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Everything posted by isamu

  1. That's encouraging to hear!! I am currently in the middle of rewatching my Mac7 Fx discs and I don't notice any compressions problems whatsoever. Those dvds look fine to me! The colors are beautiful and clarity is top notch! On a related note, Do you know who AHQ are???
  2. Hi Keith Vinny! Just wanted to let you guys know I got this response from Kerin from AnimeDiscount today: I think I will eventually buy the MI set, but not until the second half is done, being that I like to buy my anime series all at one time in one big chunk. I will also buy the official import Dragonbox, because I feel any true fan who going to buy the leggies, should also supoort the show by buying the original Box set as well. $1700 is NOT too expensive for a 300+ episode series, IMHO. Especially one that you truly enjoy! I wish Macross had 300+ eps. More dogfighting to watch
  3. Thanks for the response. I have a feeling the review homeboy over at DBZOA posted is blowing the subtitles issue out of proportion. Mispelling of names can be a big issue for some, but it's when the companiy's subs poorly mangle the dialog to the point where it detracts from the original story that I REALLY have a problem with. Let's take Fx's job of Mac 7 for example...yeah, plently of misspellings going on there, but I admit I actually chuckled the first time I saw "Perry Strands" for Planet Dance, and was more than able to follow the story. Only thing that irked me was everytime the character said "Protodevlin" and the subs read "Elka"...WTF? <_< Anyway I might give these MI sets a shot. But I'm still waiting to hear from Flores if he's gonna make his very own Fx set for sale. I'd be interested in seeing if he could come up with better ones that MI. For what it's worth, the majority of people posting over at the *DBZOA* site do not recommend the MI sets, in particular that Songoe guy. I wonder why? Are they THAT much of a purist? One other tiny thing... Taken from garfield3028's review Hmm, wonder if the pixelization issue is as big as an issue they're making it out to be....prolly not.
  4. Ooops! My bad. It seems Flora is selling the same MI box set. I was under the impression from your post that Flora has HIS OWN box set for sale. Has he indicated that he will rip them himself and add his own subs?
  5. Vinny. I am indebted to you. Thank you kind sir! Now... After having done some snooping around, I managed to bump into The DBZOA Message Boards and posted my quiery in THIS thread, to which MajinVejitaXV has posted a review of the first set that is unrelated to Import anime's web page, *HERE*. After reading reviews on both import anime's site and the review MajinVejitaXV posted, I am still on the fence on whether I will get MI's sets. It's good to know the video quality is almost up to par with the official Dragon Box, but I can't help but wonder how annoyed I'd really be by the sometimes mispelled names and grammatical errors. Anyway I will now take a look at Flora's site and see what he has. Any other sets you might know of floating around from other companies please feel free to inform me.
  6. O.K. Fist of all, I apologize to the mods for continuing to go OT in this thread, but I simply must know. Keith and Vinny...can you guys PLEASE kindly direct me towards a link where I may find these R2 HK releases of the first box set? A google attempt turned up nothing. Keith you said the R2s have blue and yellow cover art with Goku's face so I'm assuming you've seen them. Where did you get the info? Please post a link. Vinny. I'm assuming you've also seen them. How do you know MI has done them? And what other company has ripped them so far beside MI? Fx? Who is Flores? Does he work for MI? Does he have ripped R2 box sets as well? To the best of your knowledge, how good is MI's transfer and do they usually have good picture quality transfers on their releases? How is the quality their subs? Or should I look elsewhere since MI's version isn't up to par? I want the version with the absolutel BEST video transfer and english sub quality! Finally, can both of you, to the best of your knowledge, tell me approxiamately how much the sets are going for? Please either PM me or post the link! Pretty please with cherries on top!! I'm DYING to get this! B)
  7. If you can get FX to do it, more power to you! Well, I was just wishful thinking there for a moment. But do you know if they actually offer services where they will add english subs to R2 dvds? I am presently exploring the idea of having a third party company translate THIS for me.
  8. Damn you guys are just now catching this? Anyway the song is sung by Akino Arai one of Yoko's best friends. Akino is the one that actually says the line in question. There was an interview I read on some Akino Arai fan site where she said she was kinda reluctant to say that line(knowing exactly what it means), but because she enjoyed performaning the song as a whole and knew that yoko wanted it in there, she obliged.
  9. Ahhh good ole Mandango! frakking up everything they can get their hands on. Screw it, I'm gonna buy the R2 version of M+Movie and have a third party like Fx rip it to R1 and add fansub quality subtitles. Best solution I can think of. B)
  10. I actually used to own a Game of Death suit, as well as a chinese connection one
  11. http://www.cnn.com/2003/WORLD/asiapcf/east...pan.earthquake/ Anyone else hear about this quake that just now occured in the island of Hokkaido? Hope there wasn't too many people hurt or killed
  12. I love all kinds of movies...except slow, drawn out yawn fests. My favorites... 1-Scarface 2-The Shining 3-One Flew Over the Cookoos Nest 4-A Few Good Men 5-8 Million Ways to Die 6-JFK 7-Enter the Dragon/Game of Death 8-Reservoir Dogs 9-Pulp Fiction 10-Full Metal Jacket ...and various Kung-Fu movies you probably never heard about
  13. Get them *HERE* I just wanna go on record and say that this is the fastest, smoothest, silkiest, deliciously looking games I have ever seen! OMFG this is without a doubt GOTY!!!! Honestly gentlemen...after watching these vids, how on EARTH can you look at PGR2 and get excited at all? PGR2 looks sooo frakking last gen it's not even funny! I watched the PGR2 vids and couldn't help but beg the question..."Is THIS what all the hoopla's about?" 30fps, lack of force feedback and, what I gathered from the vids, lack of good sense of speed. Then I watched these Out Run 2 vids and thought..."*SIGH*, this is the game I've been waiting for, the Sega we all know and love from the late 90s." Smooth as a baby's butt and fast fast FAST! This game sooo reminds me of the beautiful Super GT that I can't help be reminded of how far my jaw dropped back in 1996 when I first saw the game. Out Run 2 is going to frakking RAWK on so many levels it's laughable! PGR2...you have officially been OWNED!
  14. Anime Games(especially driving games) Listening to music watching and collecting DVDs ...etc.
  15. I'll only watch it if George Romero, Stephen King or Stanley Kubrick directs.
  16. Gasp!!! I haven't watched this film in AGES. And now I've just completed watching the box set with all four films. Superman is the QUINTESSENTIAL superhero movie! There is no other superhero movie that can touch it! Batman? Spider-man? Blade? Halk? Daredevil? BOW THE frakk DOWN!!! Richard Donnar took this project back in 1978 and did the IMPOSSIBLE! He made a film about the baddest superhero in the world and made it great and CONVINCING! Christopher Reeve frakking NAILED the role! I mean...the guy IS the man of steel! There is no other actor that can pull off this role! If the rumors of a remake is true, then they are making a critical mistake IMO. I would honestly rather see them take Chris Reeve and CGI him to make him walk and fly again than to see some retard take the role and mangle it! All the sequels are fantastic too! II had the badass villians and saw Supes give up everything for the one he loved, with a uber cool kickass climatic battle at the end! III had a fun lighthearted plot with the help of Dick Pryor and we got to see Supes get all lazy and crap! Oh and when he fights himself at the junkyard that was my absolute FAVORITE scene when I was a kid! IV is the only one I was kinda meh about though. Anyway Superman The Movie, and the quadrilogy as a whole, is the best comic book to film adaptation ever!! LEAVE THE FRANCHISE ALONE DAMMIT!
  17. Umm, because AM Vision shits all over Psygnosis, and Toshihiro Nagoshi is the same gentlemen that is responsible for Daytona USA, Super GT and the Sega Rally series. I give WipEout its props, but it doesn't hold a candle to F:0.
  18. Its a special special box set. It will come with 4 movies and tons of extras. It will include the newly released Alien:Directors Cut (you can see the new scene in your set under deleted scenes), Aliens DC, Alien 3 with tons of new footage, and same for Resurection. It is rumored the box set will come with close to 9 DVDs.... meaning we will get like 5 DVDs worth of extras. Its going to be the collectors edition of your already collectors edition box set.... more like the Directors cut collectors collector edition. B) Make it double platinum signature series too.... just to justify paying for the same thing again. Thanks for the info. Price?
  19. What the heck's going on? I already HAVE the Alien box set, as of three years ago! What...are rereleasing a new box set again? What for?
  20. I think it's safe to say it flopped
  21. Hey Abombz!! if I buy you one of these will you marry me?
  22. What is Otogi and Disgeae? Oh and is anyone playing with the Logitech wheel? Impressions? Otogi is an Xbox game made by the same ppl who did Armored Core. You are basically this demon brought back to life... and you have to go through levels in a tone down Dynasty Warriors type game. Everything is destroyable... and you can throw enemies through houses and what nots. Disgaea is this really cool anime style strategy RPG. It has this really deep Final Fantasy Tactics style job system.... and the ability to level up to level 10000. Otogi is an Xbox game and Disgaea is a PS2 game. Damn that's cool. By the way what do you think of Steel Battalion and that big ass controller for PS2? I read that Namco is thinking of making their next Ace Combat game compatible with that thing!
  23. What is Otogi and Disgeae? Oh and is anyone playing with the Logitech wheel? Impressions?
  24. Can you elaborate on why you don't like this version?
  25. I have to agree. I had a Gravis Gamepad like three years ago and hated it! Best solution is to get a psx to PC converter...but don't get the usb one, get the parallel port one...less conflicts.
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