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The Shade

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Everything posted by The Shade

  1. I was thinking the same thing. The only explanation I can think of is that Blaster is just not as popular as Prime or Soundwave for that type of marketing gimmick.
  2. That pic at the end with multiple starcreams (G1, classic, Movie, Energon & Masterpiece) was a really good comparison shot. I think I would choose any of the others before the movie one.
  3. Phew! That was one crushing review. I haven't really seen too many reviews that were down on an "anime" as what I saw on ANN. A lot of stuff that was reviewed was already talked about here: not so good cell animation; so-so CG; sub-par acting; and what looked like, at best, a so-so story. All in all, a terrible blow to HG, and music to a lot of our ears.
  4. I know, I was just being sarcastic. And yep, the Beast Machine "I Am Transformed" was a bit over the top.
  5. Oh, are you saying the transforming sound in the movie is really some sort of Cybertron language that means "I am transformed"?
  6. Is it just me, or does Megs look like a pile of scrapmetal glued together?
  7. One thing I don't get though: while the producers have decided to go with different mechanical designs for the movie than G1 designs, you would think that they would go with a bunch of A-list stars to provide the voices, yet they seem to be going out of their way to get the original VA's from G1 to reprise their roles. To me, that's no really letting go of G1.
  8. I'm still not impressed. The acting still sounds really cheesy (like pre-2000 anime dub cheesy). The cell animation, while it looks ok, just isn't fluid enough.
  9. And who knows, BD & HD-DVD might end up being nothing more than the 2000's equivalent of Laser Discs.
  10. I looked at that trailer. I dunno. It didn't seem as if I was previewing anything extraordinary. The human characters had all the spotlight, there was even a hint of romance between the lead? male character and a female character; yeah, just what I want to see in a TF movie. The entire trailer seemed like it was nothing more than a build up for "something big". Unfortunately, we know what that something big will be: a big special fx laden fight scene at the end. Since it seems like this movie will probably last 2½ hours, let's hope it will be more than 2 hours of setup & humans gawking at the TFs with the final half hour nothing more than a fight scene. But, with Bay's track record, I think he will stick with the standard action movie formula, and stick in his trademark "very loud" soundtrack.
  11. I tried watching Trinity Blood. Couldnt' get past the first episode. Also, as soon as I saw the male lead character, I wanted to cry out "Vash the Stampede"!
  12. I'll echo that sentiment.
  13. The worst show I've seen lately was Sousei no Aquarion. Whom was this show aimed at? The overacting seemed to me to be aimed at 10 year olds, but the excessive fan service looked more it was for a 15-18 year old? I just don't know.
  14. Anybody know what they're saying over at RT.com? I'm too lazy to scoot over there.
  15. Oh man, does that CG look cheesy. Then again, so does the cell animation & the acting. The CG scenes just looked hard to follow: they just had too much movement. It also seemed that all the CG was just there as an attention grabber: "look at me, I'm CG". I'll probably still watch, but so far, this just doesn't seem like it was worth waiting 20 years. Oh, and that Janice android really does look like she could dethrone Mrs. Cartman on the cover of Crack Whore Magazine.
  16. I would like to see something as well, but I'm cautious after Zero didn't really deliver as well as I would have liked.
  17. Whew! I'm glad I skipped that. I had the Sentinels & EotC books at one point and just barely go through Sentinels. Before I could even force myself to start reading EotC, we had a yard sale & I decided to put them for sale. Sold the entire lot for $5. I wonder if the guy who bought them is still cursing me today?
  18. Until they decide to change it again.
  19. The pic's angle makes it seem as if the rebel fighters are about to be shot at by the TIE fighters. All while flying over planet Spongebob?
  20. drifand, that mod can only make me think of one thing to say: "Now witness the firepower of this fully armed, and operational MP SS!"
  21. Submit your line? This movie was doomed as soon as Michael Bay became attached to it. Now, they're just grinding it into the dust.
  22. As a fellow Canadian, did you catch "Bon Cop, Bad Cop"? Since I'm viewing this thread from work, I'll try to catch that trailer from home tonight.
  23. The purist in me is crying out blasphemy. But, I'm wondering why they're not going farther that just changing the effects and re-recording the music. Why not digitally remove & replace the sets, in order to have a better architectural continuity with Ent & NG? (I know this would cost a fortune, but what the hey!)
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