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The Shade

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Everything posted by The Shade

  1. Too bad. That angel actually looks menacing. Good luck Unit 01.
  2. Not morbid, that's just when it grabbed my attention. I'm not to usually cheer on character deaths. In this case, it worked for me.
  3. An HD of DYRL? Hurin must running for joy.
  4. Actually, this was the turning point for me. I had no interest in this movie until this point, only after this did I start to like it.
  5. I read the same thing on ANN. Are they doing this to make sure that the show's creators don't burn themselves out making a 50 eps series?
  6. I just gotta ask, what is that show?
  7. What's this alternate pilot included on the DVD you're talking about?
  8. Technically, James Cameron is Canadian.
  9. And some things are best left forgotten.
  10. Somehow, I just have this feeling that Hollywood scriptwriters are looking up this thread and mining it for ideas for AVP3.
  11. Yeah, this movie started off well. A bit of mystery: what happened to David, how did he not age for 8 years. What is that weird craft NASA found? Then, David & Max meet up, and the whole thing went crashing down. The movie turned from a semi-serious adventure story into a full-blown kiddie movie. Man, was Max ever annoying: his voice & personality both got on my nerves so badly, I just wanted him/it to be shot down. He was voiced by Paul Reuben? Didn't know that, but probably lowers my opinion of this film even more.
  12. So, you're saying that if you had gone to a restaurant that used to serve delicious food, but lately, had served only terrible food, you would continue to go there in the hopes that, someday, it would improve? The metaphor I'm using applies to both cases, since both of them, in order to handle their products, require strong stomachs.
  13. I wonder if someone about to be blown up will cry out "I'm not ever supposed to be here today!" I'll echo Kevin Smith being able to take on a character driven show like BSG.
  14. At the way things are going with the format war and the way it's dragging on, I say we should all hold out for this and this. The capacity of it really boggles the mind. Seriously, with Paramount/Dreamwork's decision to go HD-DVD and prolong the format war, I'm in no rush to upgrade.
  15. That was a quick reply. Do you refresh every five minutes? So, most firmware are really for new interactive innovations introduced sometime after the player was manufactured. It's good that that option is available to consummers. Is the update performed over a USB drive, wi-fi connection, some other way? One of my sister's friends recently purchased a HD tv and it includes a USB interface for firmware updates. I suspect most sets are similar.
  16. What kind of firmware updates for BD players are we talking about here? Disc compatibility issues? New AACS keys? Or just general player updates?
  17. I just had a thought about casting Gerard Butler as Snake: could this be similar to when they cast Daniel Craig as Bond? We were all in an uproar over it and we all did a 180 when Casino Royale came out. Hmmm...
  18. Apparently, Kurt Russell is not too pleased with the studio's choice for Snake Plissken. Kurt Russell on New Snake Plissken
  19. After the movie ends, will we get a public service announcement stating that all the shooting, martial arts fighting, and explosions we saw was just make-believe and that kids should be careful how they play outside? "And knowing is half the battle".
  20. Ever since I first read this thread this morning, I've had that song in my head: Flash! Ah aaah! He'll save the universe! Sure, the movie may be camp, the fx may be terrible, but the movie is a lot more fun that most of today's action movies.
  21. For all the SW fanboys out there who have bought every piece of SW expanded universe crap there is, I would just like to see their reactions if Lucas ever decided to do Eps 7-9 and disregarded all of the EU books & comics. I wonder how many of them would crap their pants?
  22. That's what I'm wondering. Will he change his mind or not.
  23. You want mayo with that? With 5 different version of the film, surely there will be something for everyone. But, I'm really curious to see what Ridley Scott's final cut will really be and if (do not read if you do not want a really major potential spoiler revealed)
  24. Ok, I've listened to it. You dissed 2001: A Space Odyssey, the greatest sci-fi movie ever. I will see you burn in the pits of hell for this. A bit too many "F" words there. For a moment, I thought I was watching a Kevin Smith film. The real reason I can't get Southern Cross is that I don't have a credit card. All those online sellers are out of my reach. I also live in a very small area. The city I live in is also the most culturally illiterate in the world. The only anime you can find are the generic, hot selling DVD's. No old/classic stuff here. The Dai Apolon portion was ok, but it just seemed too weird a show to really make an interesting podcast out of.
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