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Everything posted by isamu

  1. Never mind it appears to be working now thanks. I hope you guys continue to keep these podcasts archived because I've never listened to them before, but will start as soon as I catch up with a couple more podcasts I'm listening to(sometime early next year). 90+ episodes is a lot of Macross discussion and I can't wait to catch up!
  2. What's going on with this website? It doesn't appear to be functioning properly. Every link I click on just takes to the top of the same page.
  3. Hopefully they release a Bluray.
  4. I just started watching Baccano! It's....quite interesting.
  5. WOW. Unfortunate. Looks like this situation will remain in limbo until my (non existent)grand kids have grand kids!
  6. Any word on if an official BluRay set of the TV series or DYRL is coming here stateside?
  7. Sigh....another concert I'll be missing since I'm all the way across the pond here in the US. Tochiro you better get some good pics and post them here my friend. I can't read Japanese. Who will be performing? Hopefully they'll release a Bluray this time.
  8. Thanks for the video. She's still looking good. I too had the pleasure of seeing her perform live at Anime Expo way back in I think '98 or '99, and then again at the Benni Hanna restaurant. She's a great person.
  9. Thanks so much for posting this Shawn! Hopefully someone will bring us a version with built in or embedded english subs. Also I would love to see Macross fastest Liftoff with English subs.
  10. Congrats to those of you who were to meet the legend himself. I was fortunate enough to meet him when he first attended AX way back in I think '00 or 99 or something like that. Got him on video with me calling him "God" lol
  11. OVER 9 MILLION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just watched Gurren Lagann for the first time and all I can say is ***W-O-W-Z-E-R-Z****!!!!! This show is absolutely phenomenal and blew me the frakk away!! How in the world did I sleep on this series for so long? After reading so much about Gurren Lagann I couldn't help but go into with high expectations and it actually exceeded them! The whole spiral race thing was brilliant and Simon is one of the most well written protagonists in any action show I've seen. Plus the action towards the end is INSANE! Some of the most kickass animation I've seen for the TV show. It left me breathless! Now....is Gurren Lagann as good as that *other* classic Mech series, Evangellion? I dunno... I'm honestly not quite ready to place it up there with Eva, because I love Eva so much. But what are your thoughts? Which show do you feel Studio Gainax hit the nail on harder? Which show do you personally enjoy more and which one was better executed in your opinion?
  12. Time for my next show and I'm having a hard time deciding which to watch first between Gurren Lagan and Death Note. Have never seen one episode of either.
  13. Finished watching Gungrave and man.....what a wild ride. One of the most underrated and under appreciated anime shows ever.
  14. Watching a show now called Gungrave. Absolutely phenomenal show so far. Thnk Goodfellas with a twist of Resident Evil. I already like it better than that overrated crapfest GitS SAC.
  15. I just finished watching both seasons of Stand Alone Complex for the first time. While the presentation and music was good, I have to say I came away a bit underwhelmed. While there were parts of the Laughing Man arc of the first GITS:SAC that was one of the best plots I've ever seen in all of anime. I can't say the same about the second season. It would be pointless to say that I began watching 2nd GIG with high expectations. I was expecting another incredible plot with fantastic action and either less filler or filler that was much, much better. I have to say that the filler was much, much better. But the real letdown was that the fantastic, fast-paced plot that made GITS:SAC a great anime was simply not there. In its place was a convoluted mess, filled with pointless episodes and altogether incredibly bland. The issue with the plot was this: there wasn't one for most of the story. Most episodes served to only minimally enhance the plot, and even when they did they only introduced plot points that became exceptionally handy later on. I do have to say that the quality of the filler got better compared to the first season, but the sheer amount of filler is simply inexcusable. When the plot finally did appear it was complicated without being particularly engaging or complex, plagued with pacing issues, and just generally mediocre. Not to mention that the ending was absolutely terrible. A tacked on ending that offers no closure that drives all of the emotional intensity that the writers managed to gather right into the ground. Another problem is with the characters. For the most part, the characters are nothing special. They're well done, as expected, but it's hard to care too much about any particular character. The standout(s), though, are the Tachikomas, who are funny, lovable, and awesome. While I do want to say that far to much time was devoted to "Tachikomas doing cute things", I still have to say that they are the best characters in 2nd GIG. Basically GitS SAC suffers from too much filler, too little plot. That's the key problem I have with the series. The entire show could have been shortened to 13 episodes without losing much of the plot or tension. The show drags itself from episode to episode desperately trying to keep you watching with mediocre teasers about where the plot's going. That being said, there are still some genuinely good filler episodes and when the plot finally does get moving it's still watchable. Combined with the Tachikomas contemplating the meaning of the universe, being lovable, and being awesome the experience is passable. At the very least, there are superpowered cyborgs shooting at each other. Overall Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex lacks a few key things. It lacks a solid plot, it lacks ways to tell what is filler and what isn't, and it lacks philosophy, mystery, or action strong enough to carry a plotless, poorly paced series. And without anything like that, all it is is simply a mediocre anime that fails to accomplish everything that it needs too. In closing, I'd recommend 2nd GIG to someone who has nothing better to watch or to someone who is desperately looking for cyberpunk anime. It's also worth watching if you've seen the first season, if only to complete the Stand Alone Complex continuity.
  16. I'm watching GitS SAC for the first time and just completed the first season. It's pretty good although nothing I'd call revolutionary or "SUPER CRAZY AWESOME" like some others have claimed. Makoto is badass as usual but I really don't enjoy the episodic nature of the show, and wish it contained one long serialized narrative. Hope the 2nd season is more serialized. I still consider the 1st GitS movie the best of anything GitS related.
  17. Man, Slam Dunk is getting REALLY good! Up to episode #36 and Sakuragi is finally able to stay in the first half of game without getting fouled out LOL
  18. I just discovered that Robert Woodhead, head of AnimEigo and the person responsible for the first Macross TV series release in the US, and someone who I've talked to in person a few times at Anime Expo, is the same guy who created the Wizardry games! Wow!! That's carzy! My mind is blown. Did anyone else know this?
  19. Amazon to start selling Macross DVDs and BluRays in the US CONFIRMED!
  20. I'm 17 episodes into Slam Dunk. Excellent show so far but WOW, I now see why this show never made it to the U.S. Talk about your stereo types
  21. Completed watching the Giant Robo OAV yesterday. It was just.....OK. Story was a bit all over the place but the action was pretty good. Don't really like the character designs though. I'm now 3 episodes into Slam Dunk and liking it quite a bit so far. Man those blatant stereotypes though
  22. Was there any kind of viewing events for anything Macross related on a large projection screen? Did you guys watch DYRL or anything like that? I know that's something they've done in the past.
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