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Dr. Z

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Everything posted by Dr. Z

  1. Do you think this one is better than the 1/48 version?
  2. I've never seen the show but the "transformable" PVC toys are really bad.
  3. Same league as Iron Gear (although Iron Gear has more bulk).
  4. Will it be possible to purchase the MP Voltron stand by itself?
  5. Got my Godmars the other day. 200% awesome. My next 2 SOC purchases will be Raideen (not sure about which version yet) and Daimos.
  6. There's a Voyager Wreck-Gar listed in TRU's system I think. It was on tfw2005.com not so long ago.
  7. And what we see from Animate is just the tip of the iceberg... Tons of great figures to come: Blitzwing, Soundwave, Wreck-Gar, Sentinel Prime, Ultra Magnus, Oil Slick, Waspinator, Jazz, etc. It's going to be crazy in the next few years!
  8. I thought the Overcast/Energon Ironhide (green version) combo looked pretty good...
  9. The Animated figures you see on Ebay are just production rejects. If you inspect them closely, most of them show tiny scratches or paint defects. I got a few myself.
  10. So the MH is not so superior after all... Glad I got the CM's version.
  11. I was wondering... How come so many different competing companies are allowed to produce the same toy? That would be like having 4-5 companies producing Transformers. At least Hasbro and TakaraTomy work together... I just find it odd.
  12. I don't like the alternate ending. Too... Hollywood-esque. In a very bad way. Mutants in love. Yeah, right.
  13. Know your Gobots.
  14. Road Ranger is a good Gobot. Simple but clever transformation. And Leader-1 is better than all the G1 seekers if you ask me. Loaded with die-cast, no add-on parts, simple but effective transformation and very sleek jet mode.
  15. How much did you pay for yours?
  16. The reviewer did a terrible job this time around. He's not giving the toy any respect, he's just throwing it around as if it was a dollar store toy. That's NOT how one should review such a toy (or any toy). His other reviews are usually fine though.
  17. I'm okay with Bandai. All the Bandai toys I have look AND feel good. My Yamato toys (SV-51, YF-19, VF-1J, Garland, Konig Monster) look good but don't feel so good. Not that they feel cheap, but they don't feel as sturdy as SOC toys. HasTak still makes the best transforming toys out there, no contest.
  18. Wasn't that design borrowed from the S.H.E. version though?
  19. What are the cool transforming motorcycles/scooters?? I want them!
  20. The Cm's version can be posed without the stick (although the poses are limited).
  21. Word. I even use the gauntlets to store the extra parts (fists and stuff).
  22. I don't think his score reflects the quality of the toy to my standards. And I don't think the score for the CM's version was any more accurate. Reading his review, I would probably give the MH version 5-6/10 and having the CM's version, I give it something like 7-8/10.
  23. After reading your review Alex, I decided to not purchase the Megahouse version. No die-cast, major partsforming, leftover parts, cannot stand on its own = not worth the purchase. I'm happy with my CM's version.
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