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Everything posted by isamu

  1. Why? All the games worth translating have already been ported over by their American/European publishing counterparts. I know a guy who plays nothing but import Japanese games and he says a lot of them these days are trash.
  2. Thanks guys. Much appreciate your courteous and candid answers. Very interesting info. Looks like they're not up to much these days. It's too bad about what you say regarding all topics turning into flame wars and people acting like dbags. I hope we can have a mature, adult oriented discussion about RT, without it turning hostile. I fully acknowledge the wrong doings of HG, but personally, a part me still likes Robotech and watch it occasionally. Obviously I like pure Macross a lot more
  3. I'm just asking because I never see any Robotech related topics in this forum and wondering why? I realize there's a lot of RT haters here but I'm just curious what Harmony Gold is up to these days, and what their plans are for the RT franchise? Are they still releasing RT-related shows? Do they have any plans to sell the rights to Macross in the near future?
  4. the bans were justified. seed was phenomenal.
  5. DAMMIT! I read the title as just "Macross Movie BD Boxset WITH ENGLISH SUBS!" at first and got all my hopes up
  6. Nah, it's been more like "GUUUUUUUUNDAAAAAAMMMM FEEEEEEEEEEENGAAAAAAAAA" and GUNDAM FAAAAAIIIITO....READYYYYYYYYY GO!!!!!!!!!! And of course singing the main OP theme of the first half of the series all day long, even on the toilet.
  7. Finished G-Gundam. One word.....PHENOMENAL Holy crap what a show!
  8. Sorry man but it's just that damn good to me. Not sure why its grabbed me so much but I've got 11 more eps to go and it's got me by the balls. Not saying 0079, Zeta, etc are bad...far from it....but for me SEED is just on a whole 'nother level. Those characters, those intense battles, that animation quality, those beautiful colors popping at me in glorious 720p, those Gundam designs....SEED is just, *gasp*... ORGASMIC!!!! Keep in mind I have to watch: G Wing 00 Unicorn
  9. Up to ep 30 in Gundam SEED and loving it to frakking bits! Best Gundam I've seen so far by a country frakking mile. Everything in the UC are jokes in comparison.
  10. Glad you're enjoying them Techno. I will be buying them as well, eventually. Need the cash first. In the meantime, I wonder if there are any fangroups currently working on a release?
  11. Yeah, I can't say I blame you. I don't get what's taking them so long either.
  12. Correct Gubbaba. Don't wanna tiptoe into that thread and be met with a slew spoilers. As for Gurren Laggan, hell yes I'm looking forward to watching that series big time! I heard it's one of the greatest shows that's ever existed! Better than Macross even. Just hope it lives up to the hype. I'm wondering if I should watch Gurren Lagaan or Death Note first? DN is another show people claim is right up there with best of the best. You know me guys, I like saving the best for last
  13. I thought it was very good! Especially the last movie. Lots of good character development and the tension between Char and Amuro was immense! Watched the first 5 eps of Zeta just now. So far it's...OK. Nothing too amazing and it's sorta hard to follow what's going on with all these new characters, but it's still too early to judge.
  14. Sounds good, thanks man. Wrapped up the 0079 Movie Trilogy yesterday so I'm ready to embark on the Zeta journey.
  15. Archer I appreciate the suggestion my friend, but I think Gubaba has a point. He's not the only one who's highly suggested I go from 0079 directly to Zeta and then to ZZ, while saving the OVA's for later(after CCA). Several other people have suggested this because of the fact that that's the way they aired, I think that's the way the creators intended the viewer to watch them. I have completed the first 0079 Movie and I loved it. I seriously can't wait to start watching Zeta! Seems like it's gonna a fun ride What are your thoughts on 00 vs Seed vs Turn A? Any one in particular you enjoy over the other?
  16. Your post falls in line with what another guy posted, so I'll go ahead and follow you guys' advice. He wrote... This sounds like a winner. Then after these, I guess I can go: Wing Turn A SEED 00 Unicorn Maybe G?
  17. Thanks for the replies guys...so just to be clear, you recommend I watch War in the Pocket but not until I watch Char's Counter Attack first? Or where should I fit WitP in the order? Ditto 08th MS team? Also where should fit SEED in the order, once I move unto the side-timeline stuff? This is so confusing LOL I have a feeling I should try and save SEED for last, since from what I've read, it's suppsoedly the absolute best in the whole franchise, and I usually like to save the best for last
  18. Thanks but damn...that's a lot of frakking Gundam. I don't have all the ones you listed Archer, so maybe I'll just go with Movie Trilogy 0083 Stardust Zeta ... Wing 00 SEED Turn A ...would that be OK?
  19. Hey guys, I'm not sure whether I asked this question already but in case I haven't... Can someone recommend the proper order to watch all Gundam series in? Here are the ones I currently have that I'm planning on watching... 1)Mobile Suit Gundam: The Movie Trilogy 2)Zeta Gundam 3)Gundam Wing 4)Turn A Gundam 5)Gundam 00 6)Gundam 0083 7)Gundam SEED Are these 7 shows *good* Gundam shows to watch? Are they listed in the recommended viewing order?
  20. That is why I asked which one do you think is more beautiful *ONLY* in terms of visuals go. Any anime can be compared if we're talking about visuals and animation style/imagery. If I'm not mistaken Anno-san also did some small work on DYRL.
  21. Such a beautiful song, and one I still cannot get out of my head after watching EoE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fw5acgqIHQE
  22. Yeah...End of Evangelion. The movie is such a mind rape but the imagery especially the second half is just pure thought provoking eye candy. Can you explain what "The Ideon: Be Invoked" is? And what is Anno Explosion?
  23. Which film between DYRL and EoE in your opinion, was more beautiful? I'm talking in terms of sheer imagery, animation, style, colors, etc? I just watched EoE and man, I must say it was pure eye candy, but still doesn't trump DYRL in my opinion.
  24. Finished watching Eva for the third time last night(original TV series not the movies). First time I watched it in about 5 years. Good ole Eva,,,same mind frakk it's always been I am wondering if the new remake movies are much better than the TV series, and are they worth watching even though the final 4.44 film is not out yet? When the hell is it coming out anyway?
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