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The Shade

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    The Shade
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Skull Leader's Lackey (5/15)



  1. My copy of DYRL 4K has arrived. I only ordered the regular edition, so no poster for me. Still, a very nice presentation. I second a request made previously: if someone can translate the booklet, it would be greatly appreciated.
  2. I also have the 3 volume animeigo set. But, I replaced every case with easier to remove ones because the discs were also showing some cracking & I wanted to be able to remove them without further damaging them.
  3. Cautiously optimistic as well. I like that it doesn't go for grotesque grim dark.
  4. I'm seeing double. Two Sheryl Nome's!
  5. Beautiful. Is there a way to download full version of it?
  6. Mine also came in that same box type with only the bare minimum of paper for padding. I'm surprised there was no damage, despite it having to go through the US/Canada border.
  7. I received mine today. Like a lot of people are saying, it's very heavy and very big. I have not yet had the chance to open it yet, but I'm jokingly expecting a laserdisc set to be included in there. It's that big. I'm glad to finally have this.
  8. Preordered with the discount code. Thank you for sharing that.
  9. Since it finished at over 400K, Robert indicated that it had reached a next level stretch goal, but did not specify if this goal would be a physical or digital item. I'm not sure what I would want, but I know for sure I would want a physical item. Digital items tend to vanish.
  10. This thing was funded in less than a day. I think it's safe to say that Macross fans are out there.
  11. I've never participated in a kickstarter before, but was already planning getting on board for the MII kickstarter. If a one month delay results in an even better release, I'm ok with that.
  12. I just finished watching it. Overall, I liked it. I found, for this movie, that the dog fights were easier to follow then some of the other movies (Macross or otherwise). The music worked well. The songs were well placed for the scenes they were put in.
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