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The Shade

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Everything posted by The Shade

  1. Finally been able to do a DVD using the retimed subs (what with an anime convention last weekend, a god-daughter's birthday, not to mention the everyday routine with my wife & 4 month old daughter, who can find time to do anything else?) It looks good, but I found that when I encoded those subs on DVD Lab Pro, the best results I got was by introducing a half second delay to the subs. Before that, the subs would appear before the characters even started talking. This way, they appear just as they are talking, or a fraction of a second after (just as they should). I still appeal to Hurin's charitable good nature, please retime the subs yourself, and make a new DVD Lab Pro file with a new & improved DVD intro.
  2. Thanks. You da man!!!
  3. Since nobody has said they have the subtitle file, does that mean I have to download a copy of the 1.4 gb torrent just to have the sub file? P.S. Hurin, that project would have rocked.
  4. Just out of curiosity, does anyone have just the retimed subtitled file? Since Hurin has stated he is not going to retime it himself , I would like to use Hurin's old DVD Lab Pro file and substitute the sub file he had in there for the retimed one. P.S. Hurin, if you ever do decide to retime your subs (and they are your subs, as far as I'm concerned), will you also do a more elaborate DVD Lab Pro file. I liked the DVD intro you did, and was wondering if you could ever outdo yourself.
  5. You've never heard of this song, and yet you did a translation? BTW, thanks. This is just what I wanted. Just a rough idea of what the song is about.
  6. I don't mind the duet version. Both had good voices for the song, and it worked well for me. Didn't notice the wrong spelling on the Japanese side of the song title, but then again, I took it from a lyric website and these sites are run by amateurs. Yeah, the version I have is from the 25th anniversary album. I dunno why it's such a tough song to find a translation for; maybe it's because it's not featured in any show, so fans don't feel it's worth translating.
  7. Thanks, but that's not quite what I was looking for. The Mylene song My Friends is very easy to find. What I'm looking for is "Friends - Jiku wo Koete" that Mari Iijima recorded for Macross 15th anniversary, and whose romanized lyrics can be found here. It is song 35 on this album, not to be confused with song 23.
  8. Hey all. I'm looking for an English translation for the song "Friends" that Mari Iijima sang for Macross' 15th Anniversary. I've googled and looked at various sites, but all they have is a romanji of the Japanese lyrics. I am not looking for a professional job here, just a rough idea of what Mari is singing will do for me. If you know of a site that has it, that's also good enough for me. Thanks guys.
  9. Ah ha, so that's my problem. I wonder if that's why we haven't heard too much from Hurin. Is he busy retiming the subs? One can only hope.
  10. 2 questions: How does the FB2012 footage look at the end? I remember, from every digital copy of the film out there I saw that the movie would look ok, but the FB footage would look kind of grainy. How's the audio? Is it now 5.1 or still 2.0?
  11. I was a ignorant RT fan at the RT.com boards. Some posters there kept talking about this place. I decided to take a look. Within 6 months, I had sold my RT DVDs and had bought the Animeigo Macross DVD's. The rest is history. Long live MW (and Shawn & Graham)
  12. I thought we weren't suppose to link to download sites? Have things changed?
  13. I haven't watched this show, but I just want to know one thing: did they keep the bionic sound effect?
  14. A tri-lingual DVD I would go for. I guess all we can do is wait & see.
  15. Being French Canadian, this series has been available for a while in French only audio. Les mystérieuses cités d'or Though, at that price, it's a little hefty for me.
  16. With Paul Dini on board and based on his track record with Batman TAS, this film suddenly has so much potential that I can't wait.
  17. When I first watched the English Dub of Laputa: Castle in the Sky, I only recognized him near the end when his character got angry and started to sound a bit like the Joker.
  18. Has anybody bought the Remastered Boston CD's for their first 2 albums: Boston & Don't Look Back? How do they compare to the older CD releases? Did Tom Shollz do a good job remastering them himself? I have their first album (the older release), and was thinking of ditching it if the remastered versions were worth it.
  19. That cream should really be doing the opposite.
  20. This is still good news. This new edition should be vastly superior to the original R2 release. I wonder what Hurin thinks about that?
  21. With our luck, we'll have to wait until the series enters the Public Domain.
  22. By their very nature, DVD's only deliver 480 horizontal lines of resolution. HD has either 720 or 1080. When they say that the DVD was encoded from HD masters, they don't mean that the picture you will see will be HD. That's just a gimmick to get you to buy the thing. You're wondering if you need to buy higher end cables? If you have an upconverting DVD player, go for HDMI. The player will artificially enhance the image to give the appearance of HD, though it won't be as good as true HD.
  23. (Edited to remove really bad sex joke)
  24. Somehow, I can just imagine how cheesy it's going to look when we see the Macross transform and use the Daedalus maneuver to destroy a ship. It may work in animation, but live action will just look silly. "Daedalus Attack!"
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