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The Shade

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Everything posted by The Shade

  1. Well, speaking of GitS SAC season 1, I was wondering if anyone had dl the subbed versions from "Tachikoma" for eps 20-26, and compared them with LMF. Which one is better/worse?
  2. I still have all of my TFs, but I'm missing many of the accessories for them. Those include the weapons and add-ons. Fortunately, I still have the parts that go with the combiners, like all the parts for the Stunticons to form Menasor ( feet, hands, hip & chest plates, and head, weapons lost though). As for my brother's Protectobots (which he'd like to sell, but I'm holding them hostage), he has all the accessories that came with them (weapons, those oversized weapons that you stuck in the back and the sides while they were in vehicule mode); the only thing missing is one side weapon for the chopper (I forget the name). The parts to form Defensor are all there. My Metroplex is another story. The toy is in great shape, but is missing a lot of the accessories for the companions that came with him. Those include the turret for the tank, one of the arm cannons for the six-gun guy, missiles, and a small weapon for the black car. Curiously, when I looked at Metroplex a couple of years ago, the head was somehow glued down with some sort of resin. I literaly had to open him up to clean out the gunk, and almost lost the spring, washer, and trigger in the process. My Arialbots are in the saddest shape of them all. I can find no accessories for them, nothing. My Silverbolt had a broken leg, and even that's lost. That's too bad, because I always thought that they were the best looking of all the combiners when in giant robot mode. The one I am most angry about is my Omega Supreme. I have all the parts, but my brother borrowed him for a college class when they were doing a project on kids toys; he then accidentally broke the back pack. Arrrrggghhhh!!! But he still works. If I put batteries in him, the lights will still flash, and he will still walk. I keep them out for fear of leaking and corrosion. What's the motto of this story: only you can protect your cherished childhood toys. Never leave them in the hands of your parents, or other family members (I love them, but sometimes, they can be really careless). If you store them, make sure you're the one who does it, and check on them regularly. Seal up the boxes, and put the accessories in ziplock bags.
  3. Really? Check out this fan-film ad from atomfilms. R2D2
  4. Can you say another one of those Gung-ho type male testosterone type Hollywood movie? Gerry Anderson wants nothing to do with this film? Good!
  5. Had to vote for Good Ol' Charlie Brown, though the real star of that special is Snoopy. (Loves it when Shroeder is playing his piano and Snoopy is dancing on it.)
  6. Speaking of ADV, how's their dub for Full Metal Panic? Good or bad?
  7. Wow, nobody mentioned "Laputa: Castle in the Sky" & "Kiki's Delivery Service" as having truly awful dubs. Come on, Kirsten Dunst is already one of the worst Hollywood actresses around, and she does the voice for Kiki? Arrrggghhh!!! I was trying to watch "Laputa" the other day with the gf. Since she is used to watching films in English, we watched the dub version. Eventually, she lost interest and fell asleep. (With the awful acting we were listening to, I can't say I blame her.) Then I switched over to the Japanese track. Much better. Why is it that Disney has to dumb down the voice acting for children. Do they actually think kids are stupid? On the other hand, the dub for "Spirirted Away" ("Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi") wasn't that bad. At least, they got a 13 year old to play Chihiro.
  8. Piece Of F#*&ing Crap What Huey Baloney. Ok, so I got stuck on the last three letters.
  9. I never noticed that one before. I just love artistic in-jokes.
  10. Hey guys, for those who are interested, episode 4 of M7 subbed by Anime in Action is now available on bittorrent. You can find it here.
  11. Well, I'm glad that I got rid of my RT DVDs recently, as this bit of news would have made it more difficult to sell them off later. But, that doesn't mean that I will buy this new set. What some people are saying is correct though, being told that there was no way that RT could be remastered and then remastering it after the fans have purchased the original batch is a new low for HG. I hope all this blows up in their faces.
  12. Man, that'd take a while to download. But, it would be better than the AVI fansub file I have, 727MB, but the subs, for a very strange reason, are blue for human speach and green for Zentradi speach.
  13. The system seems reminiscent of the Death Star. "It's defences are designed around a direct large scale assault. A small, one man fighter, should be able to penetrate the outer defence."
  14. That'll learn me.
  15. Nope, they're not all the same. One is the Animeigo set and the other is a "blechhh!" bootleg. The bootleg one is usually pretty cheap ( $40 - $70 range) and the Animeigo set usually brings at least $150. Make sure to look at pics of the product and compare it with what you see at Animego.com .
  16. Disney now has the rights to Totoro? Cool! I can't wait for their release of it. Fox never realized what a good thing they had.
  17. Actually, if king george just cleaned up the classic trilogy, and remixed the sound in 5.1 (6.1 for you DTS folk out there ), and then released it on DVD, I would be a happy camper. But, we all know that the main man himself knows better than we do about what we like and don't like, so I guess this is a waste of time.
  18. Now, that has to be the best laugh I've had all day so far. P.S. It really does blow about the game not coming over here.
  19. Same here about the Disney DVDs. The only thing wrong with them, and I mean the only thing, is that the Japanese track is never 5.1. Grrrr! Only on Mononoke was it 5.1.
  20. If this movie had been done 20 years ago, I might have had high hopes for it. But since it is coming out today with today's mentality of making movies, I think Asimov really would roll over in his grave.
  21. Mac 7 episode 3 subbed by AiA now released. Go here. Something's weird's going on. I'm stuck at 91%. Could everyone who downloaded it before me have gone offline already? This release is only a few days old. Edited to add that the download is now finished and that I'm leaving the window open. Yay! B)
  22. I also loved those Tachikomas specials. They were so funny. Ah well, we did have ten of them.
  23. You made the right choice. I use to have ME, and it was a POS. Always crashing, taking too long to do certain tasks. Since I switched over to XP, I rarely crash anything. The OS has crashed on me once in 6 months, and that's only because I overtaxed my PC with about 8-10 running programs at once.
  24. Where's our resident ass-kicking ace Quadrono pilot when we really need her? Help us poor souls please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  25. Well, I was just browsing the AiA webpage and found this bit of news. That's terrible. Hopefully, the water didn't do too much damage.
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