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The Shade

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Everything posted by The Shade

  1. Rogers has begun implememting a similar kind of "scare tactic". Their bandwith limit is set at 60Gb. While that would have been an enormous amount five years ago, today, that's nothing. It's like you say, they want you to pay extra for high speed, but only want you to websurf: yep, $45 a month, but it should only used it to make webpages load 5 seconds faster and not use it for anything else. I've found that I've been reducing my bandwith usage since this new limit was set in place, but I think that has more to do with my fiancee paying the cable bill. I just don't want to risk her wrath.
  2. Looks like that Clint Eastwood flick "Firefox".
  3. I just checked mine. Discs 6,7 & 9 each have a crack, and mine aren't from the original 9 disc set, but from the 3 sets of boxed sets. I don't think this is a result of poor handling, but rather, as Opus stated, a result of second rate manufacturing. Eventually, it would seem all our sets are goint to crack in the center.
  4. A correction has come out regarding the release. Each disc will be 125 min, not 250. Still pretty good though. I may check out this one.
  5. All the Robotech music you hear in the 2 disc OST they packaged a few years ago was made from scratch by HG and Co. And yes, it is very different from Macross. The music was changed in order to have musical continuity with all 3 RT chapters, while the 3 original series all have different music from each other (since they were unrelated). Personal observation: I always thought the music in RT sounded more American, and the Macross music sounded more Japanese. Anyone else ever have that feeling?
  6. If you're asking these questions because you plan on copying/pirating them, I"m afraid you won't find any help here. Most of us paid top dollar for them and they were worth every penny. Pirated versions would just be inferior.
  7. This is already being reported elsewhere, but since it didn't appear here, I thought it only fair to warn everyone planning on buying the GitS 2 Innocence DVD (Region 1) about the issue of the English subtitle track. First off: the DVD contains only a Japanese Language track (DD 5.1 & DD 2.0). OK, so most of us will be watching it with subs on. Here's the catch. The English subs are really Closed Captioned subs. That's right. You will not only read a translation of what the characters are saying, but you will also read *music*, *scream*, *vroom*, etc... For us fans in Canada who speak French, the French Language track in the Canadian release is a real subtitle track. But the English subtitle track is the same as the USA release. If you thought things couldn't get worse, the English subs on the extras are CC also. If you want to read a preliminary statement from Dreamworks, you can read it here .
  8. Ask and ye shall receive. Gits Special Edition DVD Me, I already have the first version that Manga released (english DD 5.1, Japanese Dolby Pro Logic II), but I'm still going to keep it for now, at least until someone on this board gives me a reason otherwise.
  9. Um, I think this really is a matter of interpretation, but it always looked like a spiral galaxy to me.
  10. The article also doesn't mention that McFarlane lost the rights to the Medieval Spawn and the Angela characters to Neil Gaiman, who had co-created them when he wrote the script for Spawn #8. Both characters had starred in various spinoffs series and mini-series. Neil Gaiman was looking for royalties for those characters and wasn't receiving them, so he sued and won. Yay Gaiman!
  11. I dunno, I like the Dogfight bgm more that the Breakout one, even though I first saw the English dub. I guess this is just the purist in me liking things more the way they were originally done than having to watch later modifications. Oh, and wasn't Manga's improvisation due to their having lost their master tape for the background sound for ep 4. Wasn't it a fire or some sort of carelessness?
  12. Eye catches are short snippets of animation that come just before a show goes to commercial break or comes right back from one. They usually just have a shot of the main characters or mecha with the series title splashed over the entire thing. If you bought the Animeigo Macross dvds, they did include the eyecatches. They were fun to watch as they lent a feeling of nostalgia and brought a greater sense of authenticity to a dvd compilation of a tv program.
  13. My $0.02 on the whole 1 trillion bit. For comparisson, in the Foundation novels, Trantor (which the SW Coruscant is based on) has a population of 40 billion. It's one big administrative planet for the whole galactic empire.
  14. TS3 is going to be like Terminator 3. Without James Cameron, T3 really blew. It will be the same with TS3 without John Lasseter.
  15. I never felt as if I was missing anything from the old RT dub. Each time I noticed something different, I just told myself that this was the right way to do it.
  16. I'm still trying to decide whether I liked it or not. It's just too tough. Maybe I just need to think about it some more, or just that the 2 year production time created a sense of unrealistic expectation. Azrael, where did you hear that M+ wasn't supposed to be part of Macross originally? After watching it, it's very clear why the UN chose to keep the events secret for at least 50 years: -don't want to world's population to know that they were willing to destroy an entire island to keep advanced technology out of enemy hands. -after the events of SDF-M, they are probably thinking that there are similar devices on other sub-protoculture worlds.
  17. Hi Gubaba. Don't want to impose on you any more, but would it be possible to have a romaji and translation of "Watashi No Kare Wa Pairotto"/"My Boyfriend Is A Pilot" Part 2? That is the one remaining song I would like to see a translation of; the others I would be ok without. Thanks in advance.
  18. I'm 4 time zones away . If you broadcast the meeting over a webcam, then I can be there in spirit.
  19. Yep, a few good series. While I missed both the 1st eps of SEED and Robin, I will continue to watch them both. I haven't yet caught SD Gundam, I'll try to make up for it next Friday. Bandai is releasing a limited edition boxed set of Witch Hunter Robin on October 26. There's nothing special about it. It's just a compilation of the 6 DVDs they released for the series. Off topic a bit: Bandai is also releasing a boxed set of Escaflowne. Both the series and the movie will be included. It will be priced at around $100.00 US. Oh, and Teletoon did run the entire 4 parts of Macross Plus. I have them on VHS from when they ran it at 8 P.M. during March break week in '98 or '99.
  20. Thanks Gubaba for that translation. Even though you said it was just a rough job, it's more than adequate for my needs: understanding what is being sung. This site had many of the romaji that I was looking for, but not many of the 3rd CD songs were translated. That's what I was really looking for. Like I said, after one and a half hours of googling, it was the best site I could find. Keep those translations coming.
  21. Hey guys, I'm looking for lyrics for the Macross songs that appear on the 3rd disc of Macross the Complete, specifically romanisations & English translations of those songs. I search the net last night for them, but after one and a half hours of googling, I only found one site that had romanisations of them. Also, I would also like to have translations for Tenchi No Enogu. I can't believe that there are no translations for that one. Thanks in advance.
  22. Just wondering about the first season restrospective 1 hour episode, the one where ALF loses his memory. After they'd first ran it, they changed a couple of things during subsequent airings. ALF's voice from the pilot flashback scenes was changed to the quieter voice it became later on in the series, not the original near-booming voice from the pilot. The second thing changed is how he lost his memory. The original version had him somehow shock himself while taking a bath. The altered version had him slipping and hitting his head on the tub. When you get to it, let us know which one you have.
  23. You can't. In the case of the ANBU-AonE release of M0, the subs are hard subs. That means that they are part of the image: they cannot be extracted.
  24. Actually, the T2 Ultimate Edition DVD had 3 versions of the film: the original theatrical cut, the special edition, and the Future Coda (alternate ending). One that I think is really going too far is Geneon's releases of Akira. The 2001 remastered version 2 disc set, the 1 disc set that followed, the 1 disc set with Japanese DTS 5.1 (the one I have), and coming soon, the Signature Series release. Sheesh!
  25. HG updated their article and have included a quicktime streaming video of "Pierre Bernard's Recliner of Rage". It's pretty good, especially Conan O'Brien's reaction.
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