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Everything posted by SDF-ONE

  1. Seriously, nothing beats a genuine SK.
  2. Tokyo Hunter is offering a buying service for Alto's Super Parts. http://tokyohunter.blogspot.com/2008/11/ba...siah-super.html
  3. ZOMG. This is like déjà vu all over again! I only added this picture because I saw the following words flashing before me on screen: ANIME ACCURATE For a lot of fans this is probably the ultimate goal, but for a designer it might not be. In this case the official line art was not a drawing by mister Kawamori himself, but a CG model that was made by someone else (most likely). The CG model simply represents his design. If he gives instructions to the toy team to deviate from the CG model and make it more in line with his original vision, then that is his good right. Don't get me wrong, I am not defending the looks of this particular toy or the (..) craftsmanship that went into it. All I am saying is that anime accurate can be overrated (and designers are gods). Guess what I do for a living
  4. More information about the event: http://www.tepia.jp/exhibition/event/ws/tepia0811/index.html
  5. More info here: http://hobby.dengeki.com/news.php?2008/10/...b53b476746ae8d3 and here: http://www.tepia.jp/exhibition/event/ws/tepia0811/index.html
  6. This design is clearly an artistic choice. They had no restrictions since they are using part swapping. So, indeed why? Perhaps Kawamori had a change of heart? Perhaps he prefers the valk with a short torso and long legs? We can only guess. edit: I thought this might be interesting. It shows that the CG model is already an interpretation (for obvious reasons) of the sketch. The designer originally had something chunkier in mind... Oh no, not chunky! Sketch from Dengeki.
  7. Well it certainly seems like they were purposefully designed that way, so perhaps Bandai does not think of it as wrong. If you look at the Gundams, their leg-torso seems grow with each year. Apparently long legs are more attractive (abcnews), but by now Bandai has clearly overshot this ratio. Either that or they had orders not to deviate from the 1/60 DX too much.
  8. Gamu Toys has posted his review of the vf-25s: http://gamu-toys.info/gangu/pura/r3/mf02/mf02.html
  9. Hobby Search has pictures of the runners and manual. The visor is green this time. The canopy is still clear. And it is already sold out... http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10078336
  10. Me too. That's fast service from R10 two times in a row. Too bad it cost me one third more this time because of the crappy exchange rate.
  11. As far as I can tell he only reused the elbow joints and the hands from the VF-25. Can't wait to get this one as an official kit. As for a cast-off kit, would he not need to get copyright permission first? It is not an obscure model so Bandai will probably not be tolerant of illegal copies. Not sure how that works in Japan.
  12. I thought the MG Sinanju having its pelvis and skirt armor backwards was quite good. No wonder the suicide rate of business men in Japan is that high. The short neck is a reference to episode 26 where Ozma loses his car keys in mid transformation and searches for them inside his chest armor.
  13. A few more pictures of the VF-25S. Official release... tomorrow! Images from Bandai Hobby Center's Space Diary of the Captain
  14. I read that you can also tint canopies with fabric dye, in this case RIT (available in purple). In the thread below they use it on lexan (right?). I don't know if it also works on regular plastic. http://www.wattflyer.com/forums/showthread.php?t=8769
  15. Yep, that sums it up really well. Collecting toys is supposed to be fun. Certain people take their toys way too seriously. However I do believe the thread's subtitle was meant to be sarcastic. Here is how they deal with complainers at toyboxdx. Talk about OT
  16. It's the patchwork version of the Gundam Sazabi. http://www.neograde.com/shop/step1.php?number=573
  17. Thanks for the scans! True. I did not add the locking clip and the model stands just fine in battroid mode. There is enough friction on the mechanism. Now I can have it in Urkel mode or in anti-Urkel mode (and anything in between) without having to open the leg panels on the side. I prefer to keep it low, since I never liked seeing too much of the ankles. In the scans it seems like the ankles have been glued down. Wouldn't that seriously restrict the feet movement in battroid mode? Perhaps there is a way to move the ankles out? Not part swapping I hope. Could it be because he used Alto's version, not Ozma's? The trench in which the laser resides in fighter mode is longer on Alto's version than on Ozma's. On Ozma's they stop where the hinges begin. But then again the plastic is Ozma grey...
  18. In the latest Hobby Japan (December) it looks like they changed the head on Ozma. Scan by kunluinlmodel
  19. My guess is that the CG team heard that the plane had to fit two persons in there AFTER it had already been built. Extending the cockpit backwards is not possible. Extending it at the front is not aesthetically pleasing. Let's scale the pilot down then. CG magic! In the attention to detail series - I also noticed on your picture that the black stripes on the sides of the cockpit don't run all the way to the end of that part. On the Hobby Japan kit they corrected this. They did not add the tiny elevation on the stripe, which I think I prefer.
  20. Found this scan from the latest Hobby Japan magazine done by SRW. Does Wave simply not bother with hiding seams or is it still too early to tell from this model?
  21. I was watching the last episode and realized that I had totally forgotten that Alto also goes Full Armor. It would make sense that if Bandai decides to make the Ozma Full Armor they will also do this one - and include Michel's sniper rifle as well Speaking of which, Michel's sniper rifle does not seem to be able to transform... -just yet- I hope.
  22. A clear version of Alto. I guess it is to show off the frame. source: hobbystock
  23. And voila... a 1/72 ghost. You should make more of those cool wishes! That SMS base is cool too.
  24. Damn! And I hoped you would take all the blame for it anime52k8. Graham, I promise to better my life and added a big SPECULATION warning to the original post.
  25. My thoughts exactly. The smart thing to do is to include the super pack in a kit that has very few gimmicks (like the regular VF-171) to make it more desirable. If Bandai does decide to release a VF-25F with Super Pack then the regular VF-25F will most likely be dropped from the range. Of course they will try to delay this as long as possible.
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