1080p compatible on both sets.
  21. Well, my size limit is 32 inches, and if you say I should go with 1080p/60 then the Sharp would be my only option. However, I can't seem to find out if it can handle a 24Hz signal or not...so I'm assuming it can't. ...And are you suggesting downscaling is more of a compromise than a 2:3 pulldown (assuming the 720p 120Hz set can handle the 24Hz signal)?
  22. Hmmm, so then there isn't a HDTV that doesn't have the 2:3 pulldown problem then? I thought the '120Hz' made 1080p/24 possible w/o the 2:3 pulldown, but if it isn't true 120Hz.... If that's the case, then I'll be leaning towards the Sharp Aquos LC32D62U or LC32GP1U 32" 1080p LCD HDTVs...seeing as how the 2:3 pulldown is still present regardless of the set. One can get the LC32D62U for about $1000 and the LC32GP1U for about $200 more...all from Amazon.com.
  23. I have a few concerns, if you guys don't mind. (I'm having some difficulties with the AVS forums.) I'm looking at 32" LCD HDTVs. I know that 1080p > 720p (and that 1080p is somewhat pointless at 32"); that 120Hz > 60Hz; shorter response time > longer response time. The only HDTV sets at 32" that have a 1080p native display are the Sharp Aquos sets. However, I don't believe they have a 120Hz refresh rate...meaning if I were to get one I would be dealing with the 2:3 pulldown bs...right? ...Well I am and have been aching to get a HDTV (you guys wouldn't believe how many times I've been just one click away from purchasing one) for some time now; I'd love to watch HD movies in all their glory and to play my 360 games w/o any lag. I've been checking this constantly to see what you all had to say in regards to HD, and I've been doing some research elsewhere...but I'm still unsure and I have questions lingering in my head. I'm hoping you guys might be able to help me out further. So my questions are...would I be better off buying a 720p 120Hz (8ms response I think) set, a 1080p 60Hz (6ms response) set, or would I be better off waiting for a 32" 1080p 120Hz HDTV? ...Would a 1080p/60 2:3 pulldown be noticeable compared to a 1080p/24 image at 32"? Should I even be concerned with 120Hz at 32"? Would getting a 120Hz set in anything other than 1080p be defeating the purpose of getting rid of picture degradation since there would still be downscaling? Maybe what I should be asking is if downscaling to 720p is better than the 2:3 pulldown at 1080p? I guess when it boils right down to it...all I really want is to see the images as the creator intended them to be seen, w/o any degradation or loss of information. However...if I can't tell nor see the degradation/loss of information...then maybe I could make a few compromises...I just want to make sure I choose the right compromises. I don't have much experience with HDTVs...so I come to you guys in hopes of getting a clearer picture on all of this. I GREATLY appreciate any and all help! Thanks!
  24. http://www.bungie.net/stats/Halo3/CareerSt...player=Ashmedai ...You guys should check out my "Triple Grave" clip! (Triple Kill from the Grave.)
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