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The Shade

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Everything posted by The Shade

  1. Robocop 2 & 3 may have been written by Miller, but what you saw on the screen bore virtually no resemblance to his screenplays. Ah, studio interference. How I loathe thee. Sin City may not have been a blockbuster, but it's still one of the best comic book movies out there. As for the 300 trailer, after another viewing, I've downgraded my approach to cautiously optimistic. The fx and the acting seemed to be a bit too cheesy to me. Maybe we're just seeing some very early post production work.
  2. I smell another Frank Miller winner.
  3. It's not just their old releases that can be messed up. Just look at the recent release of "Lupin III: The Castle of Cagliostro" special edition. In their infinite wisdom, Manga decided to replace the animation for the opening credits with a bunch of still images, just so that they wouldn't have to show the Japanese text during the credits, instead, showing English credits superimposed on the still images.
  4. I meant since "End of Evangelion".
  5. Well, I'm currently 2/3 into this show. The good: the mecha designs (even though they're seem to be a mix of M+ & NGE) The bad: virtually everything else. -The good guys - not really one likeable character in there. Everyone seems to be nothing more than a selfish brat. -The villains - are they really villainous? They seem more like bored people trying to pass the time. -The sexual innuendo - ah come on! Every time I see some hint of sex, I just roll my eyes, especially during the combining into Aquarion part -The story - only so-so. You can tell there's something coming, but they're just taking too much of their sweet time getting to it. I don't want to say that every show should be targeted at adults, but you'd think this show should at least be targeted at teens, but IMO, it seems to be more preteen. The show also seems to be heavily overdramatic at times. They're making David Caruso of CSI Miami look good. At 1/3 of the show, I decided to stop taking this show seriously, and start treating like a comedy/parody of the super robot genre. Since then, this series has been a bit more endurable.
  6. Is it just me, or are the flames on Primes body reminding me of "The Fast & The Furious"? Is Vin Diesel in this movie?
  7. This is Neon Genesis you're talking about: one of the biggest cash cows in the history of anime. Frankly, I'm suprised this wasn't done sooner. Will it be good or bad? Dunno. But, I can already see every NGE fanboy debating just how good these movies are going to be.
  8. What's coming out this fall is the American Voltron, English language only. (Voltron is like RT, a combination of seperate shows). Next year, the original Go Lion and Dairugger XV are coming out in their original Japanese language. The "dual language" you're seeing is probably just somebody who posted the ad incorrectly.
  9. So Keith, you're saying that the Remix versions contain the same video transfers as the originals? Well, I guess I will be keeping my originals, since I don't have a 5.1 sourround sound system. I would be curious to see a comprehensive list of all the extras for the Remix set though, just to compare.
  10. I just had either a horrible thought, or a very funny one. If this movie were to be a reboot/reimagined film a la Battlestar Galactica, would they follow their lead and change the gender of some of the characters? Can you imagine Kirk as a woman?
  11. Now, you have to wonder if whoever will be playing Kirk will speak in some... strange... patern... broken up... sentences.
  12. You know, by the time they release this thing, the animation is going to look awfully dated.
  13. D'Oh!!! I was drunk last night when I answered that. Proof positive that alcohol and message boards don't mix. Mr. Abominableble was all white and could speak. Gossamer was red and, as far as I can remember, was mute. Daffy's reaction to seeing Gossamer was classic though.
  14. That was the Abominable Snow Man. "Oh boy! Oh boy. Just what I've always wanted, my own wittle bunny wabbit. I will hug him and squeeze him and call him George"
  15. Either I'm blind, or missed it elsewhere in the thread. But, I noticed that a portion of the audio file's name has "DELAY 66ms". Does that mean the audio and video aren't synchronized? Is that already correct in the DVD Lab Pro project zip file? BTW, you rock.
  16. Hey ComiKaze, maybe you should remove or at least thumbnail that pic. Some of us are seeing this from the office, and this pic isn't exactly office safe.
  17. I'm getting the feeling that they just didn't want to have a clean sweep by Yoko Kanno. That, and these people have no taste.
  18. IMO, anyone who thought that Lucas wouldn't release the original OT versions really is a naive person. I didn't buy the SE DVD's 2 years ago, because I just knew deep down in my gut that George would release the Non SE in order to milk this franchise even more.
  19. Glad to hear it. I may get rid of my Mangled versions as well. How does the English dub sound? As grating as the Mangled dub, or much improved?
  20. Yes, but did he make chili out of the parents of someone he hated? 391145[/snapback] I'll admit it. I can't top that one.
  21. Naw, Megatron was more badass. He just took a hostage and then shot up his most hated enemy. He blew away Ironhide without even flinching. He convinced a gullible Earth that he was really a good guy, then enslaved them all. Galvatron, on the other hand, was just a big overgrown bully.
  22. Sweet. She's so good as faking it, she might make me believe that what I'm watching is actually good.
  23. No Jenna Jameson? As for men, I would have thought that Agent 1 would be playing all male roles?
  24. I just finished watching this series for the first time. Overall, it was good. I'd give it a B+. It was certainly better than Seed and Wing. It had likeable characters, interesting mecha designs, and good pacing (notbing ever really felt rushed). What I didn't like about it was that it seemed slow for the first 20-25 episodes. Only around episode 30 did things really pick up and you could tell this series was going somewhere. The last 4 episodes though felt like more like an epilogue. It seemed like the series should have really ended at episode 45-46 and they decided to add a few more eps just to stretch it out to 50. In a way, it felt like the last 9 eps in SDF Macross. The real story was over, but we'll extend the series anyways. Still, if this series ever becomes available in North America, I would buy it.
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