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Everything posted by Oihan

  1. LOL @ this thread. You guys crack me up. Wouldn't you guys be angry though? Finally discovering what Macross is; seeing all it has to offer and knowing why it'll never be released domestically in the States.
  2. No problem. =) Please let us know what you think of the whole "scanline and interlacing problems!" Hopefully people are just blowing this out of proportion.
  3. The majority of the of the reviews I've seen out there, for Tekken: DR, have been positive. I've always liked the Tekken series...I would pick up that bandle if I were dead set on a 3000. As for the Batman game, it has been getting average ratings.
  4. Haha, here's hoping! Don't some places charge a restocking fee though? I'd rather not deal with that kind of hassel. I'm not a huge fan of dealing with lines and disgruntled employees either. I'd rather buy something once and be done with it. Thanks for your opinion though on the 3000 and 2000. If we could only get a few more opinions, that'd be great! Edit: Grammar
  5. No problem. It's starting to look that way. ...I'm not sure what I should most concerned about....duller gamut and noticeable ghosting...or more apparent scanlines and interlacing issues. :/ The color in pictures on the 3000 definitely look a lot better (more natural) than they do on the 2000.... It doesn't help either that I'm the indecisive type.
  6. How are The Super Dimension Fortress Macross, The Super Dimension Century Orguss, and The Super Dimension Cavalry Southern Cross all apart of the same trilogy if they aren't even related to each other story wise? I understand that Bigwest produced them all...but why call it a trilogy if they aren't even related to each other? Are they are all trying to tell of how love and song conquers all...just told differently in each story?
  7. From what I've read and seen in pictures...the PSP 3000 does indeed have a wider color gamut and has less ghosting; however, scan lines are supposedly more apparent now and there's some interlacing problems. Moreover, the PSP 3000 (PSP Brite) has already been hacked. Ever since I bought a copy of Macross Ace Frontier I've been looking to buy a PSP. The only question I have now is, which model should I get? Do those of you with the 3000 notice the scan lines and interlacing problems? Should I try and find a PSP 2000 before it's too late? It pains me to have this game and not be able to play it.
  8. Haha, I wish there were more episodes (planned). ='(
  9. Well, when all is said and done please keep us informed!
  10. Anyone else want to say that II is a rehash of DYRL?? All joking aside, thanks for the read. Tis some interesting information indeed. I think I'm going to have to find a copy of Roman Holiday and check it out now. It makes me wonder what other influences there are in the Macross universe.... I can only think of a couple.... Thanks again!
  11. Interesting.... Thanks for the info, Savvi, Graham.
  12. I'm trying to order the game from Amazon.co.jp but I keep getting the following message: I don't get it; why can't I purchase this game? I've purchased CDs (Macross Frontier OSTs) and Blu-ray discs (Macross Frontier) from them before, so what makes this game any different? Is there someone here that can translate Kanji well? I'm taking a Japanese class...but I'm struggling with the Katakana and Hiragana as it is...Kanji is way over my head. Why can't they use rooma-ji? ='(
  13. Heh, there are several BGM tracks from Frontier that I'm hoping will be released as well. There was one on Macross II that was never released...tis my fav. BGM from II too. The BGM is played while Sylvie and Hibiki drift in space...waiting to be picked up...after having escaped from the Mardook. Anyway...here's hoping the release a lot of the BGM from Frontier soon!
  14. Hehe, more or less, yeah. I'm a real sucker for background music; especially music that sounds so great like "is this LOVE?" Tis a favorite of mine too!!! I searched this thread earlier, for the name of that soundtrack, and saw your posts. I don't ever recall hearing it in Frontier either. Macross II had a similar 'deal' where there was one track, on the second OST, that was never played in II. Someone in this thread suggested that "is this LOVE?" was played in episode 6...at the part where Sheryl is testing things out for her concert. The two are similar...but are definitely not the same song/track. Who knows...maybe they'll use the track in the movie? Either way, it's definitely and easily one of my fav. tracks. Listening to it on my iAudio7 with my Sleek Audio SA6s is just something else.
  15. Anyone else loving the track "is this LOVE?" as much as I am? I can't seem to get enough of it. I wish they would release more BGM!!!
  16. Civilization Revolution is the only one that comes to mind.
  17. I'm finally at Chapter 3 in Dead Space and I must say that this game is pretty intense!! I'm constantly looking behind me and taking every corner ever so carefully
  18. Bioshock Call of Duty 4 Elder Scrolls Oblivion Dead Space Halo 3
  19. Has anyone else picked up Dead Space? Thoughts/opinions?
  20. I don't know why it is but some people seem to insist that Macross II is nothing but a rehash of Macross DYRL? Is there a new race in Macross DYRL? that we're introduced to? No. Where's the news reporter, as a main character, in Macross DYRL?? Where's the new fighter in Macross DYRL?? Where are the Macross Cannon Class type ships in Macross DYRL?? Where's the Zentraedi/Meltrandi emulator in Macross DYRL?? Macross Plus had a 'damsel in distress'...as did Macross Zero, Macross Frontier, and Macross II. Macross II had Dennis Lone die; Macross Plus had Guld; Macross Frontier had Michael; and Macross Zero had DD Ivanov and Nora Polyansky die...all of which were in some kind of battle. Are they all rehashes of SDF Macross or Macross DYRL? because of such things? Just because a story uses some of the same plot devices found in another story, doesn't mean that it's a rehash. We may as well call Macross Frontier a rehash of SDF Macross since it used a lot of the same plot devices. Macross II is NOT a rehash. As for the "sudden love realization." It was apparent to me that the two started to bond together half way through the show. Just the way they started to interact with each other (as compared to how they were earlier in the show) should have been a big enough hint for the audience, in my opinion. There's the scene where Sylvie lets Ishtar and Hibiki go after she catches them on the Macross. There's the Culture Park scene.... Then there are the scenes where Sylvie helps Hibiki rescue Ishtar (especially these scenes). Just to recall a few.... I believe they all help lead up to the eventual kiss (hope I haven't ruined part of the ending for anyone who hasn't seen II yet). "Moo Ichido Love You" is a fantastic song...I can't get enough of it and a lot of the music from Macross II. d3v, if you ever get the chance to, check out the song "Soko ni Aru no ga Mirai dakara." It's a good one too in my opinion. Even though it was never played in Macross II, it can be found on the second Macross II OST. It was played in an episode (or two?) in Macross 7 though; I don't remember which episodes. To this day I still wonder why it was never played in Macross II. I'm a real sucker for BGM/easy listening tracks too. "Ark of Alus," "Futari," "Kyoukou Toppa," and "Kizuna" (all found on the Macross II OSTs) are some of my all-time favorites...especially "Futari." Someone else mentioned the blowing up of the Macross. Yeah, I was actually shocked (decultcha!!) by the destruction of it...but I believe it helped put a bigger emphasis of the message it was trying to get across. Was I the only one that got goosebumps throughout the entire show? [fanboy]Macross II 0wnZ!!![/fanboy] Edit: Grammar.
  21. Thanks for the heads up! Gonna grab a copy while I'm at it!
  22. Is it strange that I'm not willing to watch the last episode subtitled? I've seen it raw...but it feels like once I watch it subtitled then I won't have anything to look forward to in regards to Macross. ...Yes, I know there's a movie coming out...but after it comes out then what? Am I the only one doing this?
  23. ...Who voted 2??! Why?! Edit: I don't know how many of you visit or find Anime News Network reliable...but this is how Frontier is rated over there. Thought I'd mention it. As of October 1, 2008: User Ratings: 318 ratings have been given [details] Masterpiece: 103 votes (sub:99, dub:3, raw:1) Excellent: 108 votes (sub:103, dub:2, Por.sub:1, Spa.sub:1, raw:1) Very good: 51 votes (sub:47, Spa.sub:1, dub:1, edit.dub:1, raw:1) Good: 27 votes (sub:25, raw:1, dub:1) Decent: 5 votes (sub:5) So-so: 7 votes (sub:7) Not really good: 7 votes (sub:7) Weak: 3 votes (sub:3) Bad: 2 votes (sub:2) Awful: 3 votes (sub:3) Worst ever: 2 votes (sub:2) Seen in part or in whole by 767 users, rank: #626 Median rating: Excellent Arithmetic mean: 8.5817 (Excellent-.41), std. dev.: 1.9158, rank: #119 Weighted mean: 8.389 (Very good+.38), rank: #143 Bayesian estimate: 8.36891 (Very good+.36), rank: #70
  24. When do you guys normally play? I haven't tried playing MGS4 yet. I've been too busy playing FFXII and God of War.
  25. I'd knock on wood if I were you. I've had my first generation 360 since November of 2006. It hasn't RROD on me...nor have I had any problems with it. ...Now I better knock on wood. >_< Has the update to the dashboard gone live yet?
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