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Everything posted by Oihan

  1. I have yet to see episode 14 and 15 (and won't be able to for another 4 days at least)...but I have been reading some of the spoilers. I have a question for you guys who have seen episode 15 though.... Thanks!
  2. Can you really blame them though?
  3. ruskiiVFaussie, you're not the only one. There's one scene in Macross II, it's the part where Ishtar starts to sing the song of the Alus ("Anata o kanjite-iru - Mia Santi Ren" off of Macross II OST Vol. 2...track 17).... Well, everytime I see that scene I get goosebumps. Hiroko Kasahara's a cappella is just beautiful...and with the images of Hibiki breaking down in front of the camera...the Macross discharging the energy...the shots of Silvie and Exxegran and then of Ingues, after the Macross discharges. It gives me the feeling that the Macross is humanities' last hope and Ingues knows it...it's chilling. Despite the Macross being blown apart...I love how Macross II ends. The message is powerful if you ask me.... Love conquers all...it's what will win the war and bring peace, not some (awesome) ultimate destructive weapon. Anyway...there are a lot of other scenes, from other Macross series, where I get the chills and goosebumps...but that one scene sticks out the most for me. I'm glad to see that Frontier is bringing in more fans! Macross truly is an epic anime. After I rediscovered Robotech I went looking online for more information. I soon found Alt.Fan.Macross online and Macross II at a local BlockBuster. I "saw the light" and I've been more in love ever since. Amen.
  4. Bah, had I known you were finally working on a Macross II section I would have done what I could to help. I guess it would help if I checked this thread more than I do. I'm glad to see a Macross II section up though! Nice work guys! Thanks!
  5. I don't know about you, but I wouldn't have the patience to wait till Frontier ended. I would be more impatient, waiting for the series to finally end so I could enjoy it in one sitting, than I am now waiting for "next week's airing." The show is like crack for crack addicts...only it's Macross for Macross addicts. I dunno how you could deny yourself the pleasures of watching it right now. Hell...I'm visiting my mother right now, for two weeks, and she only has dialup...so watching episodes 14 and 15 are out of the question...till I get back home that is...and it's driving me bonkers. One way or another, you're going to be waiting regardless. I'd just rather wait a week each time rather than (at least) 6+ months.
  6. If this game is as good as everyone (including myself) hopes it is...then I'll definitely be buying it and a PSP as soon as this game comes out. My only hope is that they include "Dogfighter" and track 42 off Disc 3 (the complete collection). Those two songs would be the icing on the cake for me.
  7. That's pretty much everything I've ever wanted in a Macross game. Though I'd want up to 32 players at a time, 1000km maps. Lets not forget the ability to change modes at will and not be forced into certain modes at certain times.
  8. Try this next time.... http ://www.google.com/translate_c?langpair=zh%7Cen&u=http://www.MacrossWorld.com/ See if that helps!
  9. Meh, forget the subs I say! I've already pre-ordered the first and second volume! One could always add the subs later and burn them to another Blu-ray disc.
  10. I agree with you in that episode 10 was a great episode. I dunno if it's my fav. though. I'm having a hard time deciding. :X I too am a big fan of "Aimo". I like "Aimo" better than I do "Aimo ~ Tori no Hito" though.
  11. Well, I finally pulled the trigger. I now have a Panasonic TC-32LZ800 on the way. Here's hoping! Edit: Well my TC-32LZ800 arrived today! Zero dead/stuck pixels! There's no buzzing coming from the TV either. (It's been reported that there may be some buzzing) Regarding the sound coming from the speakers. The speakers aren't the greatest, but they aren't bad either. I can hear conversations just fine at 1/4 the max. volume. The blacks are very impressive in my opinion and look ink black. Out of the box the colors look fantastic and the skin tones look realistic/life-like. I cannot wait to further calibrate it! My only problems with the set thus far are as follows. There does seem to be a little CCFL bleed at the bottom right corner of the screen...but it's hard to notice. Then there's the standard definition. As expected on any HDTV...SD looks terrible in comparison to HD. Other than that though, I'm very happy with the set. Think I should send the set and get that little bleed taken care of? It's only noticeable when the screen is black in that area...and even then it's hard to notice it some of the time. Edit #2: The CCFL bleed at the bottom right corner has disappeared.
  12. Haha, nicely put. As for the music in Macross II sounding too much like Evangelion.... I guess it doesn't help that Shiro Sagisu composed music for both animes. Man I love his work though! He must be a beautiful person inside to be able to create the music that he does. "Going Home" from Bleach, "Expansion of Blockade" from Evangelion, "Scene #3" from Casshern the live action movie, "Futari" and "Kizuna" from Macross II. I could go on and on but I digress. Thanks for the humor.
  13. Can't a guy throw his opinion out there? There are 446 'opinionated' posts in this thread...what's one more? Moreover, no one is forcing anyone to read this thread so....
  14. I'm sorry to beat a dead horse, but I would like throw my opinion out there. So bear with me please. I'm going to have to vote for Macross 7. I'm not voting for 7 because of my love for II, but because I cannot get past something in 7. That something would be Fire Bomber flying their valkyries and holding a 'concert' in the heat of (numerous) battle(s). Sure, II uses a lot of the same plot devices found in DYRL? (all the while having a completely DIFFERENT story)...but it isn't as absurd as Fire Bomber in valkyries. I'm sure if it weren't for Fire Bomber, in valkyries, I would be able to get past the first 15 episodes.
  15. Well, thus far I've been VERY impressed with Macross Frontier. There hasn't been a single episode I haven't liked. I'm sure Frontier will go down as one of the best in the Macross series. As someone else said earlier, that kiddie vibe Ranka was given seems to have dissipated. With Macross TV I was rooting for Misa, but in Frontier I can't decide to who to root for.... Maybe they could share Alto....? I was hoping they would have delved into how and why Zero plays a roll in Frontier but oh well. Maybe in the upcoming episodes they will do just that! Also, in what episode do they talk about the V-type virus again?
  16. Meh, because of Blu-Ray I'm not too worried about domestic releases. Call me selfish, but I'd actually prefer it if they used the Kite. It won't stop me from importing!
  17. You mean you haven't yet?! What?! I wish 5pm would roll around here already, I want to watch episode 10!!!
  18. I got to play it for only 15 mins last night but from what I've played I REALLY enjoyed. I know I'll be playing this a lot. As Mr. Hingtgen pointed out, the game feels faster and is a bit easier (with the health regeneration). Also, "Path of the Acolyte" is their 'easy' and "Path of the Warrior" is their 'normal.' I started on normal and the game is tough, but so much fun!
  19. Well, that blows. I hope everything works out for Tomonobu Itagaki. Speaking of Ninja Gaiden II, has anyone played it yet? What are your guys' thoughts and opinions on it? I'm about to pick up my copy of the game today and am anxious to play it.
  20. That is EXACTLY how I interpret it. Just like with Plus, Guld had the more advanced plane but Isamu had the better skills.
  21. Who's to say that one wouldn't be attacked from all sides? Why does it have to be from one side only? I'm with Gubaba on this in that I don't see how they couldn't have improved upon the Omni-Directional Barrier to make it more practical. Maybe rather than it exploding after it overloads it just dissipates or shuts down.... I could see the Barrier being used on the colony ships. Anyway, I still have some catching up to do in this thread! Edit: I'm awaiting to be flamed at any moment now....
  22. I think it's pretty cool that it's catching on. I'm sure some of them are wondering what anime it came from and so on and so forth.... The more that see Macross the better I say!
  23. From my understanding, ADV couldn't get the (remastered?) audio from AnimEigo for whatever reason.
  24. Are those numbers really considered good? :/ Just throwing it out there...worst case scenario...if the show were to flop over in Japan...I would hope that they would release the rest straight to disc...! Two episodes in and I can't wait for the rest!
  25. Shouta, I hope I didn't come across as knocking your work. If I did I apologize...I'm very appreciative of the work you guys do. All I was trying to get at is the weight of video quality vs accurate subs. From my understanding there's always going to be something lost in a translation no matter who's translating.... After reading your post on Animesuki though, I can see how the little things translated can make a difference. I just wish you guys would use a higher resolution! But anyway, I digress. Well, I've already pre-ordered the first two volumes on Blu-Ray, but I still want the higher video quality while I'm waiting. I can understand where you're coming from though. Have you thought about upgrading your PC?
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