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Everything posted by isamu

  1. Thanks everyone! I registered at Crunchyroll and plan on subscribing to their service later this year. The site and service look BANANAS! I had always heard mumblings about a few websites here and there that were offering streaming services, but never really explored them. The fact that Crunchyroll airs the shows almost instantly after it airs in Japan *AND* with English fansubs is AMAZING! I can't wait to check out the rest of Naruto and Attack on Titan. I'm curious though...is it possible to pay a large chunk of your subscription in advance? Like say, pay for two years in advance? I've always hated paying monthly fees and am more of a large sum payment kinda guy.
  2. Nice! Thanks Keith.
  3. Was just browsing their site and was surprised to discover that no where do they say whether their videos are subbed or not. Can anyone address this question? And if they are, how good are the subs?
  4. Hi guys. Just curious but isn't Attack on Titan a brand new anime being aired in Japan? If so, how are you guys watching it already? Is being fansubbed and uploaded somewhere the moment it airs or something? Also how many more episodes to go until the show is over? Is it just one season?
  5. Please allow this Shawn. I would like to get the Frontier Movies! Thanks in advance Plastik!
  6. Oh OK, well if that's true then that's great.
  7. Thanks for the reply. But I'm more curious about the quality of the English subtitles and whether they're up to par with official English translations?
  8. I was looking around and spotted some Naruto DVDs from Hong Kong. I know HK dvds are said to have subtitles that are hit and miss(Macross 7) but has anyone watched this set? How are the subs in this set or any other HK set for that matter? Are they good, passable, terrible?
  9. Hahaha. Yeah Tochiro's ballin' over there in Japan. Fortunately I've already had the pleasure of meeting Kawamori and Isamu's VA when they were here in the States so I'm not that jealous.
  10. All of them are great. Watch them all.
  11. Please God no. The Mango Dub on all four eps or no sale. Can't see myself enjoying M+ in English if it's anything other than that dub.
  12. Awesome interview for an awesome director. Thanks for posting.
  13. You and me both, brother. I bought a 1080p projector last April and watching this, as well as DYRL on it for the first time will be orgasmic.
  14. "Shut up and take my money" INDEED!!!!!!!!!!! Holy crap it's about TIME!!!!!!!!!! Been waiting for this for an ETERNITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh and I'll be the first to say it. The MP English dub is nothing short of exceptional! Haters be damned.
  15. Any of version of this with English subs?
  16. For me the best songs are those from Macross II. Hiroko Kasahara's voice is nothing short of mezmerizing.
  17. When you say "this" what exactly are you referring to?
  18. I agree with the OP's request. Please let us know when there's a good subbed srt file. Surprised the guys at Thora haven't released a fan subbed copy of the BR version of the film yet.
  19. FYI I met her and got her to autograph her CD for me at AX2010. She was really nice and even winked at me as I was walking away(no joke). I'd still take MS over her though
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