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Everything posted by isamu

  1. I just wanted to commend Mr March for an excellent and well thought out post. I agree 100% and couldn't have summed it up better.
  2. I think you're wrong. The rip is by Thora and they're most definitely not "idiots".
  3. Awesome! Hey, what about Macross Plus? Any news on a BluRay release? There is a 720p torrent rip of it out there, so where did that come from?
  4. Awesome! Hey, what about Macross Plus? Any news on a BluRay release? There is a 720p torrent rip of it out there, so where did that come from?
  5. YIKES!!!! No brainer for me then. Although I probably won't preorder cuz I'm broke right now.
  6. Thanks. I'm still confused and trying to figure out the differences between the two editions. Are there any additional discs, whether CD audio or BD video, that come with Limited Edition, that is omitted from the regular Hybrid Pack edition? And can we be *assured* that were are no video feature/extras that will omitted from the regular Hybrid Pack that's included in the LE?
  7. If you follow a topic you will still not get any topic notification through your email. This was working for a while now, but with this new forum software it's broken again. Please take a look at this issue.
  8. I am late but can't tell you how overjoyed I am at this news!!!!! Simply incredible!!! Been waiting a freakin' LIFETIME for this announcement! It comes as a perfect time for me since I just upgraded to a 1080p front projector. Where's a good place to pre-order?
  9. Haven't lurking here so I am over a month late to this news. I am truly saddened. Met and interviewed him at AX1999 and would talk to him on several occasions. He was truly an anime icon. Can't believe it. Condolences and RIP
  10. A remake would NOT work simply because the voice actors are no longer in the business and are too old, and the va behind Hikaru is dead(RIP).
  11. I think he's a good character
  12. Well all I know is what I was told from man himself. I see no reason why he would tell me that if it wasn't true. Why he supposedly downplayed it to that magazine is anyone's guess. Perhaps he just wanted to remain extremely modest about the whole thing at that particular time.
  13. Well you guys can choose believe this or not I don't care: I was at Anime Expo when Ishiguro was there several years ago(1999 I think it was) and spoke to him *directly* about his involvement in SDF Macross. He told me *DIRECTLY* to my face that he co-wrote the show and that the *majority* of directorial input came from him. I am not lying and I am not here to bullshit you. This is what he told me while sitting together at the Mari Iijima focus panel. If any of you REALLY want to hear it from the horses mouth, I suggest you contact Egan loo and find out when Ishiguro will be coming back to AX. He has been there several times since then, and if you catch him at a focus panel or just walking around he will be very kind and open to talking to anyone about Macross.
  14. From everything I've heard and after talking to various people, I came away with the impression that this man: Noboru Ishiguro, was more responsible with coming up with the actual story and creation of SDF Macross than Kawamori was. It's hard to verify this assumption with 100% fact though.
  15. Is it me or does she resemble Mari with that style of hair cut? Looks quite different from when I saw her at AX last year
  16. Singapore looks like a beautiful city. I'd love to go there someday.
  17. Indeed, nice write up Gub. Cant wait to see the pics!
  18. If Tochiro's hunch is right, we *SHOULD* theoretically see some sort of announcement next year for the 30th anniversary. *fingers crossed*
  19. This is certainly an idea I can get behind
  20. 3 years later and still no word on a BD release. *shaking my farting head*
  21. well today is the 9th. anyone got any impressions or link to what he said?
  22. Exactly. Dang Tochiro why you guys get to have all the fun Brilliant write up and pics though man, thanks
  23. Hey Tochiro, do you have any new pics from the second day you can share with us?
  24. I can honestly say that just looking at those pics, I know I missed out on something special. Thanks so much for sharing those Tochiro. Sounds like you guys had a helluva time. One of these days I'll make it to one of those concerts.....one of these days.
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